Dawn of a New Era

v1 Chapter 190: Upheaval (4)

People were running around the villa, and workers who had leveled the ground were quickly disbanded.

The sound of gunfire was intermittent and intermittent. The duration of each gunfire was as short as half a minute and as long as three or four minutes. The same interval was also extremely short.

He sometimes sat down on the bed and sometimes stood up and walked back and forth.

My heart was full of uneasiness.

Although he didn't see it with his own eyes, listening to the intermittent gunfire, he seemed to faintly see that a terrible existence was quickly removing the defense of Hedong City, and was coming here very quickly.

His heart seemed to be covered with a thick cloud of clouds, which made him a little breathless.

At this moment, the door knocked violently.

"Brother, brother! Open the door, open it!"

It was Chen Xingyue's voice.

Chen Shouyi turned back and took a deep breath. The anxiety on his face had completely disappeared, and he changed to a calm look.

He has now become the backbone of the family. Others can panic, but he cannot.

He walked over and opened the door.

"Mom asked me to call you to eat!" Chen Xingyue said, then he couldn't help feeling uneasy and asked, "Brother, we'll be fine here."

"Don't think wildly, the safety zone is a key defense area, not comparable elsewhere!" Chen Shouyi comforted.

With the movement of the army day and night these days, almost a copper wall and iron wall have been arranged outside the security zone. Chen Shouyi estimates that almost half of the military forces in Hedong City have gathered here.

But even so, he didn't have much confidence in whether he could kill the terrible existence of the suspected god.


At dinner, the atmosphere was depressed, and everyone was silently thinking about their minds.

"How much rice is there at home?" Chen mother suddenly asked Chen Dawei to break the silence.

"It should be more than five hundred pounds! Rest assured, I buy a bag every few days." Chen Dawei said that he almost cooked the rice, how many meters he knew best.

With two big stomach kings at home, the food consumption in the family is extremely fast. A bag of 50 kg of rice can be consumed in a few days. The consumption of light rice will require 3,000 to 4,000 yuan per month. The subsidy is considerable, and if it is replaced by an ordinary working family, I am afraid that the family can only drink Northwest wind and receive relief food.

"The cannon sound stopped again!" Chen Xingyue reminded at this moment.

The mechanical clock on the dining room wall beats the hands.

It makes a crisp and sweet click.

The atmosphere suddenly calmed down, and even the meal slowed down, everyone seemed to be waiting for the next cannon sound.

But the time between this time was extraordinarily long, lasting more than ten minutes, and even supper was eaten, and no gunfire came.

"Is it killed?" Chen Xingyue said hopefully.

Father Chen and Mother Chen could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"I knew it was okay, so many troops and artillery, how could it not be beaten, and it was too exaggerated to pass outside." Chen's mother said.

But the voice had just fallen, and everyone felt the ground shake.

At the same time, a loud bang came from a distance.

In just a few seconds, the sound of gunfire became denser and almost connected, and the dust on the ceiling began to shudder.

With such close gunfire, I am afraid there are only garrison troops outside the safe zone.

Listening to the loud noise outside.

Fear enveloped everyone's figure, and the horror of the gods in the rumor was remembered, and everyone became more and more disturbed.

At this moment Chen Shouyi said quickly: "Dad, mom, Xingyue, you all go to the basement now."

In the current villa project, the basement is basically standard, and the space is hundreds of square meters. Now, except for one of the rooms, it is used as a storage room, and most of them are idle.

"Brother, how about you?"

"I'll get a weapon and come over soon." Chen Shouyi said.

"Then I'll get it, too," Chen Xingyue said.

Chen Shouyi didn't speak, just nodded, walked out of the restaurant, and strode up the second floor.

He opened the bedroom door, walked to the window with a short stride, opened the curtains, and looked into the distance.

At this time, it was five o'clock, and the sky had begun to darken. Through the window, there was a fire and smoke in the sky not far away. He could even dimly see a rocket launcher, spraying raging flames, and hurried in the air flight.

The front line of the war is only a dozen kilometers from here. In this kind of war, this distance is almost on the battlefield.

Even when he arrived on the battlefield from here, it only took a few minutes.

Even before taking the blood, he was able to sprint at a speed of 50 meters per second, but now he can reach nearly 100 meters per second.

The running speed depends on the stride frequency and stride and wind resistance. Needless to say, the stride frequency is closely related to agility (response ability). He is seven times as fast as the average person's agility, and even has the heart to wait for the other foot while running Landing time.

The stride is related to the strength of his legs. His strength is enough to make him step over fifteen or six meters in one run.

As for the factors of wind resistance, for people like him who have the ability to control the wind, if there is no influence.

Of course, the speed of running is not the faster the faster the stride, nor the faster the stride ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ the two balance each other, compromise each other, and have a maximum intermediate value.

Otherwise, Chen Shouyi's speed is not ten times that of ordinary people, but fifty or sixty times that of ordinary people (Agility * Strength)

Of course, this is the speed of full force, and it will be exhausted for a maximum of one and a half minutes. However, even for ordinary running speed, for Chen Shouyi, running a dozen kilometers in a matter of a few minutes, there is not much physical energy consumption at all.


Chen Shouyi glanced at it, quickly closed the curtains, and took out some of the quiver arrows, one by one in three backpack-style quivers, one of which was dedicated to the armor-piercing arrows.

Then he removed the bow from the wall.

It was a minute after everything was over, and he returned to the window again, and the smoke was distant from the distance, and he could not see his eyes at all.

I don't know if it is an illusion. The sound of artillery from outside seems to be sparse, and there is no previous density.

It turns out that this is not an illusion.

Over time, the sound of gunfire became increasingly sparse.

The bedroom door knocked hard:

"Brother, mom told you to go back to the basement quickly." Chen Xingyue shouted at the door.

"I see, you go first, and I'll be right away." Chen Shouyi said.

"Then you hurry up!"

Chen Xingyue departed soon, Chen Shouyi stood still for a few minutes, and the sound of artillery was completely silent.

Deadly silence.

Chen Shouyi was motionless and stiff like petrochemical.

It wasn't until Chen Xingyue's fierce knocking at the door again that he turned around and turned back.

"Can't stay here!"

He immediately took the briefcase and long sword with the shell girl, and opened the bedroom door.

PS: Thanks for the reward at dawn.