Dark Civilization

v4 Chapter 3: Don't stand in the way

Chapter 3: Don't stand in the way

The 100-square-meter house is quite spacious with three bedrooms and one living room. It was originally a large office, but it was later expanded to use aluminum alloy, wood, etc. as walls to create a clean suite. The city's Ministry of Construction is responsible.

Ye Chen glanced around, all the furniture was around, there was a large desk, and there was a bookshelf next to it, which contained a lot of books. Apparently people who had sat in this position especially liked reading.

"That's great!" Ye Zhu walked around the room and looked relaxed, walked to a large glass window next to it, from here you can see the street below, overlooking a small base city, general president, manager, I like to have a spacious balcony near the office. When I am upset, I can overlook the ground and look up at the blue sky to make my mood wide.

Ye Chen glanced at the bedrooms. Each bedroom was almost the same. There was only one bed, several office cabinets, and a computer. It was just unusable.

"Three bedrooms, Xiaozhu alone, Bailong and Yue Heng share one, Xiaofan and Mo Feng share one." Ye Chen assigned.

"What about you?" Ye Zhuxi said.

Ye Chen glanced at the living room and said, "This big room is mine."

Everyone smiled.

At noon, Ye Chen and others walked down the stairs and walked down the stairs. Due to the virus infection, many power stations were not maintained and the power supply was stopped. The power stations plundered in the base city were all supplied to the Information Department. Major departments such as the scientific research department, the commercial department, and so on do not have enough electricity, so the elevators in these residential buildings cannot be used.

In such high-rise buildings, it is forbidden to carry personal cooking tools such as gas tanks. In the event of a fire caused by improper handling, the losses will be severe. Therefore, the meals will be carried out in the canteen under the building, but the payment Fees can also be obtained for securities.

Below this building, the first and second floors have become commercial buildings, and various storefronts have been built. Those who live on it often pass up and down. This is the only way to go.

The party came to the cafeteria.

Ye Chen found a seat and sat down, and Bai Long and Zhu Gefan ran to queue for food.

"Familiarize yourself with the environment of the base city today. I will go to the military headquarters tomorrow. If I guess it well, I can just open a post there and there will be a lot of benefits every month!"

When the meal came, the party started, and Ye Chen said his next plan.

"Okay, go buy some food reserves today. At present, these foods can still be obtained from the supermarkets and food factories in the past. When there is no factory for food production, the price of food will only increase dramatically, one price per day." Ye Zhu grinned.

"I'll go too!" Bai Long quickly raised his hand.

"What are you going to do if you're full? Nothing to do? It's better to think about fighting skills, such as monster claws coming from above you, how do you dodge and fight back." Yue Heng coldly hummed.

Bai Long rolled his eyes and said, "I'm such a resourceful and wise man, how can I still think about these things. It's a shame that I am such a smart man and don't go shopping, so there will be a beautiful one in the world. Scenic ... "

Ye Chen waved his hand and said, "Either go shopping, familiarize yourself with the environment first."

Yue Heng didn't say anything any more, glaring at Bai Long, he speeded up and destroyed the food.

In an instant, the next day.

In the morning, Ye Chen sat up on the sofa, put on her coat, washed her face, and then knocked on the door of the room, saying, "Don't pretend to die, and you won't have breakfast if you don't get up!"

With the hearing and alertness of Bailong and others, when he sat up from the sofa, he should be able to detect it, after all, they are all new humans around the 25th level.

"I see." Bai Long's voice was about to die.

Ye Chen rolled her eyes, was about to turn away, and the door was suddenly opened. Bai Long rubbed her eyes and said vaguely, "Why do you get up so early? Rarely take a rest and sleep well." Lazy waist.

Ye Chen couldn't help looking at his upper body, his eyes were strange.

Bai Long looked at him strangely, and looked down, and almost looked up, and saw that he was naked, and he didn't know where to go in the pajamas he wore at night.

"You ..." Ye Chen had a weird look in his eyes. "I always thought you were particularly favored by women. I never thought that even men would let it go ..."

