Dahan Technology Empire

v1 Chapter 153: , Nuclear fusion

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Now that we have our own small kingdom, we naturally have to do a lot of work. Many experiments that we did n’t dare to do now, now we want to do it!

Future bases and scientific research areas, many of which were previously subject to various restrictions in the country, are afraid to carry out experimental equipment and devices are quietly underway here.

A relatively remote place in the scientific research area, an experimental building with a size of ten basketball courts, the roof of the building is all green optical boards like Buddha circuit boards.

The trees around here are not like other places. They are tall and dense. All the trees above a certain height are cut down!

And here is also full of Liu Qingquan's layered elemental force matrix, and the energy fluctuations of the law matrix are extremely obvious.

This is led by Liu Qingquan, level 3 scientists Jiang Zhipeng, Mo Qingming, and genius Chinese scientist Bruce Lee from overseas, with more than 200 level 2 scientists, 600 level 1 scientists, and 200 top-level construction engineers. Luxurious and huge scientific research team design and complete together!

This is the laboratory that Qingquan Technology uses to study nuclear fusion!

Yes, Qingquan Technology has directly passed the process of nuclear fission research and directly launched nuclear fusion research!

Nuclear fission and fusion are two completely different research topics. Nuclear fusion, also known as nuclear fusion, refers to the interaction between atomic nuclei by small mass atoms, such as deuterium and tritium, under certain conditions (such as ultra-high temperature and high pressure). Polymerization, a form of nuclear reaction that produces neutrons and helium 4 and is accompanied by huge energy releases.

There is huge energy in the nucleus. According to the mass-energy equation e = mc ^ 2, the static mass change (mass loss) of the nucleus causes the release of energy.

If it is changed from a heavy nucleus to a light nucleus, it is called nuclear fission, such as an atomic bomb explosion; if it is changed from a lighter nucleus to a heavier atomic nucleus, it is called nuclear fusion, such as the energy source of the star's continuous glow.

Compared with nuclear fission, nuclear fusion has much less environmental problems such as radioactive pollution. For example, the nuclear fusion reaction of deuterium and tritium can be directly obtained from seawater, and the sources are almost inexhaustible, so it is an ideal way to obtain energy.

In addition, for the people of Qingquan Technology, it is still very simple to obtain the raw materials for nuclear fusion, which can be extracted from seawater, but the heavy nuclear materials required for nuclear fission, such as uranium or plutonium, cannot be bought with money. To, and the purchase of these materials will certainly be found by other countries.

Therefore, everyone from Qingquan Technology decided to start nuclear fusion research directly!

Nuclear fusion has great advantages over nuclear fission. The first is that the aforementioned raw materials must be obtained more easily and easily. The global reserves are amazing. There is still a large amount of he3 on the moon. Second, the energy released by nuclear fusion is higher than nuclear Fission releases much more energy, and the reaction exergy effect is extremely high. Theoretically, only the energy released by oblique and antimatter annihilation is higher than it; the product is non-polluting, does not have radioactivity, and many other advantages!

Since nuclear fusion has so many advantages, why is there no nuclear fusion reactor in the world that is actually put into use? You know, there are hundreds of nuclear fission power stations worldwide.

Nuclear fusion has its own natural limits, and this limit has plagued the scientific community for more than half a century!

The reaction conditions required for nuclear fission are very weak, and natural uranium ore can decay under natural conditions at normal temperature. However, compared to the process of nuclear fission, the most troublesome reaction condition of nuclear fusion is that it requires instantaneous high temperature of 100 million degrees to cause nuclear fusion reaction, and such a high temperature cannot be achieved by traditional heating methods.

When mankind developed hydrogen bombs, he gave a solution to this problem: detonate hydrogen bombs with nuclear bombs! That is, the temperature of the nuclear fusion reaction is obtained through the detonation of the nuclear bomb, which causes the nuclear fusion to cause the hydrogen bomb to explode. Therefore, there is a small nuclear bomb inside the hydrogen bomb.

However, such nuclear fusion is uncontrollable. It can only be used for destruction by human beings, and has no other purpose. To truly control nuclear fusion in the same way as nuclear fission, two major obstacles need to be solved. !!

First, how can the raw materials for nuclear fusion be heated to such a high temperature? The temperature required for nuclear fusion is up to hundreds of millions of degrees!

Second, what do you use to heat nuclear fusion materials to such a high temperature? The high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees is enough to match the temperature of the sun, and it can melt everything!

The research on nuclear fusion of human scientists started in the 1950s of the last world. The first definitely must be a hydrogen bomb. Later studies on how to achieve controllable nuclear fusion, because controllable nuclear fusion is too significant for human beings, and solves human energy. That is the hope of the problem.

