Dawn of a New Era

v2 Chapter 281: Reservoir (2)

The kayak gradually left the lake shore and headed towards the center of the lake.

From time to time, several people retrieved a tube of water sample, plugged a stopper, and put it in a sampling box.

The reservoir is large, and the source and the outlet are blocked again. There is almost a pool of standing water here, and it rarely flows. The water quality of each area is different, and stratified sampling must be performed.

Sampling work, boring and boring.

A staff member suddenly talked about a topic saying:

"Do you know how many people died yesterday?"

"How many?"

"I glanced at the statistics in the station in the morning, more than 3,600 people!"

"His! So much?"

Although many of the corpses they saw every day were already numb, when they heard this number, they still felt chills on their backs.

"Actually more yesterday, I heard that they all exceeded 4,000, but this is already at its peak, and it should be able to drop down quickly in a few days. Now after the surrounding soil is sprinkled with lime, parasites are rarely detected . "The group leader also joined the topic.

"That's right, those who died have been parasitic before."

When everyone was chatting, no one noticed that a huge vortex appeared on the surface of the water not far away, and a fuzzy and huge shadow flashed.


The next morning, Chen Shouyi woke up and checked the properties panel.

It was found that the attributes finally changed, and the power increased by 0.1 to 16.1 points.

After staying on the earth for nearly nine days, it has improved by 0.1.

too slow!

On the contrary, the will was not affected and it was raised by 0.2 points.

He shook hands vigorously, and the air made a slight crackle, and his hair was blown.

Suddenly he frowned, and a flash of image flashed through his mind.

Although the picture was fleeting, he could not see anything at all.

But I knew in my heart that it was those barbarians who were sacrificing again.

I do n’t know if it ’s enough to support them. The sacrifices of these barbarians are quite frequent. They must be carried out every ten days. Faith seems to be becoming more and more devout. Sensed.

He turned his back and brushed his teeth in the bathroom.

Go downstairs, have breakfast, and say hello to your parents before you go out.

I have been staying at home these days, and my body is almost moldy. He is going to go outside to exercise.

However, after walking out of the door, I encountered Bai Xiaoling by chance.

"Mr. Chen, there is a task."

He paused: "What's up?"

None of the tasks that can be used by him as a martial artist is simple.

Without waiting for Bai Xiaoling to speak, he said again: "Please tell me later, I'll get ready."


"How come back." Mother Chen asked strangely when he saw that he ran home again.

"There is a small task to help with, and we should not come to eat at noon." Chen Shouyi walked to the stairs and said lightly.

"Where to go, not dangerous!" Although Chen's mother was used to going out from time to time, she was still worried.

"Just save your dim sum, it's such an adult, it's still a big warrior, you haven't counted it, don't you go in danger!" Chen Dawei couldn't help it.

"Da Wuzhe is also my son, what do I care about, what matters to you, do you want to quarrel?" Mother Chen glanced at him.

Chen Dawei's belly trembled: "I can't tell you, I'm going to wash the dishes."

While the two old men were talking, Chen Shouyi quickly walked up the stairs, changed his sportswear, picked up the bow bag and sword and went down the stairs.

"Be careful!" Chen mother said.

"I see, mom, don't worry!"

Chen Shouyi said as he stepped out of the door, opened the garage, and pushed the bicycle out of it.

Bai Xiaoling naturally sat up, and naturally held Chen Shouyi's waist.

Although she held the male abdomen's strong and strong abs, which made her instantly fascinated, she said quickly and competently.

"There was an accident over Guangming Reservoir."

"Guangming Reservoir?" Chen Shouyi interrupted.

"This is the source of the spread of parasites in another world!" Bai Xiaoling immediately explained.

"Continue!" Chen Shouyi nodded and said.

"In fact, there is a huge space passage in the reservoir. It is suspected that it is connected to the swamps in other worlds, but it was suppressed by the atmospheric pressure across the lake.

It was not until yesterday that several staff members of the epidemic prevention station taking water samples disappeared and were swallowed up by giant monsters in the reservoir.

