Dawn of a New Era

v1 Chapter 4: Brother's mood

"Brother! Brother! What's wrong with you."

"Wake up soon, I will never intentionally anger you again."

"Wake up soon!"

"Brother! Brother ... Dad! Mom! Come on, brother fainted."

守 Chen Shouyi opened his eyes. His sister Lihua's face with rain opened to his eyes. He opened his eyes suddenly and sat up from his sister Chen Xingyue's arms.

"Brother, did you coma just now?" Chen Xingyue regretted, tears flowing.

Chen Shouyi remembered that before the integration of the "Book of Knowledge", he was standing. Later, when he entered the space, he became sideways.

After thinking about everything, he looked at this slightly different sister today, and suddenly found that his sister was not so annoying.

He compared his arms with a few flesh, revealing his strong, mouth saying words that he didn't believe: "Don't talk nonsense, how can I faint, my health is very good! Just the first day of class today, I don't feel comfortable, some are too sleepy. "

强调 In order to emphasize the tone, he again said, "In short, it is too sleepy."

Instinctively, he didn't want his sister to know about the book of knowledge.

Unfortunately, no one believed his explanation. After his parents came over, things became more and more troublesome. The restaurant closed soon. He was immediately taken to the hospital for a systemic examination. As a result, no problems were found. No trace of the book was found.

This made Chen Shouyi completely relieved.

Chen Shouyi muttered in the car when he came back: "I'll say it's okay, I have to go to the hospital."

"Shut up!" Mother Chen said with a bad expression: "How do you know that you are okay, how can you faint in a good way, and then go to the large hospital in Zhonghai City for a check."

"I watch Shouyi is a little malnourished. Seeing him thin, and I go out with him, I am embarrassed to say that I opened a restaurant." Said Chen Dawei who drove.

Chen Shouyi 讪讪 touched the ribs covered with the whole body, this matter is done, it seems that in the future, you can never enter the book of knowledge during the day.

Uh ...

I returned to the restaurant at half past eight.

At this point in time, it is naturally impossible to do business anymore.

Two brothers and sisters, Chen Shouyi, helped Chen mother Jiang Fen to clean up, Chen Dawei returned to the kitchen and cooked a large table.

守 Chen Shouyi looked at the meat and vegetables in the bowl, without talking, and drank his head to eat.

"Here for you!" Chen Xingyue clamped a rib and quickly put it in Chen Shouyi's bowl, a little embarrassed to side his head.

守 Chen Shouyi was slightly touched, and sometimes her sister did not seem to be so annoying.

"The two brothers and sisters want to be like this, like noisy and noisy in the past, your brother is weak and not good at school. In the future, you need to help more, and don't always be angry with him." The scene of love said immediately comfortingly.

"Mom, I see!" Chen Xingyue looked slightly red, and said quickly.

守 Chen Shouyi listened to the complexity of his heart, wondering whether it was joy or sorrow. In the eyes of his mother, was he so useless?

But compared with this radiant genius sister, he seems to be very ordinary. Since childhood, he hasn't got his grades, received the certificate of memory, and goes back to the kindergarten.

But at that time, each child could have several hands.

"Dad, Mom, I haven't told you a good news yet!" Chen Xingyue lingered for a long time, and finally couldn't help it.

"What good news?" Chen Dawei put down his glass, expecting something.

"I was escorted by Kyoto Budo Academy!"

"What?" Chen mother Jiang Fen said with a surprised look: "It's really my good daughter, you didn't say it earlier, you knew to go to a better hotel to celebrate it."

"It's not too late to go tomorrow." Chen Dawei said with a smile.

Now social martial arts has become a trend. Even if it is just a martial arts apprentice, it can easily obtain a position with upper middle class income in a large number of martial arts training institutions and primary and middle schools.

Not to mention entering the nation's premier Beijing Budo Academy, a large percentage of them become a martial artist who can receive government subsidies.

