Dahan Technology Empire

v2 Chapter 89: Five Steps to Mars Transformation

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At the level of Liu Qingquan, he has left the level of talking about how to do things. I did not see that Ma Yun is talking about ideals and the future. Xi ~ It is about the Chinese dream!

Now Liu Qingquan can be said to be a leader of a country. Naturally, he cannot continue to share his dreams with ordinary managers and continue to use his dreams to flicker.

However, the following people were obviously willing to be fooled by Liu Qingquan. Didn't see the thirty or so people who had been fooled by Liu Qingquan now are all big brothers?

The people of Qingquan Technology are basically young people, and most of them are a few years away from campus, and they work and live in an environment like Qingquan Technology as soon as they leave campus.

The house and car company provide delivery, and it is still a good big house. The flying car envied by others, other treatments are also very high. It can be said that there is no worries about food and clothing, and naturally, the desire for dreams is even greater! The pursuit of social recognition!

Liu Qingquan once again called on everyone to dream for everyone's dreams, and the ideal country in their hearts to work hard again!

The effect is obviously very good. When discussing how to transform Mars later in the conference, methods and suggestions emerge endlessly, especially the scientists of the Academy of Sciences. Many of their ideas are very innovative and very innovative!

Jiang Zhipeng is the leader of the newly formed Mars transformation team. He is responsible for leading a team of 5,000 experts in astronomy, physics, aerospace, biology and other fields. Their task is to collect everyone's ideas and suggestions, and then develop an actual Viable transformation methods come out.

The Mars Transformation Group Demonstration Center, Yang Tianya, who is studying astrophysics, is eloquently talking about the data about Mars. Before discussing the transformation methods, it is still necessary to analyze all aspects of Mars!

Mars is smaller than the earth, with a radius of 53% of the earth, a volume of 15% of the earth, a mass of 11% of the earth, and a surface gravity of 38% of the earth. Mars has a thin atmosphere, 95% is carbon dioxide, and 3% nitrogen, and the density of the atmosphere is about 1% of the Earth's atmosphere.

Mars makes one revolution every 63 hours and orbits the sun at an inclination of 2 degrees in an elliptical orbit, with a period of 687 days. Therefore, like the Earth, it has a four-season climate with a minimum temperature of minus 125c in winter and a maximum of 22c in summer. The average temperature is -63c.

Although this natural state is still not suitable for human habitation, compared with the moon, it can be said that it is vastly different, and we have now proven that Mars' water resources are about 10,000 cubic kilometers, which is only 1/35 of the earth's fresh water , 1/130000 of the earth's water resources!

In addition, the green clay and volcanic ash on Mars are conducive to plant growth; there is enough carbon dioxide gas in Mars' atmosphere to improve the efficiency of plant photosynthesis and make crops have a greater harvest than on earth.

Mars is full of oxidizing substances such as iron oxide, which can reduce oxygen. Mars is rich in energy, such as wind energy is much richer than on Earth; Mars has geothermal energy; carbon dioxide and hydrogen can also be used to make methane fuel;

Heavy hydrogen can also be used for nuclear power generation and so on. Mars has various metal-rich minerals formed by volcanic activity and water impact, which is far superior to the lunar metal elements scattered in earth and rock.


"Everyone has got the information, and various methods and ideas have been collected. I have also applied for several supercomputers to simulate the transformation. Any ideas and opinions you can put forward!" Jiang Zhipeng as the team leader, etc. After Yang Tianya finished speaking, first of all, he explained the resources he applied for, and the supercomputers applied for several!

"Jiangong, I think before discussing the specific method, we should first divide the process of transforming Mars into several steps, so that it can be achieved step by step, peeling the cocoons and shreds!" . [Love ↑ go △ small ↓ said △ net wqu]

"Keep talking!" Jiang Zhipeng nodded.

"We all know that the surface temperature of Mars is very low, and the atmosphere is very thin, but we found water and carbon dioxide in the north and south of Mars to form an ice layer, so I personally think we should consider warming Mars first!"

"Melting all the ice layer above Mars can get a lot of water resources. Second, it can vaporize solid carbon dioxide into the air, increase the thickness and pressure of the atmosphere, and because carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, it can Further cycling, increasing the temperature of Mars, heating Mars, and evaporating carbon dioxide, water vapor, etc. in the Martian soil layer! "

"Basically our scientists estimate that if all of the carbon dioxide on Mars is vaporized into the atmosphere, plus some water vapor and the like, the atmospheric density of Mars can be increased by 30 times! It is equivalent to 30% of the Earth's atmospheric density!"

