Dahan Technology Empire

v2 Chapter 81: , Galaxy exploration spacecraft

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The fact that Qingquan Technology possessed a quantum bubble weapon was blocked very tightly. Liu Qingquan set the encryption level to sss. Few people have the internal authority to know it, because this thing is really important, especially the ability to restrain nuclear weapons. Leaking out can easily cause worldwide shocks and break the delicate balance that is hard to come by now.

Scientists at the Quantum Research Center who developed the quantum bubble weapon, although at this time, they are slightly unhappy, and this has a major achievement. They cannot announce it to the world aloud, but they have to cover it up.

However, Liu Qingquan is not a person who will owe much credit. The scientists at the Quantum Research Center have all been upgraded to a higher salary or anything that can be given. Liu Qingquan has never hesitated, but all this is quiet, no Speak loudly.

"Jing Bo, I'm wronged for the time being!" Liu Qingquan said embarrassingly at Zhou Jingbo at the ceremony.

"Boss, what's this! Just ask us to have supper!" Zhou Jingbo said indifferently, he also knew the importance of this quantum bubble weapon, naturally he would not be surprised at all by Liu Qingquan's tightly sealed lock.

"Haha, let's talk!" Liu Qingquan naturally agreed happily.

On the other side, Qingquan Science and Technology Changan Space City, the old factory area, Jiang Zhipeng is leading hundreds of scientists to discuss what is fierce.

"Everyone think about it. If a spaceship is going to fly in the universe for decades or even hundreds of years, what should we pay attention to?" Jiang Zhipeng also had a headache at this time because he received a very For headaches, design and build unmanned spacecraft, all of which are used to launch into galaxies near the solar system.

The future of Qingquan Technology is in cosmic space. Naturally, it is necessary to prepare for the future exploration of galaxies, but the distance between galaxies and galaxies is all calculated in light years. How many years will light travel? I wonder how far the distance is, and it takes a long time.

What are the galaxies near the solar system? How far are they? According to the distance from the solar system, the star systems near the solar system are respectively;

1. Centaurus, 3 light years from the solar system, has three stars, called centaurus abc stars.

2. The Canis galaxy is 6 light years away from the solar system, and its star is called Sirius.

3. The little dog galaxy is 11 light years away from the solar system. Its star is called Nanhesan.

4, Aquila galaxy, 16 light years away from the solar system, its star is called Niu Xingxing (Author bacteria: really called Niu Xingxing, not I give myself gold, coincidence, it is purely coincidental ~~)

5. The Southern Pisces Galaxy is 22 light years away from the solar system. Its star is called Beiluoshimen (strange star name).

6, Lyra galaxy, 25 light years away from the solar system, its star is called the weaver.

7, the constellation Zodiac, 30 light years away from the solar system, its star is called Arcturus.

8. The Gemini galaxy is 35 light years away from the solar system. Its star is called Beihesan.


The subsequent galaxies are not listed one by one. The stars you see at night are actually stars. As for the distance, any one that comes out will exceed the stars listed above.

At present, Qingquan Science and Technology all rely on observing the stars' luminescence of these galaxies to infer their distance and basic conditions, but because the distance is too far, it is impossible to have a deep understanding of these galaxies, and it is impossible to draw these. Whether the galaxy has intelligent civilization.

For example, the closest galaxy to the solar system is called Centaurus. The distance is 3 light years. According to the current science and technology and methods, we only know that Centaurus is a triple star composed of three stars. The reason for the formation of life is to infer that it is impossible for life to exist in the triple star system, let alone the birth of civilization, which is still too arbitrary!

Therefore, it is necessary to launch the probe in the past, explore these galaxies in advance, and master first-hand information.

In addition, there are many benefits to launching the exploration spacecraft to these galaxies in advance. At the current development rate of Qingquan Technology, I believe that direct interstellar immigration and exploration can be truly realized soon.

By launching the universe probe in advance, you can know a lot of important information in advance, such as some basic conditions of the stellar system, how many planets are there, distance, size, and whether there is water resources, etc., to lay the foundation for future interstellar activities.

At the same time, it can also test the current science and technology, especially the current quantum communication technology. To know such a long distance, if the traditional electromagnetic wave technology is used, the round-trip time of the signal must be calculated in years, but the quantum Communication technology allows real-time communication regardless of distance.

