Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 932: She doesn't want him anymore (3)

Lu Chengfeng stood still tottering and waiting for a long time.

Lin Man stood in the distance watching him silently and accompanied him.

Chi Xiaowan couldn't help but feel resentment in her heart, "You don't have to wait any longer. As I said, Lin Man has already left. If you don't want you, you don't want you. Even if you die here, she won't show up to take a look at you."

"Chengfeng, can't you see clearly? The person who really loves you is me, only me."

Lu Chengfeng turned to look at her, "Chi Xiaowan, now I really regret taking you in back then."

"You said you regret taking me?"

Chi Xiaowan repeated one sentence in disbelief. She didn't expect that she had been with Lu Chengfeng for so many years, caring for him for so many years, but in the end only one sentence of regret was returned.

And all this is because of Linman, it was Linman who broke their peaceful life and took away everything that belonged to her.

"Yes, I regret it, Chi Xiaowan, no matter what you do, whether I am alive or dead, I will never be with you." Lu Chengfeng said firmly.

"Lu Chengfeng." Chi Xiaowan was anxious.

Lu Chengfeng no longer glanced at her, nor said anything to her. I don't know how long it took, and it seemed that after finally determined that Lin Man would not appear, he walked hard towards the distant ward building.

With a strong sigh of relief, he walked into the ward building with some unsteadiness. Seeing the oncoming nurse, he reached out and grabbed the nurse's arm.

"Call a doctor..."

Without even saying a complete sentence, he fell straight down.

The hall downstairs suddenly became chaotic. The little nurse yelled to the surrounding doctors and nurses, and together they lifted him into the emergency room.

Lin Man chased Lu Chengfeng into the ward building behind him, not daring to get too close to him, and stumbled all the way into the ward building lobby, only to see the doctors and nurses making a noise, lifted Lu Chengfeng to the emergency room.

In an instant, his legs became weak, and he was almost unsteady even standing.

Lu Chengfeng’s parents quickly received the notice and rushed to the emergency room. The two sideburns were white. The old man over half a century seemed to be much older in an instant. Faced with the disease that would take his son away, they could only stay helpless outside the emergency room. Shed tears.

Even Father Lu, who had always been determined, turned his eyes red, and while comforting his wife, he turned around and wiped the corners of his eyes secretly.

Lin Man guarded the distance, silently accompanying them to tears.

Fortunately, the first aid time was not very long. After dozens of minutes, the doctor pushed Lu Chengfeng out of the emergency room.

"Doctor, how is my son?" Mother Lu hurriedly got up and grabbed the doctor's arm and asked anxiously.

The doctor’s expression was very serious, "I told you before that the patient must maintain a calm state of mind, and don’t let him get angry. Excessive emotions can easily cause the lesions in the body to accelerate. His original condition is already very bad, this time It also speeds up the rate of cytopathic changes. According to the current situation, there will be at most one month left."

"The next treatment will be even harder for him. The family can now consider whether he wants to continue the treatment or let him go back and spend this time more easily."

These words are equivalent to directly sentenced Lu Chengfeng to death.

Mother Lu's eyes turned black, and she fell straight to the ground.

Lin Man felt as if he was struck by a muffled thunder, his legs were weak, and he fell directly on the ground.

How can it be possible in less than a month?

Didn’t Chi Xiaowan say that she had found a way to save Lu Chengfeng?