Dawn of a New Era

v1 Chapter 114: Night

Sitting at the computer at night, Chen Shouyi used drawing software to draw the topographic map carefully according to his memory. After half an hour, he was relieved.

Fortunately, this type of work does not place high demands on the soldiers, nor can it be too demanding.

As for accuracy, what the **** is that, by visual inspection, how high accuracy do you want?

It can be roughly described where there is a mountain, where there is a river, where there is a certain degree of danger, and how big a tribe exists. It is already good.

Next, he started writing exploration reports.

This is relatively simple.

This report has a fixed pattern.

Moreover, the passage in Dongning City itself has no good description. There are only two islands around it, and the most important danger has been solved by him. There are only a group of old, weak and sick barbarians who have been scared. .

At this time, Chen Shouyi moved in his heart. At the end of the report, he wrote the gold mine found on the island.

After thinking about it, I opened the map again and relabeled it.

According to the relevant provisions of the explorer, any property obtained by the explorer in the process of exploring in another world belongs to the explorer, and the explorer also enjoys 10% of the income when discovering mineral deposits.

It is the latter that few martial arts have benefited from.

The different world is almost an untapped world, with astonishing mineral deposits and as many as you can see everywhere.

But in fact, few companies are mining in another world.

On the one hand, different worlds cannot use ordinary machinery, at most they can only use steam power, and the mining efficiency is extremely low.

On the other hand, three times the gravity also causes any worker in another world to at least need the rank of a military apprentice. Human capital is extremely expensive, and the value of the minerals it often mines may be far less than the wages and casualties paid.

In addition, the alien world can be in danger at any time, resulting in few companies mining in the alien world.

There are exceptions, of course, unless the mineral is extremely valuable or has strategic value.

Such as high-grade uranium ore, some rare metals.

And like gold, rich gold is barely a kind.

The island has a lot of gold, and there is no danger in the surrounding area. It is easy to mine. Even shell girls can easily find a couple of gold every day. The whole island is estimated to be more than 100 tons.

Recently, gold has been rising in price, from more than three hundred grams a gram to more than five hundred grams today. Chen Shouyi feels that this island has absolute mining value.

He took this map, which he even looked at the disapproval, and the exploration report, and clicked to upload it to Explorer.

Awaiting final review.


Dongning City, Muluo Town, Niutou Mountain.

The night was silent and hazy, and suddenly there was a whirring sound of gravel.

A hole appeared on the mountainside.

At night, one figure after another emerged from the cave.

A total of thirty-five barbarians, dressed in animal skins, strong and brave, came here, these people seemed quite excited, lying on the ground one by one, praying loudly.

"The great hunting god, you are the source of strength, you are the benevolent tribal guardian ... Come to this devil's world, we will spread your glory with the blood and soul of the devil, and show your greatness, welcome Your advent. "

"Blood offering!"

"Blood offering!"

"Blood offering!"

A group of barbarians roared in excitement, terrifying momentum, and startled countless dozing birds, fluttering their wings.


A different world is a world where gods come together. Some are strong, some are weak, some are true gods, and some haven't even given birth to deities. It was only worshipped or feared by the barbarians and regarded as a god.

There are always many different.

Others needless to say, as far as the specific true **** is concerned.

Among them, the natural spirit is a special one.

Because they are born to devour souls and flesh, their gods often have the habit of blood sacrifice to absorb the flesh and blood souls of creatures to enhance their strength.

In particular, some of the priests of the fear priesthood, before they became gods, most of them didn't understand. There were not many ideas to guide believers. Unscrupulously, they only treated barbarians as captive flocks, and instinctively maintained limited reproduction and survival.

From the beginning, barbarians live in fear and despair. They not only need to guard against beast attacks, but also worry about the swallowing of the natural spirit. There is only despair and fear of the natural spirit deep in the bone marrow. Naturally, there is no belief.

These natural spirits, day after day, year after year, passively accept negative emotions such as fear, resentment, and despair.

In the end, the successful closure of God through these emotions only continued to rely on spreading fear to maintain the godhead.

Of course, there are a lot of restrained natural spirit gods. Before they became gods, they understood the role of faith and the value of believers. They just aimed the blood sacrifice at the remaining tribes, or replaced them with livestock.

Even though they became true gods, they still left such a habit.

Faith is a staple food for them, but boring but hungry, UU reads www.uukanshu. com soul and flesh are desserts, delicious and sweet.

The **** of hunting is one of them.

The existence of the earth is undoubtedly a rich and delicious dish for such a god, and has long coveted.

The humans here are not only weak in body but not weak in soul, and compared with the poor population density of thousands of miles in a different world, people are almost everywhere here.

Only before, their power was not shown here. Once the divine power arrived here, they completely dissipated and disappeared. Many gods tried many times, but always ended in failure.

However, the world is now undergoing drastic changes, even though the power of the gods has slightly retreated. But again, the power of the gods in this world can also be transmitted in a limited way.

Many gods are beginning to move again.

In fact, almost every deity has a more or less foretold feeling that an unprecedented change is coming. Some deities will weaken and even fall in the upheaval, and some deities will rise to the top. Everything Will be reshuffled,

They invariably prepare for the upcoming upheaval.

There are orthodox gods who try to secretly establish faith, and evil gods who release oracles trying to accumulate power in blood sacrifices to another world.

As long as a safe space passage can be found, hundreds or even thousands of people can be easily killed. As for the death of several believers, these losses are relatively small compared to the harvest.

The **** of hunting is prepared for the best of both worlds.

Previously, he had succeeded in establishing the cult #############################

Unfortunately, the good times didn't last long, and the faith he established soon was wiped out by humans. Even the upfront investment that spent a lot of divine power made ends meet, which made him quite angry.

This time he was no longer prepared to sneak.