But is it really the same as the theory? This needs to be tested by two places far away from each other, and this spaceship that is going to be sent to an alien galaxy can take on this task. With the flight all the way, the distance continues Variable length, this test can be continuously verified.

In addition, the spacecraft can also disperse many small explorers and other things along the way. Qingquan Technology can use these explorers to monitor all areas around the solar system to form a monitoring network. But it is also a monitoring network after all.

Therefore, Qingquan Technology, who is interested in the cosmic starry sky, must prepare for the future now. This launches some unmanned spaceships in advance. Naturally, it was put on the agenda, and this task fell to Jiang Zhipeng.

"Jiangong, the distance between the galaxy and the galaxy is too far away. For our current technology, it is almost the limit to accelerate the spaceship to 2 times the speed of light. This is only possible with nuclear fusion power, which means that It will take at least 20 years for the spacecraft to fly to the nearest Centaurus galaxy! "

"Although in the past 20 years, the spacecraft was only started when it started and arrived, the middle time was relying on inertial flight, which can make the spacecraft dormant, and only kept a few working instruments. It ’s still a pretty big test for your device! "

"After all, it is more than 20 years, even more than a hundred years, so I think the durability and reliability of all instruments must be very high, and the long-term work should be considered when designing, or bring enough Spare parts come! "

Lu Jin, who is in charge of aerospace power, was also transferred. He thought about it and expressed his views.

"Lu Gong is very reasonable. The instruments and equipment in it can sleep, but the outer shell of the spacecraft is always in the universe. Although there is no air in the universe, there are many rays and radiations. This steel Whether there will be any changes under long-term radiation and radiation, I think we must also consider! "

"We can consider using the latest materials to make the shell of the spacecraft, and build a thicker shell, I think it should be possible!"

"In terms of internal components, I think it should be designed to be as simple and easy to replace as possible. At the same time, a maintenance robot is placed in it. When the component fails, the robot will be woken up and replaced!"


Each scientist explained his thoughts, Jiang Zhipeng nodded, and instructed the assistant to record it. In addition, for some highly feasible suggestions, he immediately took out and discussed with everyone.

"I think everyone's opinions are very good, but I think you have forgotten a very important thing, which everyone did not take into account!"

A handsome, slightly cowardly scientist raised his hand to speak.

"David, do you have any good suggestions to say directly!" Jiang Zhipeng recognized at first sight that this is a newcomer who has graduated from Qingquan University. His name is David Zhang, an overseas Chinese who performed very well at school. Directly assigned to Jiang Zhipeng.

"I think we should not only consider the long-term performance of the spacecraft, but also consider how we should contact if our spacecraft encounters an alien civilization in an alien galaxy? At the same time, how should we prevent our technology from being leaked out! I I think these should also be taken into account! "

David Zhang looked at the scientific seniors who had seen it hundreds of times before, and was a little timid, but he said his thoughts and considerations aloud.

"Very good advice, why didn't I think of it!" Lu Jin slaps his thigh with a violent slap.

At first, everyone just thought about how to build a spaceship, so that the spacecraft can maintain long-term normal work for a long time. At the same time, they thought of various ways to explore these alien galaxies, but they did not expect what would happen to civilization if they encountered alien civilization. do?

"What should we do if we encounter an alien civilization? David, it's very amazing. The perspective of thinking is very unique, and I have my own ideas!" Jiang Zhipeng gave a very high evaluation, and couldn't help but admire it.

"David, I don't know if you have any good ideas?" Jiang Zhipeng thought about it or kept asking him. Since he raised these questions, he must have some ideas.

"Let me answer the last question first. If there is an alien civilization, how should the civilization keep its technology secret? The unmanned exploration spacecraft we launch can be said to be the master of the current technology. Alien civilization knows that civilization can be vigorously developed than ours. If the civilization level is higher than ours, we can infer our level of science and technology from it! "

"This is very unfavorable to us, so I think our unmanned spacecraft must set up a self-destructing program to protect our technology!" David Zhang was very excited when he spoke.

"Yes! You should set up a self-destructing program!" Jiang Zhipeng nodded. If this self-destructing, wasn't it just recently developed a quantum bubble bomb, this is not the best choice!

A scientific exploration spacecraft, especially that Qingquan Technology is preparing to launch into an alien galaxy, can be said to be the crystallization of Qingquan Technology's current technology. If there is no self-destruction procedure, it is really quite dangerous! (To be continued.) Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.