Dawn of a New Era

v2 Chapter 289: Rotation

Inside the reservoir, the flames burned, forming a tornado of flames, which burst into the sky.

The heat wave blew and everyone retreated.

Lin Jingyi looked at this scene, froze, and suddenly asked: "General Manager Chen, do you say that we humans will fail?"

Chen Shouyi knew that she was not referring to this war, but the war between the earth and the other worlds.

He was silent for a while and then said, "Of course not, we can resist the other world for twenty years, we can always resist it, and the war will eventually win!"

Although he has no overall perspective, in the past six months, he can clearly feel that the strength of humankind is rapidly recovering.

From the moment of change, the whole city was still dead, and no motor vehicle was visible on the road.

By now, steam trucks are everywhere.

Not only that, the plane also reappeared in the sky.

As long as human beings are allowed to breathe for a few more years, and when power, communications, electronics, etc. are restored one after another, human power will be a thousand times greater than it is now, and they will never be as embarrassed as they are now.

As for the human counterattack in a different world, Chen Shouyi never thought about it.

Not to mention the triple gravity and the impact of high-concentration force on technology.

The strength of the savage **** alone can make humans stop.

The barbaric **** in the base camp of the other world and the barbaric **** who came to the earth are two complete concepts.

If the barbaric gods who came to the earth can only exert one strength, then in another world, their strength is one hundred and one thousand, even a nuclear bomb is useless.

After all, no matter how powerful a nuclear bomb is, it must be hit to be effective.

At the speed of the wild god's movement in a different world, I am afraid that he has fled the attack range without exploding.

The flame burned for a few minutes, and then gradually extinguished. The sewage under the reservoir was already boiling, and a large number of dead alien creatures were rolling in the boiling water, and the air was filled with a strange smell.

Chen Shouyi immediately put on his mask.


Time is gradually approaching the early morning.

The moonlight overhead was obscured by a thin cloud.

There is a faint mist in the air, making the eyes hazy.

Xue Youcheng pinched his sore arm, only feeling exhausted.

From day to now, he doesn't know how many times he has pulled the bow, 300 times, or 500 times. He can't count it.

In short, the two boxes of arrows provided by the army were used by him and Lin Jingyi.

There are more than a thousand arrows, and now there are more than one hundred.

The light in the corner of his eye gave a careful glance, sitting on the bank of the bank, holding a compressed biscuit and slowly chewing the provincial general counsel.

The warrior's circle is a strictly pyramidal type. The warrior is the top of the food chain, high above, and aloof. The big warrior is the middle layer, which is more than enough.

The three ranks are distinct and insurmountable.

There are no challenges.

Those who can defeat great martial arts are naturally not martial arts. Those who can defeat martial arts must be martial arts.

Everything depends on actual combat, nothing fancy.

As the lowest-level warrior, as long as the team has a higher-level strongman, the dirty work is exhausted, and naturally, the warrior will wrap it up.

This is natural, and it also reflects the value of their existence.

Their only use is to do chores and keep the strong physically fit to deal with dangerous situations.

They worked hard, but they were safe.

They bent over to laugh, stripped their faces, in exchange for being able to pull one at a critical time.

Of course, the latter is not something that all warriors can put down, but his mentality of old salty fish.

The young warriors are mostly young and vigorous.

At this moment a figure flickered, Chen Shouyi was already standing next to him.

Xue Youcheng was full of excitement and almost shot out with an arrow. The next moment he saw that the sewage under the reservoir arched into a mountain bag, setting off waves of waves, and a behemoth with a length of nearly ten meters emerged from the water.

"Hmm ..."

The cannon sounded, and the fast-fire gun started to roar.

This huge creature with sharp teeth and a swordfish-like back wing on its back, before storming, ushered in a storm. A large number of artillery shells hit his body with blood spattering, his body trembling again and again.

As a petrol bomb struck it, flames burned.

Soon, the reservoir calmed down again.


The swamp behind the space passage is obviously a terrible area.

A variety of powerful creatures emerge endlessly.

All night, like a similar beast, three heads appeared, and there were countless small alien world creatures.

In the morning, the sewage at the bottom of the reservoir was already full of dead bodies, almost next to each other, densely packed.

The existence of these corpses has greatly accelerated the speed of plugging the cement. As of dawn, nearly one-third of the passages have been blocked by the cement.

Chen Shouyi estimates that this task can be completed at most two days.

It's seven o'clock.

A group of military soldiers who came over began to replace their group of people ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Chen Shouyi saw Lei Ruiyang inside. Fang Dawu said.


The camp had already prepared a place for them to rest. Accompanied by a serviceman, Chen Shouyi walked into the tent.

The ground is covered with lime, and the air is permeated with a strong potion smell. In addition to a bed, there are some toiletries and two thermos bottles.

Fortunately, compared to other fighters with a tent for four people, this is a luxurious single room.

"General counsel, do you need to wash your body?" The serviceman asked.

"Can you still take a bath? Is there running water?" Chen Shouyi said strangely, but here is a wild country, the running water is not accessible at all.

"All the water here is boiling water!" The serviceman explained: "If necessary, I'll bring you a few more bottles of hot water and let it cool down before you can clean it."

"That's it, don't need it!" Chen Shouyi said, he didn't move much all night, and didn't sweat a drop.

After the servicemen left.

Chen Shouyi took off his protective clothing and started washing.

In the closed area here, in order to eliminate parasites, there is almost no cold water. All the water is boiling water, which is quite troublesome. It took nearly ten minutes to brush my teeth and wash my face.

After washing, he lay on the bed with his clothes in his mind, his mind fluttered.

I do n’t know how many such undiscovered dangerous space passageways are in all parts of the country, but there are definitely a lot of them. There is no case here. Fortunately, the discovery was timely and effective control ...

Then the sound of gunfire and gunfire came again from a distance, and the bed shook slightly.

He stopped thinking about it, listening quietly for a while, putting his hand on the hilt of the sword, and when the sound of the artillery gradually subsided, he sighed slightly, closed his eyes, and began to close his eyes.