Dark Civilization

v12 Chapter 34: Strange mouth in the lake


The cheetah suddenly came out, two fierce white forest fangs protruding, amber small eyes staring at Ye Chen, full of caution and greed, it was hunting here, but did not expect to smell a strong **** gas, suddenly bursting with joy, smooth Running in **** blood, he met Ye Chen, who jumped out quickly, for fear that this human would escape.

The cold light in Ye Chen's eyes skyrocketed, the figure didn't stop at all, his hips were shaken, and the **** red sword in his hand was slashing head to head. The wrong leopard was too late to pounce on it, and saw this stab of eyes, its tiny eyes bulged, his face full of horror turned to panic, and hurriedly ran back.

With a bang, the sword light runs under the cheetah's forehead arm. Its receding body suddenly became stiff, and the body was too late to fall. It was then lifted by Ye Chen to open the rune space, and lost the body of the leopard. Go in.

Subsequently, Ye Chen closed the rune space and ran forward again. It took only 0.3 time to kill the Leopard, and everything was astonishing.

After running for a long time, Ye Chen couldn't help hearing the sound of "rushing" water in front of him. He couldn't help but rushed to the past, seeing the vast lake, the sound of the water was flowing, he was overjoyed, and quickly axed. It is difficult to prepare for washing blood on this side of Hunan to prevent sweat and blood from being traced.

This reservoir is called Zhuwo Reservoir, also known as Pearl Lake. It was built in 1958. It turned out that after Ye Chen rushed down from Jiulong Mountain, he flew axe all the way, passed Miaofeng Mountain, Sanjian Tears, Shangweidian, Zhangjiashan, Shanshen. Temples, Jiuhegou and other places even came to this reservoir dam unknowingly.

The scenery of Zhuhai Xiang is excellent. The opposite is a mountain, towering, towering, clear water, a blue wave, the shore is bluestone-based, and a large maple tree, such as an empty valley, quiet and pleasant.

Ye Chen didn't have time to admire it. He stepped on the bluestone and came to the lake. When he saw a clear wave on the shore, he went a little darker, as if the deep abyss was below him. Before he walked into the water to clean it, he saw a large dark shadow swimming from the water. It was terrible. The machete-like ridge of the fish was exposed on the water like a boat.

Ye Chen's brows frowned. If these fish monsters were killed, there would be blood on his body. If he did not kill them, he would not be able to clean his body. After thinking about it, another second passed, plus the time before running, only three seconds stabbed!

Ye Chen gritted his teeth, and gave up decisively into the water for cleaning. Once he was pulled into the water by these fish monsters, his weight would soon sink. With such a large retrospective, there is no guarantee that there will be no horrible monsters.

He glanced at it, and suddenly saw a bridge dam not far away collapsed. He couldn't help but be shocked. With the solidity of the bridge pier, he even stepped down to see what kind of monster attack he had encountered!

He looked at the mountain opposite, took a few steps back, and rushed out suddenly, jumped forward and jumped to the mountain opposite. Without the pier, those who pursued had to go at least a long way to reach the opposite, unless it was a flea superman Or Frog Road talents can skip directly. By the time his golden men get around, it's time for Superman's chess style. It's not time for him to slaughter!

"2 seconds"

Ye Chen's body was in the air, and when he looked down, he saw a lot of fish monsters appearing on the surface, with human-like belly bags, gills on his cheeks, small eyes, sharp mouth brothers, and human hands and hips, but more For health, covered with scales, the claws are four fingers, sharp like a knife.

Ye Chen looked closer and closer, and he felt relieved one by one. At this moment, the lower surface of Biboxiang quickly darkened, as if there was something from the bottom, rushed up quickly, covering a huge area! Ye Chen was taken aback. He quickly clenched the blood-red sword, and looked at it calmly, and saw that the lake water was bulged like a fountain, the water curtain fell, and a huge mouth, biting Ye Chen, like a crocodile's mouth same!

"Variation monster!" Ye Chen was shocked. Looking at this mouth, he could chew a building with a big mouth, and quickly used his hips as a whip to throw the blood-red sword to the other side. The speed is faster. When the big mouth wrapped him in, the light above his head dimmed and he lost his sight.

Ye Chen had nowhere in the air to take advantage of it, and suddenly smelled the smell of stinking gas. He rushed to the end, and the **** red sword in his hand swept past, slamming a sound, and tore a light in a clear fruit space. He quickly reached out his hand to The rift ripped open, drilled out, and suddenly saw himself landed only a few meters away from the anchorage. If he fell into the water, he would be immediately surrounded.

At this moment of brilliance, he kicked his feet with his mouth ripped open behind him, and the figure exploded, such as Dapeng Zhan Laos, falling to the opposite side. It all happened in a short span of time, only one second.

With a loud bang, the water splashed, the big-mouthed monster retracted into the Xiang water, the blood and water spread, and the clear water was red, but the horrible big-mouth did not come out again.

Ye Chen's back was sweating coldly. If he had responded a little slower just now, it would be very sad. As soon as he landed, he had no time to pause, his figure moved, and he rushed towards the mountain in the distance. At the Dongfeng near the Jingjing Temple, at this time, the superhuman apricot was lifted at the last second, the melting angle on the forehead was retracted into the child's chalk, and the powerful force faded away like Xiangshui.

