Dark Moon Era

Chapter 722: breakthrough

  Chapter 723 Breakthrough

  The other shore!

  Tang Ling was already exhausted to the limit. Hearing the movement, he immediately turned over and sat up, some anxious and some worried, and some looking forward to the hut where the other shore was.

  If there is no wrong guess, Bi An is about to break through.

  After that inexplicable noise, Tang Ling felt a sharp energy fluctuation. This energy fluctuation was not strong, because it came from the other side itself.

   But the energy is very special, different from any energy flow in nature observed by Tang Ling, but how should it be described?

  Tang Ling stared at the hut, recalling that when he was in battle, when observing the energy of the enemy (single the human enemy), he couldn't help but think of a lingering word—smart.

   is smart!

   Long ago, Tang Ling realized that no matter what the energy structure of the outside world is, once it is absorbed by living things and turned into biological energy, these energies will become different, especially in humans.

  But what is this specific difference? Tang Ling has always been vague. This is due to his low spiritual eye level. According to the forging eye, what he sees is only the crudest energy.

  It is like looking at a stream of water. All he sees is the stream itself, but what the stream is made of, whether it contains impurities, bubbles, other ingredients, etc., is not clear.

   But this time, the breakthrough on the other side, the energy from her own broke out, so clear, Tang Ling finally felt the specific difference, but this difference is so subtle, it is not a specific substance

   "Perhaps, but I can't see it?" Tang Ling is not sure about anything at this stage. The only thing that can be certain is that the energy is far more agile than natural energy!

  What does this smart mean? Tang Ling couldn't think about it, because he was worried about the other side at the moment.

  For example, why does energy spill out of the body? For another example, is this phenomenon a success or a failure?

   Tang Ling discovered that no matter how much knowledge he had, he didn’t know anything about the performance of the promotion.

   can never be disturbed! Tang Ling still has this common sense.

  However, at this moment, Tang Ling realized that the energy on the other side had stopped escaping, and then they turned into filaments of energy.

  The spirit eye has been tempered to such an extent, even if Tang Ling doesn't need to operate deliberately, he can sense it with the slightly appearing six senses.

What does it mean? Tang Ling felt her skin numb inexplicably, like waves of electric current passing through her body.

  This seems to remind him that the next thing is the key to it.

  Hardly any hesitation, Tang Ling once again operated the spiritual eye, which is the precision instinct. Even if he was extremely tired, it was a little strenuous, but he could still see the energy threads of the other side.

  The moment Tang Ling saw these energy threads clearly, these energy threads began to move, breaking through some kind of obstacle almost instantly and heading towards the outside world.

   "This is!" Tang Ling opened his mouth in shock. At this moment, even in an extremely exhausted situation, Tang Ling began to work his spiritual eyes with all his strength.

  The energy thread is not active swimming

  There is an irresistible, trembling force that instantly pulls the energy thread

  One road, one fuzzy road!

  No matter how far away, no matter how far it is, it cannot be touched.

"Hmm!" Tang Ling cried out painfully when the thought of being unable to be touched just came up. He didn't see the vague path clearly. He just followed his inner instinct and allowed his mental power, even The mental power that forced oneself moved along with those energy threads.

  But with such a short following, Tang Ling felt a huge danger, which was a core secret he could never touch now.

  The secret is vast, unspeakable, the universe, no, even beyond the universe

  This mysterious feeling is beyond words! Tang Ling felt that he was extremely small in an instant, but it was not unfamiliar. Tang Ling didn't know why he remembered the first time he tested the gene chain in an instant, and when he entered the visualization, he saw that point, and then exploded.

  At that time, Tang Ling felt the same.

  The difference is that this time is my own visualization, this time is the core of the other side's going to

Tang Ling didn't know why he thought of the concept of the core that the other side was going to, but in the next second he had to close his eyes that were extremely painful, enduring the pain of his brain as if being stirred by a stick, covering his eyes, and falling down. On the ground.

  A trace of warmth ran between the palms, with a slight stickyness. You don't need to look at Tang Ling to know that he touched it like this, and his eyes were stimulated to bleed.

  He gasped, unable to think at all.

But even so, Tang Ling clearly understood that he was not deliberately hurt, but the far side of the road that belonged to the other shore, whether it was energy, law, or unknown matter. It's not something he can touch now.

   is like a taboo, you will die if you touch it.

  Time was flowing unconsciously, Tang Ling curled up on the ground, unexpectedly fell into a coma.

  Even though there is no way to think, Tang Ling still has a thought in her mind—Bi An, has she successfully broken through?


  The top of the mountain should be the scene of early spring.

  Under the mountain, it is already late summer to autumn.

  At six o'clock in the early autumn, the sky was still bright and warm, but the sky in the distance was slightly overflowing with warm red.

Shantou already has the unique coldness that belongs to the early spring evening, but Tang Ling feels very warm. Even in a coma, his head is so swollen and painful that he gradually becomes comfortable, only because of the soft and warm pillow under his head. Warm pillow

   Pillow? How come there are pillows?