"No, this, me, we ..." Bai Long was so anxious and confused.

"I understand." Ye Chen patted his shoulders, shook his head with an iron hate, turned and left, leaving Bailong with a stunned look on his back.

In the cafeteria, a group of people sat here to eat porridge, a bowl of 10g. This price is only affordable for them. Ordinary people can only eat instant noodles every day. The service staff coming and going from afar, looked at them enviously, slightly charming, and kept winking. Of course, there are some reserved girls who are just envious but have no other ideas.

However, everyone did not have time to pay attention to them. They all stared at Bai Long and Yue Heng with strange eyes. Even Mo Feng, who had always been indifferent, had a little ... surprised.

"Unexpectedly, you are all right." Zhuge Fan sighed.

Bai Long blushed and angered: "Little ghost, what do you know, things are not what you think."

Zhu Gefan nodded and said, "Indeed, I'm still young. I only know that men and women can, but I didn't expect men and men to do it."

Bailong was dumb.

"Two big men slept on the same bed without clothes ..." Ye Zhu's eyes were strange, "Did you really have that hobby?"

"We can understand." Ye Chen nodded, expressing comfort.

Bailong cried and said, "We really didn't, it must have slept too well last night, and I tore off my clothes when I rolled over."

Yue Heng looked at him suspiciously, "You really haven't done it to me."

"Well ..." Bailong almost vomited blood.

Everyone had breakfast. Ye Chen took Bailong to the military area, while Ye Zhu stayed in the room and played around in the base city. If he was bored, he could read books in the room.

"This base city is really majestic. I never expected that in a monster-ridden world, the country ’s army could respond in time to quickly establish a base city, and it was developing so well." Yue Heng looked at the surrounding buildings and the streets. The inspection soldiers who passed by from time to time had inexplicable fanaticism in their eyes, admiring the authentic way.

Ye Chen nodded slightly and said, "Yes, this is the end of an era and the rise of another era. For example, some ordinary people who worked hard for a lifetime before the end of the world could not reach the millionaire. In that era, the millionaire was The upper class of society is as small as an ant. "

"But now."

"As long as you are strong enough, you can get transcendental status, wake up to power in the world, lie drunk on the knees of a beautiful woman, and dream of death. Even a small civilian who used to kill pigs will have the opportunity to become a high-level cadre in the base city after the last days. Let those once noble and beautiful actresses wash your feet for you. "

"Wake up the power of the world and lie on the knees of beautiful women."

Bai Long and others remembered this sentence one after another, and there was a feverish light in their eyes, and they had a stronger pursuit of strength in their hearts. Without that man, they were willing to be ordinary.

Not long gone.


Everyone came to the stadium in the center of the base. Although the base city is called a "city", it is actually not as large as the city, and the total area is about the size of a small town.

"This is where the military recruits talents." Ye Chen took a look and took the lead in.

After everyone entered the gate, they came to a very spacious hall, where a row of people were sitting, wearing professional uniforms, and holding work permits. These people were all people who had joined the base city and were assigned to the information department. The department is responsible for managing all kinds of information in the base city. The physical requirements are not high, as long as you have a good mind.

The salary is not high.

15g of basal meat a day, sleep on the street, do not include food.

"We want to enter the military." Ye Chen walked over.

"Hello, please report your name, we register, and then we can participate in the interview. After passing, we can enter the military." A beautiful woman smiled sweetly.

Ye Chen nodded, handwritten five names, and handed them to the girl.

The girl filled these names into the interview document, and then handed Ye Chen and others a yellow card and said, "Take this card and enter the stadium inside. There will be an instructor to interview you."

Ye Chen nodded and turned to leave.

Bai Long was also going to go up a conversation and ask "Miss how do you have such good skin, what kind of skin care products do you use?", But were taken away by Yue Heng and Zhuge Fanla.

Behind the hall, there is a long passage.

Ye Chen and others walked in there, not long before, a dissonant voice sounded, indifferently said: "Don't block the road, get away!"