He lost a lot of energy, and his body was a bit weak. Seeing that there were no monsters around him, he sat in a grass and said, "Large. Breathing, tearing the blood-stained beast skin of E, and digging a hole with the blood-red sword. , Buried in the soil.

Taking off the animal skin, Ye Chen was naked, shapely, and the lines between the muscles were very graceful. In the broad daylight, and outside, Ye Chen was not shy, his face was plain, his body was naked, and he continued to run axe. After running for a long time, he met a zombie who was sitting beside the rock wall, constantly eating away.

"Roar!", The corpse man felt motion, turned his head to Ye Chen's eyes, the pale green eyes glowed with blissful celebrations, and the palm of his hand was a palm!

Human palm!

However, three fingers have been pinched, and two remain.

Ye Chen's eyes were cold, and before he rushed up, he hooked the stones on the ground with his toes, grabbed and threw them, and exploded his head so that no serum would be on his body. He walked over and took this The tattered suit and dsquaned jeans on the head of the zombie were taken off and worn on the body. Although the size was a bit involuntary, it could barely hide the ugliness.

At this moment, Ye Chen could not help feeling a dizziness in his head and belly, his body fluttered, and he almost collapsed. The strength of his limbs seemed to be evacuated and became weak and weak, and he felt a stun in his heart, "Not good, the trajectory of strength in the acupoints in the body chalk is chaotic."

When most people reach the 100th level, they will look for a quiet place, recuperate, meditate, and straighten out the strength in the meridians. At this time, the strength of the whole body is at its peak. It is the easiest way to force the wrong meridians. , And then exploded.

After Ye Chen wanted to escape, he sought a place to quench the strength, but he did not expect that it would cause the strength to become chaotic. Mostly, it was caused by Dan's fierce chalk movement in the lake. He clenched his teeth. Open the rune space and let the little fruit come out to guard.

With a slow **** tiger hanging out, Xiao Hei Cao stepped out of the rune space. Ye Chen raised his strength and jumped to its back, closing the rune space. He was weak and weak: "Go to the front and find a place without people. After finishing speaking, I lay on the back of the tiger, but felt that my whole body was hot, and numerous airflows clashed in the body chalk, tearing the meridians with pain.

Rao used Ye Chen's foresight and couldn't stop cold sweat on his forehead. He used a strong willpower to control a small force and acted as a traffic police. He ordered the rest of the hair strength to return to their original points. Very strange, if too hurry, it will have an adverse effect, making the strength of the body chalk into a more chaotic situation.

At this time, the blood-toothed tiger came to the Jingjing Temple carrying Ye Chen on his back. On the way, he saw several zombies wearing tourist clothes. They were killed by the blood-toothed tiger. Xiao Hei was shocked. He had never seen Ye Chen so weak. The tiger's eyes turned and he couldn't help it.

"This evil star will be so fragile now, it is a good time to kill!", Xiao Hei felt extremely tempting, "As long as he is killed, you can send a little black whisk to occupy his Body, call me boss every day! ",

Thinking of it, its heart is so **** that it seems to see a huge treasure, and its eyes are gradually glowing.

After arriving at the temple, Bloodtooth Tiger found an open space. On one side of the body, Ye Chen's body slipped down, his eyes closed tightly, and he looked faint.

Xiao Hei was overjoyed at the sight and thought: "Hum, sample, you have fallen into the hands of your black master, wait for me to kill you, devour your memory, and I'm afraid I can't find a sheath medicine. Every day after I asked you to follow your black grandfather's ass, call me the boss! Called 10,000 times a day, cold spider ... "Thinking of this, I can't help showing a smile on my face, quite proud.

It lifted the tiger's claw and patted Ye Chen's head. Ye Chen's closed eyes opened in vain, a flash of murder, staring at the blood-toothed tiger, yelled: "What are you doing!",

This remark was like a prisoner in the sky, making the blood-toothed tiger shake unconsciously, the claws stopped in mid-air, Ye Chen's long-term accumulation in its heart suddenly took effect, Xiaoguo looked at Ye Chen's cold biting eyes Eyes, thinking: "It has been done at this time, he has no superman status, I'm afraid he will not succeed!" Thinking of here, the eyes are so fierce, and proudly said: "Why? Of course, it is to kill you for antidote, How can your grandfather push your heart, how can you be your subordinate? I want to conquer the world, conquer the earth, cold spiders ... ",

"You are alive!" Ye Chen's eyes were cold.

Xiao He sneered and shot it with a palm. Ye Chen's eyes flickered and he raised his hand to welcome him. The strength of the crumbling in the body chalk seemed to find a breakthrough, wrapped his hands and hit the tiger's palm, and snorted, Ye Chen His body flew out of the book and hit the wall, causing that wall to collapse.

Xiao Hei screamed and screamed, "It hurts!",

Ye Chen spit a bite of blood, wiped out her hand, stood up from the ground, opened the rune space, and screamed, "Come in!" Xiaoguo looked at Ye Chen's eyes, and he was hesitating. On the occasion, one of the spaceships in the rune space slammed it. Little Black Heart jumped and quickly asked for mercy: "I know I'm wrong, Black Lord, no, Xiaoguo begs the boss for forgiveness. You have a lot of adults, and the British will be clean, romantic, and popular with thousands of girls ..." (Unfinished Wait