Dark Civilization

v7 Chapter 64: Bet on Life!

Chapter 64: Bet on Life!

Seeing Ye Chen's punch crack the skull of the Panther Leopard, everyone was shocked at the scene. Although Ye Chen knocked back the dragon before, he turned on Superman at that time. I do n’t know if he was still in the normal state. Terror Force!

Ye Chen beckoned everyone, and everyone hurried over. Ye Chen commanded: "Shoo the leopard corpse, and the blood does not need to be processed." Everyone took a poke, Su Xiaochang, Dahan and others, all puzzled. Looking at Ye Chen, in general, unless the monster is about to be away from the place after killing the monster, he will wipe off the blood and spray cleansing dew, alcohol and other things to cover the blood in the air to prevent it from drawing stronger. Monster.

Although everyone left after killing, but there are still cleaning up ordinary zombies, the team of bugs is coming ...

Ye Chen saw that everyone wanted to stop asking, but did n’t say much. He reached into his trousers pocket, opened the rune space, and took out a bunch of hair from the underarms of the T-Rex, which filled with an unpleasant stench. The smell, dropped on the blood on the ground, was quickly stuck.

"What is this?" Wu Dahan looked at the tufts of hair and stared at them, wondering immediately.

Ye Chen flatly said: "With this, other powerful monsters would not dare to come here." The monster's nose is sometimes many times more spiritual than that of humans. This hair has the unique smell of the T-Rex, like blood-toothed tiger and fissure wind. When monsters such as leopards smelled it, they knew it was the domain of the Overlord Lion, so they didn't dare to commit it easily.

The territories between monsters are like puppies. Dogs are facing the corner ***, not eating too much, but symbolizing this area, which is its jurisdiction. If other dogs break in, two dogs They will fight, and whoever loses will leave. This is the rule of occupation of the animal world. The same is true for lions. When a strong lion appears in a lion group, it will challenge the lion king and defeat the opponent to become The new Lion King, no matter who loses, must withdraw from the Lions.

All the people present were not stupid people. Once they dialed, they suddenly realized, but there was more puzzlement in their hearts. Why not hold the scales of the dragon? Why do you leave blood on?

Ye Chen didn't say, and they were embarrassed to follow up.

People are proud, and often only idiots will ask others without thinking on their own. They all feel that they are not idiots, so they think hard.

In fact, the reason why Ye Chen wants to leave blood stains is very simple. You must know that a monster will pass by a lot of places. Occasionally, when hair is dropped, it will have a body smell. In this way, will not it become a territory everywhere? With this plate of leopard blood, it is not the same. A powerful animal knows what kind of monster's blood it is. When two monsters appear in one place at the same time, one of them bleeds. Obviously this is the territory of the other monster without blood.

The IQ of powerful monsters is not low, and this can be analyzed.

The scale of the dragon is not needed, because the snake is a dark killer, and the smell is cold and not so far.

"Let's go!" Ye Chen glanced at everyone, then turned around and took the lead, and the others quickly followed, and awed with Ye Chen, a chairman with strong force, worthy of their respect and respect, and a compassionate president, More able to touch them, a wise president, let them see hope ...

The group walked for seven or eight miles, and encountered four or five powerful monsters, the lowest being 200 and the strongest reaching 400! In the process of Dahan Han and others, there is only a detour to avoid, but under the leadership of Ye Chen, all these monsters are killed.

To kill a monster, not only force is required, but also poisonous killing, pit killing, group fight ...

虬 髯 Dahan and others, left marks along the way, and made some words that need attention, so that those who follow up to clean up will remember the route.

"There is a 300-level python in front. President, do you want to kill?" A young man saw a monster entangled not far away with a telescope. Instead of turning back, he turned back and looked at Ye Chen happily, the others With his eyes brightening, he looked at Ye Chen with anticipation, waiting for him to make another surprise.

After killing so many monsters before, everyone's nerves have become numb, and sometimes even see Ye Chen just a little trick, then easily kill the monsters of level 300 or 400, the shock is almost indecent Yu killed the dragon with his bare hands, and his fear of high-level monsters weakened a lot.

"Of course kill." Ye Chen thought without thinking.

Everyone was delighted. Dahan licked his lips and was slightly trembling with excitement. This is a 300-level monster. The value of flesh is too valuable, and it can also peel off its scales and make armor, shields, and weapons. In the past, when they saw such a monster, they did not dare to run and kill it. They only had a detour. Although there was Superman mode, but in this dangerous field, in the event of Superman mode, they met What about other monsters?

