Dahan Technology Empire

v2 Chapter 82: Long journey

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"Here is another question. What should we do if we encounter an alien civilization? How do we get in touch? I think it is necessary to discuss this issue now. The universe is large and there are many things we cannot imagine. Like before the big voyage, everyone was blocked by the sea, and it was hard to believe something happened elsewhere! "

David Zhang, who was affirmed by everyone, went on to another question.

"Actually, we might have encountered an alien civilization that day. No matter what the situation is, we should prepare in advance. How should we treat alien civilization? How to contact them?"

"This is indeed a question worth thinking about. The discoveries on Ceres and Jupiter's satellites clearly tell us that life on Earth is not unique to the universe. The tenacity of life is far beyond our imagination. There are aliens in other galaxies. Civilization, I don't think it's strange at all! "Jiang Zhipeng was the person who personally participated in the last scientific expedition of" Zheng He ". Now people of Qingquan Technology believe that the universe must have an alien civilization.

"And the development of civilization requires communication and collision with other civilizations, taking the best of them and discarding their dregs! From the history of the development of earth civilization, it is not difficult to find that every outstanding civilization and nation is compatible and inclusive. Absorbed the essence of other outstanding civilizations in the world! "

"For example, gunpowder and papermaking invented by our ancestors have greatly promoted the progress of human civilization, and the compass has provided a guarantee for great navigation. The development of the European industrial revolution has greatly promoted the progress of human history. Everything benefits from the exchange of civilizations! "

Zhang David's words made everyone present nodded, like a lot of personal things are hard to think of, but others can think of it, this is the epitome of a civilized exchange. [Love ↑ go △ small ↓ said △ net wqu]

"So if an alien civilization is discovered, it is definitely necessary to communicate, and it must not be missed, even if it is an original civilization, there may be things we did not find!"

"If you encounter a civilization similar to ours, this is the best situation, because if there is not much difference between each other, we can communicate on an equal footing, and both sides can get good benefits!"

"If we encounter a civilization that is higher than our civilization level, this means that both opportunities and risks coexist. Maybe we can learn a lot of advanced technology and civilization achievements from them. Maybe we may be caught by the other party. Come and invade us! "

"That's why I said that we need to install a self-destruct program for our spacecraft, because at least it can keep us safe and not fully known to our technological level!"

Zhang David finally finished what he wanted to say. Others couldn't help but applaud. A person who had just been out of school not long ago could think of how much, how far away, it was really rare!

"I think we should also consider the good and evil of this civilization. Some civilizations love peace, and some civilizations are very aggressive. I think we should also adopt different attitudes when we treat this different civilization!" Lu Jin After thinking about it, I also expressed my views on communicating with alien civilizations.

"Yeah, some civilizations are very cunning. They are weak and very good at learning. When they are strong, they ca n’t wait to swallow their teachers. We ca n’t exchange technology with them, but we should destroy them. they!"

"I also think that within a certain light-year range around the solar system, there should be only our earth civilization, and no other alien civilization can exist. In the final analysis, resources are actually limited, and one civilization is one more competitor!"

Two people followed up to express their views, but some went off topic.

"Everyone is a bit off topic. We are now discussing how to design a spaceship. This is more and more digressive. We are an unexplored spacecraft, and we want to destroy people and a civilization!" Jiang Zhipeng went off when he heard the topic. Quickly correct it.



A few months later, a 500-meter-long, 300-meter-wide, and 200-meter-high unmanned space exploration spacecraft has been built. Using a new nuclear fusion power, it can accelerate the speed to 2 times the speed of light! It is the pinnacle of Qingquan Technology's current science and technology!

The speed of this unmanned spacecraft is not that great. It can only be regarded as a little guy in the current spacecraft built by Qingquan Technology, but its technological content is not low at all!

The new medium-sized nuclear fusion power can be installed on a spacecraft of several hundred meters. This is the latest achievement of Qingquan Technology in nuclear fusion power!

The newest material with a hardness of more than 400, which is newly researched by the Material Research Institute of the shell, is the cost of the material alone, which makes Jiang Zhipeng sign his teeth and can't help but want to shout: thinner, thinner!

The communication technology uses traditional electromagnetic wave communication technology and quantum communication technology. The spacecraft will test these two technologies all the way. The electromagnetic wave technology tests the transmission of electromagnetic wave communication in the universe, and the quantum communication technology tests it. Reliability over long distances verifies that it is really as theoretical.

The self-destructing program also uses the latest quantum bubble bomb developed by Qingquan Science and Technology Quantum Research Center. Once necessary, the quantum bubble bomb can destroy the spacecraft in the first time, and will never leave anything to others!

This spaceship is named "Explorer 1" and is intended to be launched into Centaur, three light years away from the solar system, to explore the planet and life of Centaur.

This kind of spaceship Qingquan Technology is ready to build many ships, so the names are "Explorer 1" and "2". The corresponding exploration galaxies are based on the distance from the solar system.

"Explorer 1" goes to the nearest Centaur, "Explorer 2" goes to the little dog 6 light years away, and so on, and Qingquan Technology is going to launch all such galaxies within 50 light years from the solar system. People explore the spaceship!

The "Explorer 1" unmanned spacecraft slowly left the Changan space port. The old horse first learned the way to rely on the gravity of the earth to obtain a good initial speed.

Then identify the direction and fly towards the distant starry sky without hesitation. The powerful nuclear fusion engine and continuous work will accelerate the speed of "Explorer 1"!

100 kilometers per second, 200 kilometers per second, the speed is constantly accelerating, "Explorer 1" is getting farther and farther away from the earth, waiting for it is a long journey of 3 light years, now it is just beginning!

PS: Finally, you have to go to Alien, where are the tickets? (To be continued.) Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.