  Tang Ling muttered vaguely, and then felt a cold liquid poured into his mouth.

  At this time, Tang Ling was able to distinguish the smell.

  This is a bit peculiar, but it's not unpalatable. Tang Ling doesn't have to think about it and knows that it is the smell of mental potion.

  I have to say that it is very comfortable to be able to drink some mental potions at this time. The brain is surrounded by bursts of coolness, and it is like being massaged by a pair of gentle hands. All the feelings are returning quickly.

   "It's just, it's a waste!" Tang Ling thought subconsciously, and then opened his eyes.

  The flames were pulsating, there was a thin blanket on her body, and the eyes were opened with a strange look on the other side.

  Even this look is pretty, Tang Ling looked a little fascinated.

  The other side said: "Why does cultivation become like this?"

  Bianan, of course, would not forget that after the breakthrough, he wanted to share with Tang Ling for the first time, but after walking out of the hut, he saw Tang Ling lying in the courtyard with blood on his face.

  Fear, helpless, panic, what caused Tang Ling to be injured like this from the time-space fragments that he thought was absolutely safe?

After   , Bi An discovered that Tang Ling was not injured, but his physical energy was dried up, and his mental power was also dried up.

  Because of Bi An's special ability, especially after breaking through, she can still feel Tang Ling's mental power seem to be hit.

  But it’s okay, as long as you supplement it, you can recover.

  This is Tang Ling's enviable, full of vitality physique, but this kind of shock is too unforgettable.

  So, after Tang Ling opened his eyes, Bi An couldn't help but blame.

  Faced with Bi An’s blame, Tang Ling did not answer immediately. Instead, he reached out and held Bi An’s hand and asked eagerly: "Is it a breakthrough?"

  In fact, at the moment this question was asked, Tang Ling felt that the energy from the other side had become denser and thicker, and in some places it was different from the energy of the Quasi-Purple Moon Warrior.

  For example, become more energetic and agile

   "Well, I broke through." Bi An was very calm. It didn't seem to be a big deal for her to break through. The key was that Tang Ling was happy.

  At this moment, Tang Ling found himself resting on the other side's lap.

  Even though the two are very close, this kind of action is not uncommon, Tang Ling still feels a trace of heartbeat and shyness.

  He sat up cross-legged: "Where did you break through?"

   "When it hits the first-order bottleneck, there is no further." Heian supported her cheeks, listening to her tone, she clearly could break through to at least the second-order, but she chose not to continue.

  Such a pity! The other side can't even care

   Tang Ling's expression immediately became regrettable and annoyed, but he suddenly remembered something, looked at Bi An and asked seriously: "What do you think the breakthrough is? You, what did you see?"

  Yes, Tang Ling remembered the energy spilled from the body of the other side, which turned into an energy thread, which penetrated time and space and went to a mysterious place!

A trace of surprise flashed in Bi An's eyes.

  She didn't think Tang Ling's thoughtless question was strange, because she found that Tang Ling seemed to know what was happening.

  "Breakthrough is no, it should be said that it is not single. I mean it is not a single gene-oriented lock."

   "Of course, I am not sure if others are like this. Breakthrough, there are more points and areas to break through, but for individuals."

  Bi An thought carefully. She wanted to describe the mysterious and mysterious feeling to Tang Ling as clearly as possible. After all, Tang Ling will break through soon, and hope her experience will be helpful to Tang Ling.

   Ke Bi An is also very careful. As she said, she has already felt that the breakthroughs between people are likely to be different. She is afraid that things will go wrong, and Tang Ling will go astray again.

  Tang Ling waved his hand gently, motioning Bi An not to speak any more, then frowned and began to think.

   "If you have enough talent, you can break through your talent instinct while hitting the gene lock, or even something else?" About a minute later, Tang Ling summed up what the other side said.

   "I'm not sure, probably so. When I broke through, I entered a world and saw a world." Bi An answered Tang Ling's second question.

   "What world?" Tang Ling thought of those energy threads.

  "Their world is not all, but compared to before, I have seen a lot, I saw a lot in an instant, and built some." Bi An tilted his head and didn't say any further, because this was really of no reference value to Tang Ling.

  As smart as Tang Ling, but knows what Bi An is talking about? The world she was talking about was a virus, or it was just a world of creatures that humans call viruses.

  This is very interesting. Tang Ling has a vague guess, what is the so-called core? Maybe that core involves essence.

  This is a kind of luck with the spiritual eyes he has. How can ordinary people come into contact with these secrets at this stage?

   "What are you thinking about?" Bi An looked at Tang Ling cross-legged, resting her cheeks and tilting her head in a funny way. She also tilted her head at the same angle as Tang Ling.

   "Bi An, I was not injured in cultivation." Tang Ling suddenly looked directly at Bi An.

   "Ha" Bi An hasn't reacted yet.

   "I saw the moment you went to that world, my eyes" Tang Ling gestured, "I was able to see the space-time energy vaguely, otherwise I would not see those energy threads."

   "What are you talking about?" Bi An was a little bit wrong, no matter how smart she was, she would never think of any energy thread when she broke through.