"Master, how do you kill this python? Use poison or dig a pit? You just have to tell me, and I will do it right away!" A middle-aged man took a step and patted Ye Chen on his chest. When he encountered a more sinister monster, Ye Chen was put to rest, let alone this python.

"So am I, Mr. President, as soon as you tell us, we will all listen to you." The rest of them are eager to try Ye Chen's skills by the way. When they next encounter such a monster, they will be able to kill themselves.

Ye Chen waved his hand and said flatly, "This is very simple, just one person is enough, but be bold and not afraid of death." Everyone stunned, everyone's courage was not small, but they did not know Ye Chen's mouth. How big is the "daring"?

"Master, I dare to sleep with the living zombies, is this courage enough?" A young man in black stood out, with shame all over his body, and the sword on his back was stained with blood, as if a blood Shura, his eyes bright, Exciting, respectful to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen glanced at him, groaned a little, and said, "You clamped the knife in your body and smashed it by the side of the road. We brought in the python. After seeing you, it will surely swallow you. Once you enter it, In the stomach, you can kill it directly! "

Everyone was shocked. I did not expect Ye Chen's method was so bold. This is not to be afraid of death. It is just tired! You know, once the python trembled because of fear, it will immediately be noticed by the python, and then it will be inevitable!

The young man in black turned pale, then gritted his teeth, and hesitated, "Master, what if this python had broken me and swallowed it?"

"This is a bet!" Ye Chen looked as usual, calmly: "The python has no teeth, only two fangs, and the python usually swallows the monster directly and does not chew, unless it is found that the prey is alive, it will first Poison the prey and swallow it. "

How many people dare to bet when gambling needs to weigh on their lives?

The young man in black hesitated, his eyes were complicated, and he was uncertain.

Ye Chen flatly said, "If you are going, it is best to drink a few sips of hard liquor first. Snakes are tired of wine, and you will not chew you carefully."

The young man in black gritted his teeth and said, "Okay!" Then he turned and confronted Dahan Han and said, "Sen brother, lend me some wine." Dahan Han smiled gently and said, "Whatever you do n’t borrow, all my brothers. "Isn't it wine? I have a lot of brothers!" Then, he took out a bottle of Erguotou from his backpack and handed it to the young man in black. He asked: "You have to think about it, this is not a joke."

The young man in black gave a strong laugh and took three bottles of wine. He flushed suddenly. Under the attention of everyone, he was arrogant and said, "I'm going, watch me kill that beast!"

Everyone looked worried and stopped talking, but in the end no one stayed. If the young man in black succeeded in killing the python, he could get most of the snake meat and skin scales, and everyone could get a small part of the snake meat. This is a The team's prey distribution method.

If they do n’t show anything, they can get a piece of snake meat. Why not?

When it comes to self-interest, the value of life really becomes very slight ...

"Wait." Ye Chen suddenly made a noise. He reached out and took out a black gold turban from his pocket, and handed it to the young man in black. "Protect his forehead, and don't be scratched by its teeth."

Everyone was accustomed to the magic pockets like Ye Chen's treasure chest, and didn't say much. The young man in black glanced at Ye Chen gratefully, took over the headscarf, and immediately walked away.

The young man in black sneaked into the python dozens of feet away, lying on the ground, motionless. Ye Chen saw that he was ready, so he picked up a stone and blew it up, and immediately threw it up into the air.

咻 ~~~ 嘭!

The stone flew halfway, slipped down, and hit the python's head accurately.

The air quietly freezes!

If the python had tensed muscles, I was afraid to raise a few. It raised its head, looked around, and did not see the "killer". So it looked up, the sky was blue, and there were only white clouds.

It swam towards Ye Chen by the inclination of the stone, and immediately saw the young man in black lying on the ground pretending to be dead. His green eyes stared at him for two times, then he looked down at him and opened it. The blood basin is large.

The young man in black almost suffocated. Although he didn't open his eyes, he could imagine the status quo with blood, but he vowed that he had never done such crazy things in his life, and he would not dare to kill him in the future!

He controlled the pores in his body, his heart beats down, and his blood almost stopped flowing. Then, he felt that his body was pulled up by a force of suction, and his upper body was covered with a wet sticky substance. His face was covered with mucus. Fortunately, he held his breath, otherwise he would be smoked to death by the stench in the mouth of the python.

He felt that time stopped flowing, one second seemed like ten thousand years long, his heart stopped completely, his mind was blank, and suddenly, there was a sting in his thigh, as if a piece of flesh was cut by a sharp knife.