Daddy Fantasy World Restaurant (A Stay-at-home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World)

Chapter 905: Give me life

Chapter 905 gives me the continuation of my life (page 1/1)

"It's the big lion that can only fly!" Amy's eyes lit up, and some surprises shouted.

Originally, the gryphon who was excited to see McGonagall saw Amy’s words. It was like a lightning-like figure that began to slow down. Then he fell on the cliff and took a circle. He re-flyed. Get up, stop at a height of a dozen meters, look at Amy with a look of suspicion, like watching a terrible person, but some want to approach.

Meg was surprised and wanted to laugh, such a big guy, did not expect to be scared by Amy?

"Azi, come down." McGonagall raised his head and shouted at the purple lion.

"Oh..." Azi looked at McGonagall and looked at Amy again, carefully descending.

"Azi? This name is so cute!" Amy’s eyes groaned, and she looked at McGonagall with some curiosity: "Father, do you know it?"

"Well, an old friend." Meg smiled and nodded. He looked at the purple-striped gryphon of the dog. He couldn't help but laugh and laugh. This way and pulling the wind, he couldn't hang it at all. The tearing demon's mighty appearance, but like a two-handed voice, the voice aggravated a few points: "Azi, come down!"

After smashing in the air for a while, the purple lion scorpion still fell on the cliff. Although he watched Amy with some vigilance, he still couldn’t hold back his head and sneaked at McGonagall. The shoulder is like being in a hurry.

"Wow, oh, I want to touch Azi’s head.” Amy’s eyes lit up the little stars, and stretched out her hand to reach Azi’s head.

But before I waited for Amy's little hand to reach, the purple lion licked her head and shrank her head back, licking her eyes and looking like she was about to be murdered.

McGonagall looked at the purple lion scorpion, still didn't know why he was so afraid of her, and comforted: "Azi, this is Amy, my daughter, very kind."

"Little Azi, hey, put your head over and touch me." Amy looked at the purple lion, and then took out the one-man high-man wizard, and smiled: "Otherwise, I will blow you up." The dog's head."

The purple lion cub was frightened and handed over his head and reached directly to Amy's hand.

"Oh." Amy reached out and touched the trembling head of the purple lion, and the smile on her face was as bright as the light shining on the wizard's staff.

McGonagall: "..."

It was not the usual routine to meet for the first time, but McGonagall watched the trembling, and began to show a purple-haired gryphon with a look on his face, and his face was smiling.

Although it is not clear what makes Amy so deterrent in Azi's heart, it seems that the problem is not big.

"Father, isn't you just commanding Xiao Ai to kill those bad guys?" Amy touched Azi's furry head and looked at McGond with curiosity.

"You can say that." McGonagall nodded.

"I said that my father is very powerful, even small pets are so powerful." Amy's expression was a little excited, but soon sighed again: "But... the ugly duckling is too fat, even if it turns into a white swan." That must be the super fat white swan, the one that can only be rolled on the ground."

McGonze imagined the picture, the thicker the smile on his face, put Amy on the ground, and took out two sets of black clothes from the bag. "We are going to kill all the bad guys now, then Save the people they caught, but the real hero is never letting others know their true purpose, so we need to pretend."

Amy’s eyes lit up and curiously asked: “Like those legends? A hero with a mask saved the people in trouble, but did not leave a name.”

"Yes, so all the things we do today can't tell the third person except us, and we can't make any sound in the battle." McGonagall looked at Amy and looked seriously: "Can you do it, little hero Amy?"

"I can!" Amy nodded seriously.

"Good, then let's go." McGonagall put a black trench coat on Amy, then put on her a small black and white mask, and then put all her gear on, holding Amy Jump. Got the lion's back.

"Let's go, Azi, go to the old nest of those guys." McGonagall patted the lion's back.

"Get off!" Amy opened her hands and cried happily.

The gryphon's wings fluttered into the sky, and disappeared without a trace. Only one horse trembled on the edge of the cliff, but was tied to a horse that could not escape.


At the bottom of the basin, the people of the Grey Temple are studying the crime scene, trying to find some useful information from these bodies and black ash, and others are dealing with the collapsed cave entrance.

And Bradley and several members of the Grey Temple were inquiring about the Rose Mercenary. They were the witnesses of the event and the first people to survive under the murderers.

"This adult, the specific situation is that we just said that the escaped demon got into the cave, but the hole has been collapsed by a purple lion with a thunderball, whether it was hit by that one Killing, or escaping from the cave, we don't know. But the interior of these caves is very empty, and many of them are connected to each other. If he has escaped, I am afraid it will be difficult to catch him." Dennis looked Bradley said, recalling the scene just now, there is still some lingering fear.

Brandley nodded. "It's hard, here we will all deal with the Grey Temple. You will go back to the city of chaos first. If necessary, you may need some cooperation investigation."

"Well, it is about the safety of our mercenaries. We will definitely cooperate." The people nodded solemnly.

"Here!" There was a sudden exclamation from the excavation cave. The combatants quickly stepped forward. Soon, a demon who was blackened by the thunder and a smoker in his mouth was tied by a number of binding ropes. Lifted out, the leg was broken by a boulder, and it was dying.

Brandley stepped forward and looked at the devil's cold and cold road: "Continue to save me, then open his mouth and ask where their resident is hiding."


There is a big mountain about 30 miles west of the basin. The west side of the mountain is a nearly vertical cliff. The opposite side of the mountain forms a misty canyon. The thick fog covers the entire canyon. To the slightest figure.

At the bottom of the canyon, there is a dense tree. For thousands of years, few people have been disturbed. Several people are surrounded by thick trees.

A purple lion cub fell quietly outside the canyon.

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