Dawn of a New Era

v1 Chapter 225: Manic fury

After venting the anger in his heart, Chen Shouyi stepped away without too much killing.

After one or two kilometers, he heard the footsteps of the church patrol again.

He leaped lightly under his feet and reached for the window on the second floor of the street.

He waited for the patrol to pass under him and gradually walked away before he jumped lightly again.

Looking at these figures in the distance, Chen Shouyi shivered:

"The church, the priests, and the patrol team! Dongning obviously has fallen completely under the control of the hunting god. He just doesn't know that the hunting **** is here. If it is, it is dangerous."

Although he is powerful, but on the face of the gods, the warrior is also not much better than a ants, at most is a large ants.

"I hope luck won't be so bad!"

Chen Shouyi took his eyes back and stepped up.

At this moment, a ding-dong sound came from the distance, as if it came from the square in front of him. He was slightly vigilant in his heart, walking lightly forward, and passed the square soon.

He followed his voice.

In the center of the square, there was a boulder about five meters high. In the weak light of the torch, more than a dozen mason stood on a ladder, holding a wedge, steel drill, and beating around the boulder.

This is a weird statue that looks like a human but not human. The statue has been roughly formed, and only some details are still being carved.

It has a bird's head and a human body. It has a spear in its left hand and a snake-like creature in its right hand. Its eyes are inlaid with a pair of red gems. At night, blood-like colors are reflected.

Just at a glance, Chen Shouyi had a strong intuition, this is definitely the idol of the hunting god.

Xu was watching for a long time. He felt that the statue suddenly came alive. Its body swelled quickly and quickly became towering into the clouds. A pair of huge scarlet eyes were looking down at Chen Shouyi. , Is praising the **** of hunting.

He hesitated for a moment, then returned to God.

When he looked at the idol again, he couldn't help a little more fear.

"Just an idol, there is a mysterious and powerful power. The **** of hunting is far more powerful than that of courage." He thought deeply.

Chen Shouyi's gaze fell on those who banged on the idol, but did not affect the stonemason at all:

"However, this hallucination should be perceptually perceptive. It can accept more mysterious information than ordinary people. As an ordinary person, the stonemason will not be affected much at all, and there will be no hallucinations. It can only have an impact under the influence of the subtlest. At last, This is where the courageous **** died in front of the city government square. "

Chen Shouyi didn't look any more and quickly left the square.


Chen Shouyi's uncle's family lived in the east of the city. He avoided dozens of patrols along the way. Almost across the city, it was not until nine o'clock in the evening that he stepped into the neighborhood where his uncle's house was located.

The area was dark and there was no light at all.

Before walking too far, a dirty Chihuahua yelled at Chen Shouyi far away, and soon attracted more stray dogs to join the roaring procession, and the whole community was noisy.

Chen Shouyi cursed secretly.

Of all the dogs, the one he hated most was Chihuahuas. They were not big, but they had big courage and a loud voice.

Before he could approach, Chihuahua immediately escaped with his tail in his hands, then stopped far away and continued to roar.

He went all the way, and the Chihuahua called all the way.

Let Chen Shouyi be restless.

Fortunately, he soon went downstairs in the residential building where his uncle's house was located.

The iron door on the ground floor was closed tightly. Chen Shouyi went up and pulled it slightly, hesitated, and gave up the idea of ​​violence.


Chen Shouyi stepped back a few meters and shouted.

But just shouting, he stopped suddenly.

He thought of a question.

Since there are patrols all over the street, and there is no night passerby on the road, it is obvious that a curfew has been implemented here. If you yell out loud, you may be able to attract the attention of others.

Although he was not afraid, he was afraid of trouble.

Chen Shouyi looked up at the fifth floor, and the uncle's family lived there.

Leaping under his feet, he grabbed the window on the fourth floor, and supported it with his hands on the edge of the window. His body was already hanging under the window on the fifth floor. Chen Shouyi gently pushed the locked window.


There was a crackle in the window and the glass was cracked.

Don't bother to clean the broken glass left by the window, Chen Shouyi held up the edge of the window, and his body was like a monkey drilling the room smartly.

Just landed.

A sharp scream pierced the eardrum.

Women are trouble.

When Chen Shouyi moved, he immediately covered Chen Yuwei's mouth tightly.

"Don't call it!" Chen Shouyi said in a deep voice.

In the darkness, Chen Yuwei, who was covering her mouth sternly, widened her eyes in horror, her face pale, shaking her head desperately, and tears overflowing from her eyes.

Chen Shouyi felt that his arm seemed to be pressed against a soft part, and his body was stiff, as if he was shocked, he quickly raised his arm.

"Sister, don't be afraid, it's me, Chen Shouyi, I let go, you should never call again."

Feeling that the cousin's originally stiff body relaxed quickly, Chen Shouyi quickly released his hand.

"I'm scared of your big head ghost, it scared me to death." As soon as he let go of his hand, Chen Yuwei was so angry that he gritted his teeth and hammered his chest a few times ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Then he lowered his voice and said, "Why are you here Rather, it's dangerous here. "

Chen Shouyi was about to ask about the situation, and suddenly auntie voice came from outside.

"Yu Wei, what happened?"

"Mom, Shouyi is here."


"Uncle is dead!" Chen Shouyi couldn't believe it. "How did he die? What the **** is going on?"

In the living room, the flames of the oil lamps kept jumping and shaking, emitting dim light.

Auntie was stunned, as if she was a teenager, and she walked nervously to the door, pressed against the security door, listened for a while, and came back and said in a low voice:

"Half a month ago, Dongning was in chaos. After the **** of hunting destroyed the army here, a large number of barbarians began to pour in and established the church ... Many people were originally the remnants of the last cult. With the cooperation of these people, Soon he controlled the entire Dongning.

Everyone now, from 1 to 6 in the morning, must go to the local church and pray early, at 5 pm, and pray late. Your uncle is too hard-hearted, and yelled at the church with the savage running dog, only to get angry at the other person and get arrested for the living blood festival. "

Chen Yuwei's eyes flashed with tears, and her eyes turned red. She looked up slightly, trying hard not to let the tears fall.

"Now our family has made them into a separate volume, and the rice that can be distributed is only half of the others ... and the idea of ​​which vicious people don't know, our mother and daughter are often criticized at the church. Just There is no peace at home. If I hadn't worked hard with a knife, I'm afraid Yu Wei ... "

"This city is crazy!"

Chen Shouyi's anger could no longer be suppressed, and he slammed the table, scratched it, and it was immediately torn apart and shattered into a place.