Daily Life of the Crown Princess’ Pampering

Chapter 84: Courteous

Liu Yin lost this thing 800 years ago, and he can't eat it as a meal. He just knows that if he can't coax this person today, he will definitely finish it!

Looking at the flattering man in front of him, Qin Yan frowned slightly, "Come out."

Liu Yin: "..."

Is this going to settle the ledger with her? !

Even though a group of people were panicked, they still glanced at the other party hesitantly, "Then... then you turn around."

The man didn't speak, but stared at her fixedly. Liu Yin was staring at her with a cold sweat on his forehead. He only felt that he had nowhere to vent his bitterness. The conscience of heaven and earth, he just took a look at himself, how could he become eye-catching with others ? !

After hesitating, she still blushed, took a cloth towel to her chest, and stepped out of the water step by step on the stairs. She noticed a scorching sight on her body. After she slipped to the screen, she almost used the most of her life. Put on the clothes quickly, and then put on the fox fur, covering his face with a hat.

When she came out from behind the screen, she saw that the man had already stepped out of the hall, and she quickly followed up with a guilty heart. When she waited out of the inner hall, her body was trembling with the cold wind outside.

Can't help but take a few steps forward, grabbing the man's big hand, and eagerly said: "Cousin..."

The people behind the palace bowed their heads and did not dare to heavier their footsteps. They all knew that the emperor was in a bad mood today, and it was definitely the empress who annoyed the emperor.

Sitting on Long Hu, Qin Yan glanced at the trembling man who was blown by the wind. Even if he frowned, he stretched out his hand.

Seeing this, Liu Yin hurriedly took his hand and sat on it. As the palace clerk lifted the sedan chair, she followed the man next to him, muttering softly, "I'm cold."

Looking at the person in his arms, the man's face still darkened, but he still lowered her fox fur hat and held him tightly in his arms.

With his head buried in front of his chest, Liu Yin's mouth slowly raised a faint arc, while whispering softly: "Don't be angry, OK, I really won't look at him again in the future."

It was like she was talking to herself, and the man still did not respond. Liu Yin was a little frustrated, but felt that Dou E was not wronged by herself. No wonder this person was so weird at the banquet today. He must have started to get angry at that time. Actually endure it until now.

When she returned to Chengqian Palace, she hurriedly followed in the footsteps of the man. When the palace people inside saw the emperor's face, they were so scared to back down.

Entering the inner hall, Qin Yan took a few books that he usually read from the table, and then turned around and walked outside the hall, the angular outline without any emotion.

Seeing someone about to leave, Liu Yin hurriedly hugged his waist from behind, and said aggrievedly: "In my cousin's heart, am I the kind of profane person who wants to change?"

Get angry when you get angry, and even separate from her!

"Let go." His voice was low.

Blinking an eye, Liu Yin loosened his hand, and then suddenly sat on the ground, clasping his thighs tightly with both hands, turning his head unscrupulously, "If my cousin is still angry, please continue to be angry. Poor child has not yet been born. He will be disgusted by his father, and he must be very sad when he finds out."

The candlelight in the inner hall flickered the enchanting figure, the cold wind outside the house, but a strange atmosphere filled the house, Qin Yan lowered his head, glanced at the person holding his legs, frowning, and still I don't understand how the Liu family cultivated such a rogue temperament.

"Get up." He frowned and took her arm.

Raising his head, Liu Yin smiled and immediately helped him to get up with his arm, followed by sticking into the other's arms, grievingly: "I swear, there is only one cousin in my heart from beginning to end. People, if not, let me go out and be struck to death by lightning and choked to death by drinking water."

This poisonous oath is always poisonous enough!

Listening to the soft voice, Qin Yan's eyes drooped, and his big hand held the back of her neck, his eyes darkened, "Why didn't I believe you?"

Liu Yin: "..."

Her face collapsed, so what does it mean that this person was separated from her just now? ! Tease her? !

Pulling down her fox fur hat, looking at the reddish little face in front of him, the man's tone was cold, "If I don't believe you, do you think that wild man who is wishful thinking can live out of the palace?"


Her back suddenly became cold, and her palms began to sweat unconsciously, and she suddenly felt whether she was too presumptuous in normal times. The person in front of her was not only her husband, but also an emperor. In his eyes, what he didn't like would definitely be clear. Get rid of.

"You must remember, I only have patience with you." As if aware of her anxiety, the man couldn't help but lower his head and kiss her on the neck.

Until the earlobe was suddenly held by someone, Liu Yin's whole body stiffened, from the back numb to the nerves, the whole person was soft and messed up, and I don't know how to get to the bed in the end, only felt that the waistband suddenly loosened, and suddenly there was an extra one in his clothes. Hot big hands, she blushed and slowly turned her head away, "No... don't..."

Somewhere along the slippery skin was soft, the man breathed suddenly, and the whole inner hall was silent. Hearing the woman's shallow gasp, he stiffly pulled the quilt to cover the person, and his voice was extremely dumb.

"go to bed."

As everything calmed down, Liu Yin could even hear the sound of the cold wind blowing outside. He couldn't help but stare at the person next to him blankly, suddenly feeling a little unbearable in his heart, but it has not been three months...

