Dawn of a New Era

v1 Chapter 182: Upheaval (2)

Chen Shouyi looked for a while, then returned to bed and sat down.

Listening to the intensive cannon sound, he was a little surprised.

He did not receive a notice of the exercise, nor did he hear any wind, and even if the exercise, it would not be placed in the early morning at 4-5.

This is absolutely wrong.


The cannon sounded for half an hour, gradually becoming sparse, and continued for another hour, then stopped completely, only occasional cannon sounds.

Somehow, when he heard the sound of the cannon became silent, he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

The sky outside has begun to brighten.

A new day has come.

Chen Shouyi stood in front of the window, watching a large number of rushed, heavy pedestrians in the villa area, as if a boulder was pressed in his heart.

This is a villa area in the security zone. All of them live in high-level military and political affairs, and most of them are warriors.

One of them, Chen Shouyi, also knew that he was the No. 2 leader in Hedong City. Not long ago, he specifically came to Chen Shouyi's house to pay a visit on behalf of the city government.

At that time, he smiled and was kind, and his face was kind, but at this time, his face was covered with dark clouds and his face was solemn, and accompanied by two correspondents, he trot all the way and walked away.


Yunshan is located in the Cheng'an District of Hedong, with an altitude of more than 220 meters, a vertical height of 183 meters, a length of 7 kilometers from east to west, and a distance of 3 kilometers from north to south. It is a famous scenic spot in Hedong City and the largest natural park.

At this moment, the originally beautiful Yunshan Mountain was short and thin, with rubble and trees everywhere, and the wreckage of the body was everywhere.

The smoke was pervasive, messy and bloody.

A beast full of flesh and blood was lying weakly on the ground, sending out a weak mourning. Its belly had been torn by shells, and a large amount of internal organs and intestines had fallen to the ground, exuding a strong **** smell.

A barbarian juvenile stood beside the corpse of the monster with a look of shock.

The previous scene that seemed to be falling apart in the last days deeply shocked his soul.

He saw with his own eyes that the powerful warrior in the tribe was easily torn into pieces by the sky fire and flew into the air. He also saw with his own eyes the giant beast responsible for domestication, fell to the ground in sorrow, and was unable to struggle.

Although human strength has weakened more than a hundredfold since the transformation, overnight, it has almost degraded from modern to modern times, but it is still not a barbarian who can fight it.

It didn't take long for this huge barbarian army to show up, and it was discovered by a surveillance airship floating in the air. Half an hour later, before the barbarian army all appeared from the passage, the overwhelming artillery shells and rocket launchers had begun to scrub the ground.

It's been a few months since the second mutation. This time is enough to urgently modify some weapons that are no longer suitable for the current environment. For example, weapons that were originally electronic fire control were transformed into mechanical control. At the same time, the original mutation was also changed. Later, the cannonball propelled weak, and was mixed with the more powerful TNT and black cord gold mixture.

In the era of black powder, the propellant and the explosive were still the same ingredient, that is, black powder.

However, in modern times, explosives and propellants began to separate. Now, the propellants of artillery are generally smokeless powders, and explosives are a mixture of TNT and black gold that have more explosive power.

The two cannot be replaced. The relatively stable combustion required for the propellant propelled the shell forward in the barrel through the expansion of the air, while the explosive burned rapidly and almost instantaneously exploded.

If the bomb is replaced by the propellant before the mutation, the only result is that the cannon is blasted first.

However, since the mutation, the chemical reaction speed has started to decline, and the power of gunpowder weapons has weakened. As long as the dose is controlled, the gun barrel is sufficient to withstand this bore pressure, and the firing distance has become even earlier.

When a large number of artillery shells and rocket launchers screamed from a few kilometers or even a dozen kilometers away, the barbarian army was severely hit and completely dozed off at this time. At this time, it was a powerful personal force. It's not much better than pigs and sheep to be slaughtered.

If it were not for the God of Courage to turn the tide at the last juncture, this war would be an asymmetric massacre.


From the beginning of the war to the present, the barbarian juvenile stood in the same place as a petrified body, his mind was blank, and he could not return to God for a long time, until a whip yanked his body.

Feeling the hot and severe pain in his back, he immediately returned to his soul, and a spirit woke up completely.

Looking back, he immediately knelt down on the ground: "Master Priest!"

"A believer, what are you doing here? Go back to the camp to gather. The great God of courage has come down. All the resistance is pierced into the mud like a spear, and it will be easily penetrated. Our Lord will occupy this world. The priest encouraged with a frantic look.

"Yes, Master Priest!" The Barbarian stood up immediately.

Has a great God of courage come?

He had been scared long ago and hadn't seen it at all.

Thinking of the greatness of the God of Courage, his original astonishment quickly receded and he immediately became excited.

But soon, the uplifting mood in his heart quickly fell silent.

He saw the wounded and corpse wreckage everywhere, painful moans, and then one after another ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ At this time he saw a familiar figure, his complexion turned white, and ran quickly: "Uncle Srid ,what happened to you?"

He saw that Uncle Thrid ’s strong chest had been broken through a big hole, and the blood could not stop the puppet from bursting out. There was only air in his mouth and no air intake. "

"It's you, little ... Little Sage, don't ask for sacrifices to the master, it's useless ... don't be sad, and I ... this is going to the kingdom of God to enjoy the blessing!" He vomited blood and said hard With a stiff smile on his face.

"Yes, Uncle Thrid, I'm not sad. Listen to the priest, there is a country where milk and honey flow. You will live happily there, no pain, no death, food everywhere, and every day They all eat meat and fragrant meat. "Although saying so, Xiao Saiqi's tears couldn't stop flowing.

From an early age, Uncle Sid was the best for him. Every time he returned from hunting, he would give him a good share. When confused and helpless, Uncle Sid would come to comfort him.

Even when he became an animal trainer of the tribe, it was Uncle Thrid who spent more than a dozen animal skins to open up the relationship and stuff him in. Otherwise, how could he be an orphan and become an enviable animal trainer? division.

In his eyes, Uncle Thrid is his closest relative.

"Yes ... yes, I have long wanted to go to the kingdom of God." Threed said, as if looking back, there was an abnormal flush in his face: "Little Sage, this war is very dangerous, you have to be smart Be careful, I feel ... I feel ... the God of great courage ... "

Before he could finish speaking, a spit of blood burst out, and his eyes glared, and he was silent again.

"Uncle Thrid!" Xiao Saiqi let out a sad cry.