"Parents don't have to worry about it, even if they don't send it out, I'm sure I can pass the apprenticeship appraisal of martial arts this year, and I'll celebrate it again at that time." Chen Xingyue said confidently.

Uh ...

Parents are rejoicing!

Chen Xingyue's eyebrows flutter!

The dining table is full of cheerful atmosphere.

守 Chen Shouyi also laughed, and said in a sincere blessing. Originally, the food tasted delicious, but at this time it became chewy.

知道 He knows that he is jealous of this younger sister, her light has been too strong since childhood.

He is beautiful, has a high IQ, and is amazing in martial arts.

Whether it is learning or practicing martial arts, it is easy and hassle-free.

This makes him always feel that he is the neglected one at home, especially at this moment, he is like a depilated puffer dog, curled up in the corner lonely and desolately, enviously looking at the same kind of shiny shiny hair.

I had dinner, and Chen Shouyi took a bath, then went back to the bedroom with a grim expression.

躺在 He was lying on the bed, tossing and falling asleep.

I lay down for a while, and he sat up abruptly from the bed, and he froze for a while, suddenly remembering something. Quickly he jumped out of bed, opened his posture, and began to practice the optimized thirty-six exercises.

Over the past two decades, martial arts has developed rapidly, and various methods of refining are also available. The thirty-six types of refining are the National Martial Arts Administration, which combines warrior training methods from other worlds, traditional martial arts training methods, and yoga yoga in India Method and human biology research, and carry out the standard refining method introduced by complementing the weaknesses and removing the weaknesses.

It is now the third edition, which is better than the previous two editions.

Don't look at his long ribs, it's because he was born naturally.

Actually, his muscles are patchy, tight like a steel wire, and he can see the eight pack abs without using the lower abdomen.

If compared with 20 years ago, this physical fitness is a national level athlete, easily.

For example, power, although he only has 10.4 in attributes, he can actually press up to 110 kg in bench press and close to 200 kg in squat.

At the same time his speed of 100 meters is also 10 seconds 20.

Compared to the appraisal standards for martial arts apprentices, men ran 9 meters in 100 meters and 200 kilograms in bench presses. They are too far apart. This is still physical fitness. In addition, there are more difficult cold weapon evaluation.

Uh ...

守 Chen Shouyi followed the memory and began to practice. After the knowledge was optimized, it became extremely profound, as if stamped on his mind like a steel seal, if he had practiced countless times. UU reading book www.uukanshu.com

From the very jerky at the beginning to the second pass, he gradually became proficient. By the third pass, he could proceed smoothly with almost no intentional adjustments.

很快 He quickly discovered that the version optimized by the book of knowledge is different. It seems to involve all the muscles of the body, and the physical exertion is also much larger.

Originally, he could do it ten times in one breath before he was exhausted and exhausted all his strength.

However, only four times at this time, there is a tendency to exhaustion.

Not only that, he found that sometimes the speed of action is fast, and when the various postures are smoothly connected, the body will produce crispness like an electric shock. This feeling is quite wonderful, as if there is a heat flow flowing through the body, and the whole body is kind of warming up. the trend of.

The hot sweat continued to flow from him. When Chen Shouyi gritted his teeth and insisted on completing the fifth pass, his strength was completely exhausted, and he could no longer support it, sitting on the ground with his buttocks.

He called the book of knowledge, and soon his attributes flashed into his mind.

The thirty-six types of smelting body have been previously (Introduction 5) and have become (Introduction 12), which has been improved by 7 points.

In the darkness, his eyes were shining and shining, and he couldn't help clenching his fists. Only in this way could he restrain the urge to vent.

"Now that you have the Book of Knowledge, you will certainly become a genius like your sister in the future."

Under the youthful spirit, even the exhaustion of his body seemed to dissipate a lot. After a rest, he dragged the exhausted body, stood up, practiced his teeth again, and practiced it three times, until one finger could not move. He just went to bed. He was too tired to take a bath again. As soon as his head was on the pillow, he fell asleep.

PS: Please recommend, please collect! Everyone give some encouragement.