Daddy Fantasy World Restaurant (A Stay-at-home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World)

Chapter 909: Alex God is coming

After repeatedly confirming that no one was nearby, the purple lion cub dive down and landed on the edge of the cliff.

Meg, who had already replaced the black robe, held Amy and jumped down the lion's back. He reached out and touched Azi's head and smiled and said: "Go back, Azi."


Azi shook his head, and some looked at McGonagall, as if he was spoiled.

"Go back, Azi." Amy reached out and took a look at Azi's head, and said it.

Aziz flew into the sky, and they circled around McGonagall, and they pulled up and disappeared into the sky.

"We should go back too." McGonagall regained his gaze and held Amy on the horse's back. He reached out and calmed the horse that was scared by the Griffin and rode his horse to the direction of the city of chaos.

"Father, you are very powerful. In addition to cooking, you are also bad at playing bad guys." Amy looked back at Meg, as if she had discovered the New World, and her face was full of adoration.

"Well, in fact, my father has another identity, but because there are too many enemies, I can't let others know now. Today's thing is the secret between me and Xiaomi. I can't tell a third person." Meg smiled. Looking at Amy Road.

"Does the secret between me and my father? That millet also has a secret!" Amy’s eyes lit up and she said, "I will definitely keep this secret!"

"Oh." McGonagall touched her head with a smile.

“叮! The restaurant has been upgraded! The store expansion has been completed. According to the host requirements, the second floor accommodation area has also been upgraded accordingly. The host of this month’s elephant restaurant has been used. Please return before the 10th of next month. The debt is owed." The sound of the system sounded in McGonagall's mind.

“How about overdue?” McGonagall asked curiously.

"Overdue payment will reduce the host's credit score, while reducing the host's elephant food quota, and will also affect the host's credit." The system is serious.

"Of course, the system has introduced a system of food stalls intimately, can't afford food? It doesn't matter! 12 months of low-interest installment repayment, to help you easily repay." Then the host said briskly.

McGonagall said, "You won't be copying people's flowers?"

"Everyone is doing finance, how can they say that it is copying, learning! Learn from it!" The system seriously stressed.

McGonagall turned his eyes, too lazy to continue to manage the system of various investment, the ghost knows what his so-called investment project is a ghost, a bookmaker and a player's game, how to play can not be him Make money.

Riding the horse into the city of chaos, McGonagall took Amy to a mercenary guild, and did not see the people of the servant group, so he could only entrust a mercenary guild to be responsible for the uncle of Ma Rong and let him tomorrow. Return the horses to them when they see the Rose Mercenary.

The horse is a very important partner for the mercenary. The McGonagall bicycle is equipped with a gryphon, and there is no need for a horse to travel. Therefore, the idea that he had thought about buying a good horse was cut off by him.

This is a good horse to burn a good car and burn money. As a milk dad who has been paid in, he has passed that age.

Moreover, is there a mount in the world that is more windy than the purple lion?

When McGonagall came out of the guild, a group of mercenaries were talking loudly at the door.

"Is it heard? Today, another mercenary group was attacked near the Giant Valley. Does anyone know what the situation is?" asked a fat mercenary curiously.

A middle-aged man with a goatee coughed a bit: "I heard that, just at noon today, I rushed to see the fun, but when I arrived, the scene was blocked by the Grey Temple, but I I heard the exact news, this time the murderers failed!"

"Failed? Those guys have never lost their hands during this time?" The mercenaries heard the curious look at the goat Hu mercenary.

"There was no failure because they were lucky before, but this time they didn't have such good luck, because they met Alex. When they were murdered, Alex God descended and took the slag. One sword is completely destroyed, and none is left." The voice of the goat Hu mercenary increased a few points, with a bit of contempt.

"Alex!" The mercenaries were shocked, and then their faces showed a bit of sorrow. If those guys really met Alex, then naturally there is no possibility of survival.

"It is said that when Alex was coming, one hand held the thunder, one hand waved a long sword, and between the electric and the flint, they took the dog thief's dog life. That scene is just a dream." "The goat servants are more excited and more excited, as if they were at the scene."

Just to the side of the McGonagall can not help but laugh, hand to thunder? When is he the king of thunder and lightning? This brother really should pull out the electricity, so that he can be awake.

The goat Hu mercenary turned his head and looked at McGonagall. His face was dignified: "What is this little brother you laughed at? Alex is a great help for our mercenaries! You must learn to respect and respect the strong. Because of them, our mercenaries can continue to go to the wilderness to do the task."

McGonagall nodded a little bit strangely: "Well, it really should be respected."

"That's right." The goat Hu mercenary nodded with satisfaction, then turned to continue to brag.

McGonagall took Amy through the Grand Place in front of the guild. Almost all mercenaries were excited to discuss Alex's shots. Various magical suspense versions emerged in an endless stream. As a witness, McGonagall felt that Give the pen to them to write.

"Father, are the people they said you?" After leaving the mercenary union, Amy grabbed a finger from McGonagall and looked up at Curious with curiosity.

"Maybe it is." McGonagall shrugged, but he didn't know the guy who was holding the lightning.

"It's so good, they all adore you." Amy's eyes were bright, and her face was full of glory.

When I returned to the restaurant, it was already in the evening.

"Father Dad... Did someone change our restaurant?" Amy stood at the door of the restaurant and looked at the Mimi restaurant, which had doubled her face, and exclaimed.

"It was the father who was looking for someone to renovate. Because there were too many guests, the original size had no way to sit down." McGonagall looked at the expanded storefront, and his face was also a bit scared.

The decoration style has not changed, but the relatively simple two-story building originally built next door was completely changed by the system. In the same style as the restaurant, the floor-to-ceiling glass was also installed, and the middle wall was opened and thirty-two tables were placed. However, between the table and the table, a row of brown wooden railings was added in a row, and some small and delicate green plants were hung on the top.