The words of Yang Tianya have just been finished. The following scientists and experts in various fields are thinking one after another, and when they have questions, they discuss each other, or the feasibility of calculating Yang Tianya's opinion through a computer!

"Heating? This is the first step?" Jiang Zhipeng frowned, too.

"Yes, heating Mars is the first step, and the next step should be to add gravity to Mars! We all know that Mars's surface gravity is about 5 times that of the moon and 2/5 of the earth, so gravity is too light for us humans, Long-term life will have a significant impact on the body's bone quality! "

"Insufficient gravity will loose bone, which is very bad for your health, so the second step must increase the gravity of Mars! Not to mention that it must reach the level of the earth, but at least it should be almost the same!"

Yang Tianya spoke very loudly, and the scientists present nodded after hearing it. After all, people have evolved in an environment like Earth. To transform Mars, it is natural to approach the Earth's environment as much as possible. And gravity is a very important factor!

After hundreds of millions of years of evolution, human beings have long been accustomed to the gravity of the earth. The body and bone development are all affected by the gravity of the earth. When people enter the non-gravity space, their height will increase over time. But the bones of the corresponding body are lost and become loose!

So as long as the astronauts of all countries in the world live in space for a long time, they must perform mechanical exercises every day in order to reduce bone loss and not become a paralyzed waste person when they return to the ground.

It can be speculated that if the gravity of Mars is not modified and increased to an environment similar to Earth, the height of new humans born on Mars will definitely increase in the future, but the strength and quality of bones in the body will be worrying, maybe When it reaches the earth, it will be crushed by the gravity of the earth!

Everyone just shook their heads after thinking about it. What's the use of being so tall? This is a tofu dregs project. It looks good, but its quality is very poor!

"Increasing gravity is the second step. The third step I personally think can be called ventilation! Everyone knows that the carbon dioxide content in Mars' atmosphere is very high, reaching 95%, and 3% of the remaining 5% is nitrogen. , Only a poor 15% of oxygen! "

"This air environment is basically suitable for our human production. The earth ’s oxygen content is 9%. If we do n’t modify the atmosphere of Mars, we each have to take out oxygen bags. I think no one wants to live in this kind of environment. Environment! "

"Ventilation?" Jiang Zhipeng nodded. What is the most important thing for human survival? It's oxygen! People without food can survive for ten and a half months, and they can persist for several days without water, but without oxygen, they can only persist for several minutes!

All activities performed by the human body must be provided with energy. Energy comes from food. Specifically, energy is in the three nutrients: sugar, fat, and protein.

However, they must be released through oxidative decomposition, and oxygen must be oxidized. Oxygen is stored in our body in a small amount and is consumed for only a few minutes.

Therefore, the oxygen required to oxidize the three nutrients must be continuously taken from the outside world through breathing. At the same time, if our brain cells are hypoxic for about 6 minutes, they will be fatally damaged. The heart will stop beating for more than 10 minutes after hypoxia, so breathing cannot stop for a moment! Human beings cannot survive without oxygen!

"If Mars has enough oxygen, then we can go to the next step and change the color in the fourth step!"

"Mars is now a barren land, all covered with iron oxide gravel. From space, it used to be yellow. Naturally, we need to green the entire planet and change it into green clothes!"

Plants can convert the absorbed water and carbon dioxide into primary products --- carbohydrates through photosynthesis, and further synthesize them into fats and proteins, etc., to build themselves, so that the solar energy is continuously synthesized and transformed by the producer. Earth enters the ecosystem and becomes the sole source of food and energy for other biological groups.

At the same time, plants can also absorb carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and convert it into oxygen and negative ions. Oxygen is the key to human and animal production. Negative ions can directly affect the nervous central system and increase the level of enkephalin, thus making people feel comfortable and energetic. And can make the body upright, uplift evil, and resist various infectious diseases!

"After the fourth step, the color of Mars should be like the earth, blue and charming, full of green vitality, but it still lacks one thing, that is animals!"

"The fifth step, we can be called a new life! On the basis of the previous steps, Mars should already be full of green life, but it is not enough to have plants and microorganisms. Improve the entire Martian ecosystem and let Mars have a complete ecological chain! "

The role of animals in ecology is self-evident! Among them, maintaining ecological balance, promoting the material cycle of the ecosystem, helping plant pollination, spreading seeds, etc. all have irreplaceable effects!

Only an environment with a complete animal ecological chain is a truly perfect, sustainable, and developable environment! (To be continued.) Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.