With her jaw resting on his chest, her voice was soft, "I...I...can I help you?"

When the words fell, her whole head was pressed down, "How Liu Guo taught a daughter like you."

His voice was still dull, Liu Yin couldn't help but blushed, but he was still annoyed and said: "What's wrong with me? Isn't it because I am afraid that you are uncomfortable? It's really kind of unrequited!"

As she said, she turned sideways and carried people on her back, and whispered in a low voice, "It's the emperor who wants to have a child in his heart. You can't blame me."

Originally, she wanted to help him, but this person didn't appreciate it, but she didn't know if she would suffer from physical problems after bearing it for a long time.

In the darkness, only her unsteady breathing was left. After a long time, the whole person was swept over again, and a deep voice suddenly sounded in her ears, "I must owe you in my previous life."

Liu Yin: "..."

Obviously this person is torturing himself! Every day is cloudy and sunny. If you say you are angry, you will get angry. If you don't agree, you will have a black face.

He didn't speak either. Xu was a pregnant woman who was lethargic. She fell asleep quickly. The advantage of having someone warm the bed every day is that she doesn't have to be afraid of the cold.

It wasn't until a warm sun rose the next day that Liu Yin reluctantly came out of the bed. Obviously he was used to the absence of the people around him, but as soon as she had lunch, Xi Yun entered the inner hall with a face. He wanted to say something but stopped.

Liu Yin is asking Mother Liu to pick something from the storeroom to her new sister-in-law. He has heard that her brother will be married in a few days. After all, she is now a queen. This is a sign of her attitude. Raise your face to the other party.

"What's wrong, who can bully you?" She glanced at each other while drinking her waist food.

Hearing that, Xiyun still hesitated, and after a while, he followed: "It's... it's nothing, but the servant heard that Princess Qiyang has entered Beijing. This time, the King of Zhennan invited himself to go to the Zhou Nation. I heard that I was still arguing with the master, and now the lord of Qiyang and the king of Zhennan are meeting the emperor in the Qing Palace."

Liu Yin: "..."

Putting down the spoon, her face collapsed in an instant, and she could never forget that He Xin bullied herself not knowing martial arts, so she did it on her again and again, and at this time, it was Sima Zhao's heart that everyone knows about Sima Zhao's heart. Seeing that Qin Yan has ascended the throne, thinking about entering the palace as a concubine at this time!

The more she thought about it, the more she responded, she suddenly took a fox fur and put it on, ignoring Mother Liu's obstruction and angrily walked to the Palace of the Qing Dynasty.

If He Xin is really allowed to enter the harem, she will write her name upside down from now on!

Xiao Luzi was telling a few little eunuchs to take care of things in the future, but when he saw the sedan chair coming from a distance, his heart jumped, and he looked at the inner hall unconsciously, her face suddenly became a bit wrong, this empress empress How come the news is so clear.

Thinking that way, he hurriedly greeted him, "The slave knocked on the empress, and the emperor is discussing important matters with the King of Zhennan inside. Why don't you go to the side hall and wait for a while?"

Glancing at him coldly, Liu Yin's face sank, "Really?"

Xiaoluzi: "..."

The other imperial soldiers did not dare to stop, and they knew that anyone in this palace could not offend the empress.

With a light hum, Liu Yin stepped forward and pushed open the hall door. At a glance, he saw the Zhennan King sitting there and talking, seeming to be talking about something important, while Qin Yan was just sitting on the top and listening to him. There is no joy or anger, but a woman in a goose yellow fox fur has been standing next to him, her delicate face full of admiration.

"I brought a gift to the emperor's elder brother when I entered the palace this time, even if my father and eldest brother didn't have one." The woman was shy on her face and took a box from the maid's hand.

Liu Yin at the door couldn't bear it anymore, the emperor's elder brother, the emperor's elder brother, called so affectionate, she had never called it like that!

"Princess Qiyang is really interested, but you haven't married yet, it's better to leave this kind of thing to the future prince."

Listening to the crisp voice, He Xin clenched her palms, and slowly turned her head back, only to see a figure she disgusted walking in the doorway.

The woman wore a plain fox Qiu Zhuchai, and her delicate face became more and more delicate. When her eyes fell on her abdomen, He Xin couldn't help but squint to hide the bitterness.

Seeing the visitor, Qin Yan squeezed the corner of his lips, concealed the helpless curve, and took a sip of the tea.

"Weichen has seen the Empress Empress." Zhennan Wang immediately got up and saluted, then stared at the daughter next to him.

The latter smiled slightly, followed by a salute, "The courtier has seen the empress."

As he said, another serious said: "The courtier is just a heart of awe. Why does the queen empress say this?"

The king of Zhennan lowered his head and frowned slightly. He only felt that his daughter was too impatient. As long as he manipulated it, it might still be possible to enter the palace. After all, the emperor could never not be drafted, but now this one, be sure He would ditch the grass and startle the snake to attract the attention of the queen. He had a dispute with the Liu family over the expedition. In this way, what if the queen was blowing the pillow wind next to the emperor.

"Really?" Liu Yin suddenly came to Qin Yan's side, and said with a small smile: "The emperor, the princess of the family has a heart, why don't you accept it?"