Dawn of a New Era

v1 Chapter 112: Ability of the wind system

On the sea, Chen Shouyi ate and chewed while letting the canoe float freely.

The shell woman crouched on the edge of the boat, watching the giant yellow bird on the handle of the giant from time to time, biting a large piece, swallowing into the mouth of the blood basin, and the small face showed a look of wonder and sometimes complexion. Shock.

Chen Shouyi was embarrassed by the scorching eyes and rich expression of the shell girl: "Would you like to come a little?"

The Shell Woman immediately shook her head in disgust and said loudly, "I don't eat such things."

Her taste is always light, and she eats almost nothing except honey.

I don't know why this unhealthy eating habit is not malnourished.

Chen Shouyi no longer cares about her. She chewed up the last duck neck with a leash and took another one out of the plastic bag. She took a bite and chewed.

"Giant, today I helped you find one by one ... one evil giant, my big gem, when can you give it to me?" Shell Girl asked suddenly.

"It will wait until we go back," Chen Shouyi said.

"Is it one?" The shell female eyes chicken thief asked with a look of hope.

"It's one. When did I say two?" Chen Shouyi asked her with a strange look.

"Oh!" Shell Girl answered with a bit of disappointment, but when she thought of a big gem soon, she got excited again and flew to Chen Shouyi's shoulder.

"Giant, when are we going to kill those evil giants?"

Chen Shouyi was eating, and when he heard this, he almost choked the food into the trachea.

He saw through her careful thought at a glance.

If you really want to eat, don't remember to beat, you don't want to die for money, who was so scared that he had been stunned to go back.

As he chewed the food, he murmured, "Next time!"

"Are there any rewards?"


"Are they still big gems?"



Chen Shouyi ate very fast. In less than ten minutes, he brought in supplies, ate most of them, and felt his bulging belly. He exhaled and finally became full.

He took the oars, and while rowing, he tested his ability to control the wind. The oncoming headwinds gently avoided Chen Shouyi. After passing an arc on both sides, he turned around and accelerated toward his back.

Now that the talent for atmospheric control has reached the elementary level, it is easy for him to manipulate this breeze.

However, compared to that big tree, his range of operation is undoubtedly small and pathetic, with a radius of just over a meter, and even a canoe cannot cover it, and it is impossible to perfectly resolve the impact of the headwind.

It can only be said that chat is better than nothing.

In the meantime, he experimented with the maximum wind that he could handle, and found that it could only reach grades five or six.

What a powerlessness.

Thinking about the previous performance of the divine tree, Chen Shouyi suddenly felt that even if he absorbed all the divine tree's perception of the wind, it seemed to be of little use.

It is estimated that it cannot be used for direct combat.

Perhaps the only attacking force is blowing a burst of dust, making the enemies fascinated and unable to see. If it can be matched with chili powder, lime powder and the like, the effect is expected to be better.

Of course, if you can use it on the earth, you can also blow the skirts of beautiful women, let them panic and cause spiritual damage!

However, for Chen Shouyi, the greatest effect of this ability at this stage is still to assist.

This ability to control the wind can greatly resolve the negative impact of wind resistance on him. Whether it is running or attacking in another world, as long as he is not distracted by him, the wind resistance has almost no effect on him and he can play his speed perfectly.


Back to Earth, it was eight o'clock the next morning.

"Little handsome, come back!" The front desk of the hotel saw Chen Shouyi dragging his suitcase, his eyes lit up and he greeted with a smile.

At the same time, I couldn't help feeling that I was rich and wayward, but didn't come to live when I booked a room.

"Well, early!" Chen Shouyi responded with a smile to the beautiful front desk and walked back to the room.

In the bathroom, wash off the dust and **** smell, and put on clean clothes.

Before leaving the bathroom, he glanced into the mirror.

With the improvement of his physique, his skin became more delicate, with a radiant and healthy glow. The facial features also seemed to be fine-tuned and looked more coordinated.

"I feel handsome again!"

He flashed his thoughts.

At this moment, Chen Shouyi moved in his heart, took the sword box from the room, and pulled out his sword.

Then, Jian Feng swept lightly against the arm, the blade of this warrior sword coated with nano-film hardened film was extremely sharp, and it was completely blown.

Ordinary steel bars do not require much force at all. When a sword goes down, it is easily cut into two pieces, without any damage. Ordinary people touch the blade lightly, and their fingers are cut, let alone scratch.

However, he found that his skin was not damaged except for a slight itching.

His eyes brightened and he added a little strength.

The skin of his arm began to sag, and he stroked it again, took a closer look, and found that this time it was broken, the skin was cut out of an invisible seam, and some oil skin was cut. No blood shed.

He didn't try again, and it was estimated that he would bleed again.

Chen Shouyi re-inserted the sword into the scabbard and was quite satisfied.

This skin is estimated to be several times stronger than the old cowhide.

Although this defensive strength is still the same ending in the battle by being defeated by a warrior-level strong one, at least the pistol bullet, for him, is probably no longer deadly.


On an island in a different world.

For several days, Chen Shouyi did not return to Hedong, and spent most of his time training on the island to adapt to the new growth of power.

Chen Shouyi held a long sword and stabbed at a small tree again and again.


Jian Feng pierced the air with a slight sound.

Each sword has a cyan cone-shaped air force that emerges from the body. After flying out one or two meters, it hits the trunk, leaving a mark of two or three centimeters.

Unlike the sword-shaped awn, which is only three centimeters long on the earth and is invisible and colorless, and can only be attached to the sword body, this vigor carries a hint of cyan ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ and can attack in vitro.

In fact, this phenomenon is not the first time.

As early as January, the same island once appeared by accident, but the color was pale and passed away, he didn't pay much attention, and then the evil # 教 血祭 ritual incident happened again, he He was forced to leave Dongning.

Later, he deliberately began to practice again and again, and eventually found Jianmang, but mistakenly thought it was the same thing.

But this is obviously not.

This is an extremely condensed high-speed airflow, which comes from the ability to control atmospheric talent that he originally thought was not much attack power.

Its power is not weaker than the real Jianmang, and it can also attack from the sword. Within two or three meters, it has considerable lethality, which is enough to penetrate the body of ordinary barbarians. The power is amazing.

At the beginning of the practice, every time he stabbed ten swords, only two or three swords could emit this kind of blue energy, but I do n’t know if he practiced too much, or he felt the world of the wind in the golden fruit every day, so that he was good at wind Manipulation is becoming more and more handy.

Up to now, the Ten Swords have succeeded eight or nine times, and the energy has become more and more concentrated, and the power has become greater and greater.

Unfortunately, it has a drawback. Chen Shouyi found that only the lunge can have such damage. No matter what the sword style is, it is just a colorless and slightly sharp wind, which may cut the skin, but think There is no way to kill the barbarians.

Chen Shouyi guessed that this should be related to the speed of the sword.

The lunge straight lunge is the fastest sword out of all the sword styles and mobilizes the most body strength. A sword will pop out like a child. The electric light flint is not enough to describe.

Even in this triple-gravity island, his sword has completely broken through the speed of sound. But once he switched to another sword style, his speed was estimated to be less than one-third.