Dark Civilization

v7 Chapter 39: Pit Trio! [Third more]

Chapter 39: Digging a Trio! [Third more]

In the early morning, the dawn shone from the sky, dispelling the black curtain that enveloped the city.

Ye Chen stepped out of the cave, put away the **** red sword, the warm sunlight shone on his body, pulled a shadow behind him, and after a night of sleep, he felt a bit hungry in the abdomen, and walked cautiously into the mountain forest next to him. I collected some evolved wild fruits to satisfy my hunger, and then ran towards the base city.

After running for a long time, he came to a flat wilderness, and Ye Chen's eyes swept around. Seeing that there were no monsters around, he rushed straight forward. Suddenly, he had a meal and his eyes fell in front of him. On the yellow sand ground at Zhang.

Huangsha is everywhere, but it's different here.

I saw that the sand in this yellow sandy land is slightly different from the surrounding color. The yellow sand around it blows a little black under the wind, and the yellow sand in that place has a blackish outer layer and a yellowish middle. New and old mixed.

"Is there a pit?" Ye Chen raised his eyebrows. I did not expect that there were people hunting in the ambush nearby, but the technique was too clumsy. In the later period, the monsters had wisdom, and at first glance it was a trap.

In the sand next to it, there were several humble bamboo tubes. Three people were in the sand. They looked at the dug trap through the bamboo tube. When Ye Chen stopped by the trap, one of them rejoiced: " Unexpectedly, no monster was caught, but someone was caught. "

"Human flesh is much more delicious than monsters." The middle man babbled his mouth, a little excited.

"Well? How did that person stop? Did we find our trap?" The one on the right surprised.

"How is it possible!" The man on the left disapproved, and said, "Our trap is so secretive that it looks no different from the surroundings. How could he have discovered it."

"So too."

"But why did he stop suddenly?"

"Maybe urgency."


When these people talked, Ye Chen bypassed the trap and walked to the side, too lazy to pay attention to these hunters. After a few steps, he stopped again, looking at the land in front of him, and he was speechless. There is even a trap pit here.

The three not far noticed Ye Chen's move, and the man on the right frowned: "He seems to have found a trap."

The man in the middle disagreed, saying, "Relax, behind those two traps, there are traps. If he jumps and thinks of jumping over the trap, it is very wrong. Behind the trap is still a trap. He is jumping by himself. Go in. "

"It really is the boss, so smart."


At this time, Ye Chen looked at the traps on the front and left and right sides, frowned slightly, picked up a stone from the ground, and threw it behind the trap in front of him. The stone flew high into the sky and fell with a strong drop. , Hit the land.


The sandy land suddenly collapsed, and there was a sound of wood breaking, revealing a large pit. Ye Chen shook his head helplessly. The trap maker was really childish, and he thought of such an old-fashioned method.

He stepped on the dirt between the trap pits and passed the second trap. He glanced into the pit and saw that it was extremely deep, about 50 meters, with sharpened wood inserted at the bottom. The tips of these woods were dark blue, apparently smeared with paralytic poison.

"It's so old-fashioned." Ye Chen shook his head again and walked over. Suddenly, there was a trap behind this second trap. He raised an eyebrow. He did not expect that the person who set the trap was already free. It's time to go.

Three people not far away saw Ye Chen stepping on the side of the first trap and looked at each other. The middle man was furious and said, "His grandma, why didn't he fall!"

The man on the right thought Ye Chen stepped on the trap, didn't see it clearly, and didn't find that he stepped on the dirt on the edge of the trap. Then he frowned, "Is the wood below too strong, step on his weight?" In the middle, the bearing capacity is above the wood, so the underlying wood is not broken? "

The man in the middle said angrily, "***, who made you such a strong wood, this hunts for a hair."

The man on the left carefully said, "Boss, you made this wood yourself."

The man in the middle choked for a moment, and then became furious and said, "What the hell, what are you still doing on your stomach? The man is leaving. Hurry up and catch it. His grandma's dare to destroy my trap and wants to leave. Yes! "

The person on the right nodded and said, "This person is too light. If he has a slightly stronger body, reaching level 10, stepping on the wood will cause the weight of the body to break the wood." The implication is that Ye Chen also No level 10 constitution.

Immediately, the three rushed out of the sand and chased Ye Chen.

"Hey, boy, stop me!"

"***, don't move ..."

The three men rushed out of the sand with their weapons and chased Ye Chen up.

When she heard the movement, Ye Chen turned her head to look, but she only heard the sound, but did not see anyone. She couldn't help looking at it, her eyes moved down, and she saw that the sand and soil on the first trap behind fell off, revealing a large pit.


