Dawn of a New Era

v1 Chapter 43: murdering case

When Chen Shouyi returned, there were already policemen patrolling the street.

He saw a lot of smashing while being beaten by the police, and he fell to the ground neatly, and was handcuffed without any resistance.

As a state organ of violence, in the military and police system, it has always paid great attention to recruiting military apprentices in society.

Many civil servant positions in the police system apply for military apprenticeships.

If you join the army, it will be treated as a warrant officer.

And many institutions, state-owned enterprises, will recruit these people first.

After all, even if it is just a military apprentice, for ordinary civilians, it is no less than a killing machine. Once it is evil, it will have a powerful destructive force on social stability. This kind of power will naturally not let the country let itself go.

In fact, even if you do n’t go anywhere, as soon as you register as a military apprentice, you will automatically become a member of the militia where your household registration is located.

He is like his sister Chen Xingyue, who is now a militia in the armed department of the street where his home is located.

Of course, the identity of this militia is in the situation.

In normal times, you do n’t need to fulfill any obligations, what to do, and what to do, but once the local turmoil occurs and the barbarians appear, you need to help maintain law and order and even go to the battlefield.

Of course, at that time, the situation is extremely critical.

Uh ...

Pedestrians hurried across the road, heart trembling.

The traffic on the street is still blocked, and no traffic is possible. Many drivers simply leave the car in place and walk home.

When I returned to the hotel, Chen Shouyi found that the corridor was still full of people. At this time, for most people, it was obviously not the time to sleep.

"I went to see it. It was really miserable. I was stabbed with a dozen swords and my blood was all over."

"Now the power is out, the cameras can't monitor and I don't know if I can catch them."

"I am dead here. I feel weird. If it ’s not easy to find other hotels because of a power outage, I would like to live elsewhere."

"Me too, I have a nightmare at night!"

I walked down the corridor, and a group of people talked.

Chen Shouyi looked surprised.

No wonder, when you come here, you can smell a slight **** nose.

"Brother, what are you talking about, are you dead here?" When Chen Shouyi came to the door of his room, he couldn't help being curious and asked a young man.

"You didn't go to see?"

"I just came out!" Chen Shouyi explained.

Listening to the description of the nearby resident, Chen Shouyi knew that during his time out, an individual had died here.

The deceased is also a resident of this floor, not far from Chen Shouyi's room.

After the power failure, he chatted in the corridor. Somehow he had a conflict with someone. First, the fight broke out, and Xu Shi started the fire. The murderer then moved his knife. After the murderer found out that he had broken into a disaster, he fled.

When the police arrived, the body was already cold.

Darkness can often amplify the sin in the heart.

Makes people extraordinarily bold, so-called head is so hot.

守 Chen Shouyi didn't care much except lamenting that the dead was worthless.

He and the deceased have no relatives and no reason, and do not even recognize him.

As for the individual who died here, Chen Shouyi, who had just killed more than a dozen barbarians today, was completely attentive.

He walked into the door and closed it.

Then released the shell girl and placed it beside the pillow.

这次 She was really angry this time, tilted her head and ignored Chen Shouyi.

If it was changed to normal, Chen Shouyi would have turned on the TV long ago, or soothed with glass beads.

今天 But today, he really has no mood.

He turned on the mobile phone lighting and lay on his back, not wanting to move.

太多 Too much happened today, so he has a sense of strength.

Seeing that she was sulking for a long time, Chen Shouyi didn't move and finally couldn't help it.

She stood up, looked at Chen Shouyi lying down, her heart moved, then grabbed his corner of the clothes, turned over and jumped onto his chest.

She deliberately jumped on it a few times, and said loudly: "# @% 的 巨人, prepare, I want to prepare!"

The modifier in front of the giant is definitely not a good word, it is nothing more than evil, abominable, etc.

Chen Shouyi glanced at this increasingly daring shell girl and said lazily, "I didn't prepare it today!"

"Why didn't you get all ready?" Shell Girl still gave up.

"Pei Qi also needs to rest, it is also tired!" Chen Shouyi said at random for a reason.

The face of the shell girl doubted the believer:

"How long does it need to rest, how many sunsets?"

"I do not know either."

When Chen said this, Chen Shouyi couldn't help getting a little heavy.

He can only hope that things will be better tomorrow.

She seemed to be infected by the atmosphere, and the Shell Girl was quiet. She looked at Chen Shouyi, blinked, wondering, "Giant, aren't you happy?"

守 Chen Shouyi nodded slightly, some did not want to speak.

"Let me dance for you!"

I said, she started dancing.

守 Chen Shouyi was soon teased. Her dance didn't have much beauty, but her hands and feet swayed wildly. It was more like a ceremony than a dance.

I do n’t know where I learned it?

Speaking, this was the second time he saw her dancing.

The first time she first caught her, she started dancing somehow.

But at that time, there were still light flying around, almost bluffed him.

Seeing Chen Shouyi smiling, the shell girl jumped even harder.

At first Chen Shouyi didn't care. He looked at this exotic dance with a relaxed face, but only looked at him, his face gradually became serious.

As she danced, it seemed that a mysterious atmosphere began to fall.

Suddenly, he turned off the flashlight of his mobile phone.

The next moment, he saw a little bit of light shining around the shell girl.

Lights up and disappears from time to time.

I have a magical atmosphere.

Of course, compared to the point when she first danced, the brightness of the light spots can be clearly seen during the day, these light spots are almost faint and hard to detect.

He is only faintly visible in this completely dark room.

But here is the earth.

Even though the mysterious force field has gradually eroded here, its concentration is still poor. UC Reading www.uukanshu.com

This point, we can see one or two from the fact that his natural healing talent has not manifested.

Yun Ke is such an environment, she can still use some extraordinary abilities, although weak and not the same.

"Where did you learn this?" Chen Shouyi couldn't help asking.

"I'll be born as soon as I'm born!" Shell Girl stopped, her face smug.

中 Lieutenant General Chen Shouyi is doubtful.

I just think about it, this shell girl is really mysterious.

Now he is not just entering an island in a different world, but still holding the naive idea that there are supernatural creatures everywhere.

In fact, extraordinary abilities are not universal even for other worlds.

At least the barbarian he encountered basically had no supernatural ability, or had not used it at all, and he was already dead.

The only one who has extraordinary abilities is Shell Girl.

For example, she can fly, although it does not fly fast, it is slower than a fly.

For example, she can easily find the golden sand buried in the sand, as if she knew it there.

And her eyesight is quite amazing. Even in heavy rain, she can easily see that there are several barbarians on the canoe hundreds of meters and thousands of kilometers away.

If not, she is too small.

I'm afraid it wasn't her who was captured, but herself.

Thinking this way, Chen Shouyi could not help but feel a lot of anticipation, and quickly asked:

"Is this dance useful?"

"Don't you look good!" Shell Girl said stupidly.

It looks good and can be eaten as a meal?

"Sleeping!" Chen Shouyi looked at the stinky shell girl and was unhappy.

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