The military fired a deep-water bomb, but it was still escaped to another world.

Now that the water in the reservoir has run out, the city government is preparing to completely seal off this dangerous space passage, and is worried that the monster will return again. This time, the task is to stay there and protect the construction safety there. "

Bai Xiaoling briefly explained the situation.

Chen Shouyi frowned slightly, and the mission time seemed long this time.

But I'll go there first and talk about it.

He drove all the way, and soon came to the blockade area. The strong scorching smell of the air pierced the nasal cavity, and the breakfast in the stomach began to tumble. He continued to drive for another minute and was stopped by the blocked soldier.

Bai Xiaoling immediately got out of the car and showed her identity.

The soldiers checked the documents and released them quickly.

Change the protective clothing at the side post, and the two continue on.

The rice on both sides of the road has been yellow and low, and some of the poles have fallen, but no one has harvested at all and left it in the ground.

The nearby factory was empty and dead.

There are only one truck, shuttles on the highway, transporting huge amounts of materials to the disaster area.


Path to a small town, Chen Shouyi saw a large number of soldiers and medical staff wearing protective clothing, being examined from house to house.

Upstairs, many people stood numb before the window.

"The temporary hospital is ahead." Bai Xiaoling said suddenly as he passed the town.

Looking at Chen Shouyi, this was originally the town government, and a signboard was still hanging on it, but now it has obviously been requisitioned as a hospital.

Said to be a hospital, in fact, people who enter here can only wait for death, but the difference between living a day and a few days. For ordinary people, once parasitic, they will die and there is no cure.

When the bicycle passed the doorway, there was exactly a corpse, which was taken out of it and transported to the corpse.

Xu Shi has already seen such a similar tragic situation, and Chen Shouyi didn't have many waves in his heart.

Ten minutes later, Guangming Reservoir was already in sight.

Chen Shouyi saw the soldiers wearing protective clothing standing on the high bank of the reservoir. Several of them were holding flamethrowers and were constantly firing under the reservoir.

He parked his bike and walked to the makeshift camp here.

After Bai Xiaoling's introduction, the head of the resident Chen Shouyi shook hands.

"Hello, Mr. Chen, my name is Gao Yuanshan ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ I can rest assured that you can come here, this time it is really troublesome for you. I have already arranged your place of residence, and I will call it Someone will show you over. "Gao Yuanshan was very kind.

"Head Gao, I'm not in a hurry right now, I'll go up and see the situation first."

"General Manager Chen is really happy, okay!" Gao Yuanshan said to the young correspondent standing next to him, "Xiao Zhang, accompany General Manager Chen to look around."

"Yes, Chief!" The correspondent exclaimed.

When the three reached the embankment, Chen Shouyi couldn't help but look dignified. The reservoir was too large, occupying several square kilometers and a depth of more than 20 meters. Now the water level has bottomed out, leaving only a shallow layer of black water.

A large number of strange and strange world creatures are moving in the black water.

Chen Shouyi even saw a behemoth shaped like a crocodile or gecko in the distance, but a giant body that was five or six meters long. Under the burning of the flamethrower, he hurried on the water and burst out into a sharp misery. The water spray exploded like an explosion,

Several times it tried to rush to the embankment and was forced back by the flamethrower.

"You are also here." At this moment Qin Liuyuan came quickly, followed by a large group of warriors.

"Well, I've been called over." Chen Shouyi came back and said to God.

He glanced at and found that more than twenty warriors had come. Many of them felt a bit faceless. They should be new warriors only recently.

"Brother Qin, is this handsome guy?" A pretty female warrior looked at Chen Shouyi boldly and asked Qin Liuyuan.

Qin Liuyuan looked stunned, smiled, and said to the soldiers behind him: "Some people may not know this. Let me introduce you. This is Chen Shouyi, the general counsel of the provincial security, and the only martial artist in Jiangnan Province."


Everyone heard the words and suddenly took a cold breath, looking shocked.