   Tang Ling began to explain to Bi An.

  The other side was surprised.

"That's it. If I can't see the space-time energy vaguely. I absolutely can't see it. I mean the way the energy thread goes to that world. I don't know whether that is the way. Here, "Indeed, this is a concept that Tang Ling cannot clearly articulate.

But in the next moment, Tang Ling's expression became strange: "However, I can be sure that because of this, I saw the opportunity for your breakthrough, and I knew that it was! In this case, The opportunity left to us by the owner of the deserted island may be realized soon."

   "That's great." Bi An suddenly shook Tang Ling's hand, very happy.

  If he can go out, Tang Ling finally doesn't have to be trapped here. He should belong to the Purple Moon Era. He should emit a bright light. The other side will never forget the light in Tang Ling's eyes that night.

  This kind of happiness can suppress all the loss and anxiety

  Looking at the way Bi An was so happy, Tang Ling was a little strange: "Do you want to go out so much?"

   "Yes." Higan smiled.

  Tang Ling scratched his head a little embarrassedly: "But, I see it very vaguely, and I need another chance."

  "Then when you break through." Higan didn't care at all, and looked confident.

  When I break through? Will there be the same energy thread? Everyone’s situation is different! Bi An's talent is inherently powerful, and it is only natural that she can break through the talent ability when she breaks through the first level.

  And what is your talent? Is it the eyes?

   Tang Ling was very uncertain.

   But Bi An was inexplicably determined. She no longer thought about these things, but pulled Tang Ling's arm: "I'm hungry."

   "I'm cooking? I was bleeding just now."

   "Well, you are cooking. I have been tired for three days."


  Boss Huang gave Han Xing a year.

  This year, Han Xing does not need to care about Liszt or any genius. What he needs to do is to be close to or parallel to the back in his heart.

  Now, one month has passed.

  Han Xing seems to have forgotten his hatred with Liszt, and he is no longer as sharp as before. He ‘hidden’ himself and lost his sense of existence along with his team.

  Even if Liszt still wanted to find all kinds of opportunities to trample on the Korean star, he found it impossible to start.

   Could it be that Han Xing has learned well?

  Liszt shook the red wine glass in his hand, took a light sip, and poured a little of the top energy liquid into the wine and drank it, which can somewhat relieve some pain and delight the heart.

   Putting down the cup, Liszt’s face felt like she had drunk the energy liquid, and it was the top one.

   Forbearance and diligence, Liszt thinks that he is becoming more mature.

   "Is that the news?" Liszt raised his head and asked.

   "Yes." Henk didn't look back, but fiddled with the fireplace in the house to make the fire more vigorous.

  The climate of Iron and Blood City is very extreme.

  Here, you don’t expect spring and autumn at all. From the hot summer, you can enter winter in three or two days.

  There is even no division of seasons, and there is not much regularity in the transition between summer and winter.

  The only thing we can know is that the hot summer will probably not exceed three months, and the same is true in winter.

  It was very cold for a month.

  But it doesn’t matter, Liszt is the first person in the Spark Brigade, and he naturally has the best dormitory and other privileges.

  Just like the current house, it is not only comfortable, but also luxurious. It doesn't look like a military camp at all, but rather like a room for a vacation.

  "Complete the task, then train, and do nothing else. Wouldn't such a Korean star be more terrible?" Liszt's suspicion has become more and more serious, and he paced back and forth in the room.

"Perhaps it is possible." Henk set up the fireplace, then sat comfortably on the blanket in front of the fireplace, and then said: "But more often, he doesn't want to repeat it. Repeatedly humiliated, want to accumulate some strength."

  Liszt did not speak, but came to the window.

  I opened the curtains, heavy snowfall, and about ten centimeters of snow had gathered in the training ground.

  It’s only been a day of heavy snowfall, and it’s like that at night. It seems that the task of snow removal tomorrow is inevitable, so leave it to the Han Xing team.

  Liszt has this privilege.

   "Liszt." Henk suddenly called Liszt at this moment~lightnovelpub.net~. He has been with him for so long. He is the only person who can directly call Liszt's name.

   "Hmm." Liszt looked at the snow, without looking back.

   "Han Xing has been severely suppressed by you, should you look farther and higher?" Henk stood up and also stood in front of the window.

   "Point?" Liszt pushed open the window, and the freezing wind and snowflakes poured into the room at once.

  The energy fluid burns in the body, and Liszt wants to feel the cold wind so that he can digest the energy fluid faster.

   "Have you heard about it? The Spark Brigade wants a new batch of recruits." Henk frowned slightly.

  Since Liszt wants to become the king, he should accompany him all the way. In the past two and a half years, Genk has become accustomed to Liszt being the first person, at least no peers can steadily suppress him.

  "I don't care." Liszt raised his head: "The only thing that should be cared about is those who can enter the Nirvana Tower. And the best of these people can only be"

  Liszt was so sure, but before he could finish his words, the worry on Henk's face had not disappeared, and the already dark training ground suddenly lit up with extremely bright lights!

  (End of this chapter)