Dark Moon Era

~: Sorry leave

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Actually, you don't want to ask for leave this month.

No reason, because the difficulty of the plot, the driving is really tired.

Everyone knows that the best way to write a group of geniuses is basically ‘single’ writing, which is one thing. You write first, and then I write one by one.

However, Sansan adopted group advancement, and it was also necessary to highlight the main and secondary. You cannot give everyone the protagonist, the feeling that others do not exist, and you cannot be taken away by others.

This is purely to talk to you why you are taking leave today.

At this moment, if you are in a bad state, you will not dare to write casually, for fear of bad writing.

After the plot of life and death in the future, I saw everyone's speculation. I said in charge that I didn't guess right. It should be more exciting than you think.

However, the next episode is more difficult, and the third and third meetings will be carefully written. You just have to wait.

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