Dawn of a New Era

v1 Chapter 180: Don't worry

In the evening, Chen Shouyi practiced thirty-six rehearsal exercises for twenty times, stopped with sweat, his muscles twitched unnaturally.

He opened the properties panel and glanced.

A look of disappointment on his face:

"Progress is getting slower and slower!" Chen Shouyi secretly said.

Since taking the blood, for nearly half a month, except for the increase of 0.1 points in agility, the other physical properties have not increased.

Even with that added agility of 0.1, he suspected that he was on the verge of change.

The attribute is only displayed to one digit after the decimal point. Whether it is 14.55 or 14.64, according to the general rounding principle, it will only display 14.6. However, as long as it reaches 14.65, although it only increased by 0.01, it is displayed in the value, but it is sufficient. Improved by 0.1 points.

However, the physical attributes have not improved much, but the spiritual attributes have improved a lot. For example, the perception has increased by 0.3 points to 12.5, and the will has also improved rapidly, increasing by 0.3 points to 13.3.

Now the swordman he has used can be close to five centimeters in length, and the power is much greater. Metals such as tincture can be cut off completely. As for cutting wood and the like, there is not much loss of mind.

The key is that this sword is invisible and colorless, and it is undoubtedly a weapon for Yin people.

During the battle, if the opponent is unprepared, if one is not paying attention, the skin will be cut off in the light, and the result will be a laparotomy.

Next, Chen Shouyi went to the cold shower in the bathroom. A water heater had been installed on the roof of the villa, but after taking such a cold shower for such a time, he was already used to taking a cold shower.

Before long, he got dressed, pulled a towel, and wiped his hair while returning to the bedroom.

The Shell Girl was sitting on the bed. She was arranging the small clothes piled up like a hill in front of her. She picked up a new dress from time to time, took off her clothes, tried it out, and kept smirking.

When Chen Shouyi came over, he quickly asked for opinions: "Good giant, shall I look good in this dress?"

Clothes have no specific vocabulary in the universal language of the other world. The word Shell Girl herself learned from Chinese cartoons.

"It looks great!" Chen Shouyi said.

The shell girl immediately put down her face with joy, took off this dress, picked up another one, and continued to ask, "What about this one?"

"It looks great too!"

"Which one?"


"Good-looking, anyway, you are so hot and cute, and everything looks good." Looking at the shell girl has changed a dozen consecutive sets in just five or six minutes, Chen Shouyi finally became impatient.

He was a little skeptical, what did he seem to be doing wrong?

I had known that she shouldn't have been given so many clothes at once.

Shell Girl was coursed with a smile and asked, "Good giant, why isn't your 'dress' beautiful?"

In the face of this problem, Chen Shouyi was a little speechless for a moment. When he came back to God, he didn't feel good.

"Oh!" Shell Girl heard a happy smile, stopped talking, and continued to change clothes happily.

Have you been so happy?

Seeing Shell Woman being reprimanded and looking happy, Chen Shouyi couldn't understand her strange brain circuit.

But the thought of him being a creature from a different world made him understand.

Since it is a creature from a different world, it is no surprise that the way of thinking is different from normal humans.

Instead, Chen Shouyi ignored her and lay on the big bed, letting her entertain herself.

Recently, he found a way to quickly exercise the strength of his will. For more than half a month, he has been able to make rapid progress thanks to this.

He closed his eyes, and his mind soon entered the foggy space.

Find one of the memory leaves on the world tree, and then quickly put your heart into it.


"What are Brother Chen looking at?" Xiao Changming next to a cave entrance asked.

"I don't think this cloud is normal, it doesn't seem to happen naturally!" Chen Shouyi looked up at the clouds, his face solemnly said.


The real Chen Shouyi's mind appeared in mid-air. For example, when he watched a movie and watched a scene that happened in his memory before, he turned to look at the sky. At this time, the clouds opened instantly, and a behemoth fell down like a shooting star. Falling into the valley, there was a loud noise.

This is a month ago when I explored the giant sickle's lair, I just saw the scene of the **** war.

As soon as Chen Shouyi's thoughts moved, his mind flew towards the sky instantly.

At this moment, a magnificent giant composed of a cloud in the sky is rapidly forming, and the lightning flashes and thunders around him. The closer you get, the more Chen Shouyi can clearly feel the coercion of this true god.

He had never seen such a terrible momentum.

He had personally seen the earth giant in the early childhood version and had killed the tree gods, but the ten thousand and ten thousand tree gods combined were not as terrible as the cloud giant.

Chen Shouyi even had the illusion that he was not facing a creature, but a scorching sun burning all things. The terrible coercion was burning the soul, and his heart was burning.

As if here is not an illusory memory at all, but a real power.

He gritted his teeth and continued on with perseverance. Thick lightnings, such as winding dragons, flashed around from time to time, but Chen Shouyi had already verified in a not-so-good experience long ago that these lightnings did nothing to him. Threat ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ In fact, in the memory space, except for the divine coercion that the **** emits terrible coercion, all other materials and energy have no effect on him.

Otherwise, he would never dare to try this kind of suicide towards the gods.

After approaching the one hundred meters of the cloud giant, the terrible coercion almost made Chen Shouyi faint. Looking at this giant mountain-like giant, his heart seemed to have lost his restraint, and his fear began to believe in horses and horses, beyond his control.

There is a threshold for human emotions. This is human self-protection. Once this threshold is exceeded, emotions cannot be controlled, cannot be adjusted, they can affect physical health, and they can even threaten life, such as great joy and sorrow, or being alive by fear. Scared to death.

The higher the will, the more able to control one's emotions and not easily break the threshold.

After just holding on for a few seconds, Chen Shouyi popped up the memory space.

He opened his eyes violently, feeling a headache, his eyes darkened, and a strong exhaustion came, and he fell asleep.

On the side of the busy shell, the female heard a snoring sound and looked back at Chen Shouyi, who was already asleep. She gave a slight glance, put down the small clothes in her hand, ran to the huge quilt with her feet, grabbed a corner with both hands, blushed Drag **** Chen Shouyi.

She is fifteen centimeters tall, which is not much thicker than the thickness of the quilt. This is undoubtedly a big project for her. She was busy and busy working for ten minutes before she finally covered the quilt. it is good.

She finally quilted him for the quilt and stood in front of Chen Shouyi with her hips on her face. She was exhausted and wheezing, and said to herself in disgust:

"It's a stupid giant. It doesn't bother you at all."

Immediately ran back to the clothes hill, sat down again, and continued to organize clothes happily.