"Oh, hi ..."


Several screams of innocent voices rang from the big pit, and Rao Yiye ’s fixation could not help but pause for a moment. He walked over and saw the bottom of the big pit. The "s" is twisted, crooked in sharpened wood, like earthworms, with palms and feet gripping the wood, but no one was inserted.

Ye Chen glanced, shook his head helplessly, and then turned to leave. At that moment, one of the strong men said angrily: "Hey, boy above, go find a rope and pull your grandpa up. "

Ye Chen raised his eyebrows, kicked his feet, kicked a stone around him, and gave a stunned sound. He was in the right position, hitting the forehead of the speaker. He wanted to avoid it, but there were sharp wood everywhere. , Where you can dodge freely, immediately hit a red piece.

The brave man glared at Ye Chen and said, "***, I want you to lose the rope, not the stone!"

Ye Chen said "Oh", kicked his feet, dropped a big rock, and smashed the brawn's forehead into a bag. The brawny man's head fainted, then he woke up and yelled at Ye Chen, saying: "***, I will look good on you when I go out, remember to me, I will flatten you once every time I see you!"

Ye Chen glanced at this person in surprise, but he did not expect that such an idiot still exists today, which is a great miracle! Moreover, it seems that his IQ is not too high in the era of peace ...

Shaking his head, Ye Chen ignored it and turned to leave quickly.

"Hey, don't go, just pull us up ..."

"Ah, I can't stand it."

"***, come back to me !!!"

Ye Chen left this trap and ran towards the distance, seeing the screams of the three people getting farther and farther. Suddenly, his feet were soft, as if suspended, and he was shocked in his heart. Jumped up and fell down.

"There are also traps!" Ye Chen was a little surprised, but even after discovering that the sand covering the traps wasn't stepped on under his feet, it was completely suspended. He looked around, it was completely dark, and there was no sound of wind. He stopped as if In the air, it seems to be falling.

"Am I just seeing the land above, is it a fantasy?" Ye Chen was surprised and looked up, but did not see the sky and the light. It was completely dark, as if suddenly entering another world.

At this moment, there was suddenly a fiery red light from below, which gradually came into view from the front. I saw a large sea of ​​fire not far away, with magma rolling inside, and sometimes bubbles popped up, bursting like balloons.

A blazing heat wave came, and with the sound of the wind, Ye Chen clearly felt that he was falling, and quickly saw the place under his feet, and saw that it was a piece of scorched earth, not a lava pool, so he was relieved and the figure flipped in the air. Unloading the falling force, the toes touched the ground first, then the soles, knees, waist, step-by-step unloading the falling force by 70%, the rest did not pose a threat to his body.

Ye Chen landed barefoot, only feeling the ground was hot, at least as high as several thousand degrees Celsius, but with his membrane, it was barely able to withstand it, and his feet kept rising, like stepping on the spot, to remove the heat.

He looked around. It looked like an underground world. There was a dark, grotesque rock protruding from the walls. The crimson magma was flowing, and the light in the air was burned and distorted. The temperature was extremely terrifying.

On the opposite side of the magma fire, there is a door, very majestic, as high as ten feet high, as if it is as high as the sky, without seeing the top, the whole body is reflected red by the magma, and the rocks beside the door are all melted into magma.

Before Ye Chen had time to look closely, he heard a roar, and from a small lava pool not far from the left, he crawled out a monster with a red body and a flame, standing two feet tall, with four arms on his upper body. Standing like an ape, the upper two flame-burning arms are extremely stout and clenched into fists, and the lower two arms are extremely sharp like mantis arms.

Ye Chen saw such a strange monster for the first time and had never seen it in the previous life. He couldn't help but be slightly surprised. "Is this a hidden relic? No one was excavated in the previous life?"

At this time, the flame monster yelled at Ye Chen and snarled.

Ye Chen frowned, and as soon as her palms were turned, she took out the **** red sword and slashed at the flame monster. The flame monster's sickle-like arm did not evade and greeted him.


The blade of light passed, and one wrist was cut.

Ye Chen's figure stepped back, avoiding the two attacks of the Fire Monster, and with a glance at the eyes, suddenly saw the arm that was cut off, the fire was burning, a magma tumbling, and it re-condensed into a wrist, and was The severed wrist was scattered on the ground and turned into magma.


Seeking recommendation tickets. Recently, the recommendation tickets and *** have been played like frost. They have increased slowly, and have been overtaken by others. Whimper, encouragement, comfort.