Regarding the two problems encountered in controllable fusion, there are some research results so far. Natural people of Qingquan Science and Technology are naturally predecessors who planted trees and followed by others, and followed closely behind them. At the same time, Liu Qingquan also actively referred to Alpha ’s early response. Research results of nuclear fusion, the two merge with each other!

Regarding the first problem, how to heat the raw materials for nuclear fusion to hundreds of millions of degrees. This point is still based on the research ideas of the target scientists of the Qingquan science and technology. The method of heating by the Alpha person is too far from the current level of science and technology. At present, Can't learn it at all!

Regarding how to heat, since the 1960s, the invention of the laser has opened up ideas for how to heat matter to extremely high energy.

The earliest Soviet experts began to consider the use of lasers to heat nuclear fusion materials because this method is energy-intensive and does not require contact with the heated material. A simple understanding is similar to igniting wood chips after focusing on sunlight.

But the energy of a single laser is too low, so in order to solve such a problem, the energy of multiple lasers needs to be focused on the same point.

This problem seems simple, but it is very difficult, because in a short heating time, it must be guaranteed that the heated object is heated uniformly in all directions and collapses toward the center of the ball. The simple understanding is to imagine the heated substance as a football. The best way to squeeze the air inside a football is to work hard from all sides to compress its volume. If you only work hard from two directions, the football will be deformed, and the effect of squeezing the air inside the football will be greatly reduced.

This requires not only the precise control of the alignment direction of each laser, but also the strict control of the energy of each laser within this extremely short time. At present, the research progress in the United States is the fastest in this field. The National Ignition Unit is currently able to focus 192 lasers at the same point.

Qingquan Technology ’s nuclear fusion laboratory is the same. It is built with reference to the US National Ignition Device. It can focus 365 laser beams on the same point and instantly generate hundreds of degrees of high temperature, which is enough to ignite nuclear fusion materials.

And compared to the United States National Ignition Device which can only perform an ignition experiment for a few hours, this ignition device of Qingquan Technology can achieve 10 ignitions per second and release 10 pulses!

The ignition device of Qingquan Technology first enhances the external laser by 10,000 times, then splits a laser beam into 2 laser beams, and then splits the 2 laser beams into 4 beams. In this way, it finally splits into 365 beams. During the process, the beam is continuously enhanced, and its total energy is increased to 500 trillion times the energy just started. Finally, it is focused on a deuterium-thorium nuclear fusion fuel with a diameter of 3 millimeters. 100 billion atmospheres, enough to trigger nuclear fusion!

Maybe someone will ask, how much energy does it take to ignite it?

The photons of the laser are all directional. Unlike ordinary light sources, the photons are divergent. You want the sun to shine on the ground and not burn the paper, but focus the light. At a point, the energy is greater. , You can burn paper, the reason is the same.

The laser is highly concentrated, but the energy contained in it is not necessarily very large, and the energy consumption is not too horrible!

Well, the first problem has been solved. We rely on laser technology to create the conditions required for nuclear fusion and to ignite nuclear fusion fuel. Then what is the next difficult point of controllable nuclear fusion? Nuclear fusion reaction?

At present, geoscientists have proposed many methods for controlling nuclear fusion, including ultrasonic nuclear fusion control method, laser confinement control method, inertial confinement control method, magnetic confinement control method and so on.

Among them, the most feasible is the magnetic constrained control method. The "superconducting tokamak" device was developed to realize the storage of hundreds of millions of degrees of material. The specific principle is very simple, as mentioned in the high school physics textbook By constraining these substances in a closed ring and making them rotate at high speed, they are fixed in a closed space, thereby achieving disguised bloom.

It seems as if the two major obstacles to nuclear fusion have been solved by the Earth people, but there is still a more serious problem at present, that is, these two solutions to the two difficult points are completely impossible to combine!

That is to say, at the current level of the earth, it is only possible to ignite nuclear fusion fuel or use "superconducting tokamak" to lift up, but it is very difficult to focus hundreds of lasers on such a small point!

The fusion material needs to be stationary at the designated target position to be heated and ignited, while the superconducting tokamak device is a magnetic confinement process. If the fusion material is stationary, it cannot be affected by the corresponding Lorentz force in the magnetic field. Constrained in a designated confined space.

Therefore, although scientists on earth have solved the two major problems of nuclear fusion, they still have no way to achieve controllable nuclear fusion. These two solutions can only find ways to solve another problem if they have a great advantage in solving one problem. One question.

As for the second problem, everyone in Qingquan Science and Technology naturally wants to learn from Alpha people. What methods will Alpha people use to control nuclear fusion at hundreds of millions of temperatures? (To be continued.) Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.