Dawn of a New Era

v1 Chapter 237: Forced Task

The next day, at lunch.

Chen Shouyi ate and stopped, looking pale.

The bowl he eats is different from ordinary people. It is a sea bowl for soup. One bowl is worth a meal of three adult men. In the past, he would eat at least two bowls. It's all possible, but only half of the bowl is eaten today, and the body feels full.

"Why not eat, today's dishes are not appetizing?" Mother Chen asked, looking at her son's look a little different.

Chen Shouyi returned to God: "Oh, no, remember something."

He chopped the rest of the rice into his mouth and got up to continue serving it.

Although the body felt full, it was still easy to eat another bowl, and it didn't feel like it. For the test, he simply ate another bowl before stopping.

The same feeling of fullness, eating one bowl is exactly the same as eating three bowls, making him feel that the other two bowls are not eating at all.


Chen Shouyi finished his meal and quickly returned to the bedroom.

He sat down on the bed and touched his slightly bulging belly, feeling that his stomach was like a furnace, digesting food quickly, and the meal had just begun, and he felt already digested.

Since acquiring divinity, the body seems to have undergone some unknown change.

The May sun, the dazzling light emitted through the windows, the countless minute dust in the bedroom, and irregular Brown movements in the air.

Since the abnormal changes, with the large number of steam engines used, the use of coal is getting larger and larger, especially in most factories, the exhaust gas is discharged into the air without treatment at all, resulting in worse and worse air quality and a diffused sky With thick fog.

As long as the window is open and the floor is not mopping all day, the floor is covered with a thin layer of coal ash.

At this time, Chen Shouyi looked slightly surprised.

He noticed a strange phenomenon, the dust could never fall on him.

The dancing dust, as close as a few inches to his body, seemed to be disturbed by an invisible force, changing the trajectory of flight and bypassing his body.

At first he thought it was a coincidence, or a slight change in the airflow caused by slight breathing and body movements.

But after a few minutes of observation, it was discovered that this was no accident at all, and indeed no dust could fall on him.

His body seemed to exude an invisible but weak force field, repelling the approach of these dust.

Chen Shouyi was surprised by this amazing phenomenon. It was the first time that he had discovered this amazing force field in himself.

"Is that why he became a divine creature?" He thought to himself.

I'm afraid there is no other reason than this.

This force field is quite weak, calculated based on the force that can only interfere with dust, and only about a few micrograms to dozens of micrograms (one microgram equals one millionth of a gram).

He suddenly remembered that Shell Girl also seemed to have this phenomenon. Every time I went out together, when he returned, there was always more dust on her than she did.

He wanted to verify it, but thought that Shell Girl was still sleeping, he gave up immediately.


In the next few days, Chen Shouyi found more and more benefits of becoming divine creatures.

For example, when practicing the thirty-six exercises, he can absorb more mysterious power.

If you compare the thirty-six styles that had not been incorporated into the 13th Taibao Henggong exercise before, compare them to one.

After the integration, it becomes 1.3.

And now it is at least two.

A large amount of mysterious power makes the body flushed red every time you practice the thirty-six exercises.

In just three days, Agility and Strength increased by 0.1.

Strength reaches 15.1, and Agility reaches 15.

However, Chen Shouyi guessed that the reason why the attribute grew so fast was not all the reason for the increase in the absorption of mysterious power, but more so that his 16-point constitution far exceeded the result of strength and agility.

If you compare your body to an engine, your physique is the material from which the engine is made. As long as the material is strong enough to increase the output power of the engine, it is naturally easier.

In addition, he has become more handsome.

Over the past few days, his appearance has continued to be fine-tuned, and he has become more handsome and handsome, especially with a pair of eyes that are bright and transparent and straightforward.

Of course, Chen Shouyi didn't care about this.


It's bright.

Chen Shouyi returned from training in the mountains.

On the highway, one steam truck after another covered with tarpaulins drove past one another like a dragon. At this moment, a sudden strong wind blew past, and the tarpaulin was blown away to reveal a rocket-propelled car.

Chen Shouyi glanced back, his gaze was heavy.

Over the past few days, trucks full of arms have been loaded on this road every day. Obviously, the situation on the other side of Ningzhou has made Hedong and even the entire Jiangnan Province as the enemy.

"The straight distance between Ningzhou and Hedong is 150 to 60 kilometers. This distance is not a geographical barrier. As long as the gods want it, he can come to Hedong at any time.

He shook his fist and let go weakly.

Looking up at the more and more airships recently, he accelerated his pace and walked towards the safe area.


Chen Shouyi walked home and was about to jump to the bedroom on the second floor. He saw a figure standing at the door, and he couldn't help walking.

"White liaison, when did you come?"

"It didn't take long to come." Bai Xiaoling turned and showed a tired face.

Chen Shouyi looked at the newly bought watch. At this time, it was still less than five o'clock in the morning. So early, obviously he was afraid that he couldn't find himself ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ It seems that he has a task again.

Chen Shouyi said secretly, opened the door, turned to Bai Xiaoling who came in and said, "You sit in the tea room for a while, I'll change clothes."

He went to the bedroom, put the sleeping shellwoman in his arms, and gently put it into a briefcase.

Take a shower, change clothes, and walk down to the next floor.


In the tea room.

"You may not know the information. The area of ​​Ningzhou Dongning has fallen ..." Bai Xiaoling said solemnly, and explained the information over Ningzhou roughly.

Chen Shouyi nodded and did not speak. As a personal experience, he knew more than Bai Xiaoling.

"... In this war, three nuclear-powered strategic airships, two of which fell, also contained a large number of unlaunched nuclear bombs, including two 10-million-ton hydrogen bombs, which affected the entire Jiangnan Province and even the Daxia Kingdom. It's a huge hidden danger.

This task is to find and safely return these nuclear bombs to Hedong. Of course, the main work will be completed by soldiers from the Central Strategic Forces, and you will protect the safety of these soldiers.

According to reliable information now sent, the Savage God has returned to another world. Each time this creature enters the earth, it will have to pay a huge price. If it is not necessary, it will not easily appear. "

Chen Shouyi frowned and remained silent for a long time. He asked, "How many people are going?"

"The team mainly comes from Beijing. We in Jiangnan Province are just auxiliary. In addition to you, there are also Colonel Xiao and Minister Lei. This time it is a mandatory task!" Bai Xiaoling said, looking at Chen Shouyi, she had not seen for a while, it seemed more handsome and more pressing Cheeks and hearts sighed slightly.

Sometimes she hopes that Chen Shouyi is an ordinary person so that he does not have to do such a dangerous job.

Such handsome men should be hiding at home.