Dawn of a New Era

v1 Chapter 147: Raging Spirit

Hedong City is like a pool of standing water, and the atmosphere is suppressed day by day.

Early the next morning, Chen's father and Chen's mother finally couldn't hold back, called Chen Shouyi, and borrowed a tricycle. In the past, the vegetable market continued to purchase.

When they came there, they found that there were soldiers standing guard outside the vegetable market, and the atmosphere was somber.

When I walked into the vegetable market, there were poor stalls, and except for an official supply of grain and oil stores, the price of all vegetables was expensive, more than several times more expensive than before the mutation.

"How can it be so expensive? Who can eat it, and it is not fresh when you look at it." Mother Chen picked up a Chinese cabbage and asked for the price.

"I said Ma'am, it's really not expensive. I wholesale it, and it's not much cheaper, so I make a lot of money."

"But it's not that expensive, it's more expensive than before."

A street vendor said impatiently: "If you want cheap, go to the suburbs to buy, there is much cheaper, if you want to buy in the countryside, it is the same as not having money."

Chen Shouyi frowned slightly, making it difficult to live in a city, especially for today's situation.

This change has not caused much impact on agriculture, or has not affected much in a short time.

However, Hedong has a population of tens of millions, and such a large-scale city itself is based on modern and efficient logistics. Before the change, not to mention the vegetables and meat from the surrounding vegetable and meat bases, you can reach the city center within a few hours, and the prices in the suburbs and the city center are not much different.

But now the level of logistics has suddenly deteriorated to a point that is not much better than the feudal era. From automobile transportation to tricycles, the cost of logistics has increased by dozens or even hundreds of times. The cheapest thing plus the cost of logistics, the price Will skyrocket.

Although Chen's face was painful, after some bargaining, she eventually bought a large pile of Chinese cabbage for eight yuan, and then bought another piece of meat, a dozen pounds of eggs, two barrels of oil, and five 25 kilograms of grain before leaving the vegetable market.

"It cost more than 3,000 yuan for this thing!" Said Mother Chen in a tricycle with a heartache. "If you buy it next time, you must buy it in the countryside."

"Mom, forget it, be more expensive." Chen Shouyi pedaled the tricycle and said, "There are soldiers under martial law in the urban area. It is still safe. I do n’t know how to do it in the countryside. In a few days, I will send Wages should be enough to live. "

With a frown on her frown, as soon as she was about to speak, she noticed that several pedestrians on the side of the road glanced at it from time to time. Her eyes were full of greed and coyness, and she swallowed immediately.

Chen Shouyi glanced coldly when he saw this. Fortunately, soldiers and policemen could be seen from time to time on the road. There were no people with short eyes, so he dared to rob.

In the troubled times, in addition to the first day of metamorphosis, there are still people smashing and killing, but as the soldiers took to the streets and began martial law, especially after killing some chaotic elements on the spot, they were shocked, and then No one dares to do evil on the street.

Of course, those evils hidden in the dark cannot be stopped.

In this depressed atmosphere, life is difficult and difficult, and many people are full of fear and confusion about the future.

Coupled with the fact that the information has become occluded, the world is never known outside the house, and now it is impossible to hear other information except for a few kilometers. Being in the city is like being caught in an isolated island.

No one knows what is happening outside now.

Has the war started or is peace still maintained?

Anxiety, panic, and anxiety. Under all kinds of stimuli, even a gentle man in the past may suddenly release the devil in his heart. During this time, people can be heard everywhere.


Chen Shouyi pedaled the tricycle and returned all the way to the neighborhood. He saw several policemen carrying a dead body packed into a corpse bag and carrying it on a specially modified large bucket tricycle. Two were already on it.

One of them is a family of three, depending on the size.

In the distance, the residents of the neighborhood in twos and threes whispered and dared not approach.

"Don't look at it, obscure, hurry up!" Mother Chen urged uneasily.

Chen Shouyi responded with a glance, withdrew his gaze and continued to pedal the tricycle. It didn't take long before he came downstairs.

He carried five bags of grain on his shoulders, raised a fan of pork and two barrels of cooking oil with both hands, and went up the stairs with Chen's mother.


"Mom, brother, are you back, Dad?" Chen Xingyue asked.

"Your dad is going to return the tricycle!" Said Mother Chen, uneasy.

"I'll tell you something. The police just came. Someone died on the ninth floor." Chen Xingyue said.

"When I came, I saw it from the outside. We died?" Chen Shouyi said in surprise.

Ten minutes later, Chen Dawei also returned. Hearing the news, he couldn't help sighing, "Would you say that the people in our building did it?"

He didn't worry much, not to mention that his son was a warrior, and even his daughter was a warrior apprentice. Ordinary murderers are not enough to deal with his family ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ No, I think the people here are pretty good of. "Mother Chen said.

"Mom, who knows what you know, who knows your face, who knows exactly."


Having eaten at noon, Chen Shouyi stayed at home for a while and couldn't stay. He was bored at home every day, and he almost bored the birds.

He walked along all the way, unknowingly, and walked near the haunted house.

Suddenly he felt something strange, something seemed wrong. There were hundreds of meters away from the haunted house, but he had already sensed a hint of darkness. He looked up towards the haunted house, and it seemed that the light was a little dark.

Unexpectedly, it was already so serious!

This natural spirit is getting stronger and stronger.

He noticed that there was a thick layer of snow on the concrete road of the alley, except for a few scattered footprints, there were no other footprints. Obviously, there have been few people here recently.

Chen Shouyi hesitated, ready to walk into the alley to see the haunted house, but took a few steps and was stopped by the soldiers on the roadside:

"This is forbidden."

He couldn't help hearing it, took out the military card, and asked, "What happened inside?"

After the soldiers checked, he looked at him and said, "There are haunted people, and many people have died. Now the people around have been relocated to other places. In order to avoid panic among the people nearby, please do n’t spread the word."

"Is no one here to deal with?" Chen Shouyi wondered.

"The Bureau of Investigation of the Third Kind of Affairs has visited once the day before yesterday, but has returned without success. Now it can only be temporarily isolated for the final processing."

It was said to have returned without success. In fact, when the two of them went back, one looked pale, as if terrified, and the other was completely crazy.