Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 981: Impact Oscar (4)

At that time, she was still a young artist of the 18th line, and she played a female No. 5 in Ye Wuge's movie. After two years, she had actually stood on the Oscar stage.

As previously speculated by the media, Promise won the Best Screenplay Award without any suspense with "Lovers in Time".

Promise that this is the first time to come to the Oscar to receive an award, and the audience burst into applause.

However, Promise’s acceptance speech was a simple and rude example, and he stepped down directly with a thank you.

It was a miracle that she was able to participate, and no one in the court was dissatisfied with her.

With the continuous progress of the award ceremony, after several performances, the atmosphere in the venue became more and more heated, and soon it was the time for the best director award.

An Ziqi couldn't help being a little nervous, and even forgot to be awkward before, turned to look at Ye Wuge beside her, and subconsciously grabbed Xiao Moli's hand.

Xiao Moli smiled helplessly. Oscar is the highest honor in the entertainment industry. For such an important award, if you change someone, come and ask him early, and as his mother, I want to know in advance. A little wind is easy.

However, An Ziqi never asked him a word from beginning to end.

I don't even care if I won an award or not, and I'm not nervous. Seeing Ye Wuge's award at this moment, I am very nervous about it.

Xiao Moli felt that he was a little jealous.

Ye Wuge was calm, sitting in a chair leisurely, turning his head to look at An Ziqi and smiling, "Are you ready for the acceptance speech?"

An Ziqi looked at him puzzledly, "I should ask you this, right?"

Turning his head and looking around, he gathered up to Ye Wuge's nervous whisper, "Dao Ye, are you sure of winning the prize?"

"No." Ye Wuge shrugged, his tone didn't show that he cared very much.

"Where is your confidence?" An Ziqi teased him.

Ye Wuge smiled and shook his head. Whether or not he can get an award is related to many factors. Sometimes winning an award requires some luck in addition to strength. Just like some people in the entertainment industry, they have good looks and good acting skills, but they can’t be popular. Method.

As for luck, An Ziqi never lacks.

The nominated film was playing on the big screen. An Ziqi took a deep breath and turned to look straight ahead. When she saw Ye Wuge appear on the screen, her heart was hanging even higher.

The presenter took out the card in his hand and said to the microphone in front, "The one who won the Oscar for Best Director this year is..."

Speaking of this, I deliberately sold it.

An Ziqi stared at the award-giving guest on stage closely, not even daring to take a mouthful, for fear of missing a word.

""Lover in Time" Ye Wuge, let us congratulate him with warm applause and win the first Chinese Oscar for Best Director."

An Ziqi immediately got up excitedly and gave Ye Wuge a firm hug, and said excitedly, "Congratulations, Dao Ye."

Ye Wuge smiled and patted her on the back, then turned to the stage. He fluently expressed his acceptance speech, and then cooperated with the host to accept a short interview.

The best director award is followed by the best male lead and the best female lead, and the award ceremony is also coming to an end.

An Ziqi didn't expect to win the prize when she came, so after Ye Wuge accepted the prize, she became a little absent-minded. Li the watch on the wrist.