Dawn of a New Era

v2 Chapter 325: Light of Civilization

Inside a building's parking lot.

A lot of abandoned cars here have accumulated a thick layer of dust, and the air is filled with a strong **** smell.


Chen Shouyi wiped his sword into the sheath, holding the hilt, and walked out of the parking lot with a cold face.

The bodies of the five barbarians behind them continued to twitch.

Time passed five days in a row.

Now there are fewer and fewer barbarians. The stupid and daring people have already died first, and the remaining barbarians have begun to hide in Tibet.

Parking lots, buildings, parks of woods, sewers, and even lakes are all places where they can hide.

In order to avoid human siege, many barbarians even eat rotten corpses, not only human corpses, but also corpses of their kin.

In the past five days, more than two hundred barbarians have died in the hands of Chen Shouyi.

Even powerful warriors at the division level killed five people.

It is not that the proportion of the strong is so high among the barbarians, but that it is easier for the strong to survive the war.

Chen Shouyi just walked to the door.

Just then, the air shook, and a figure with a spear slammed towards Chen Shouyi, with a roar in his mouth.

Chen Shouyi seemed to have anticipated that his complexion remained the same, but his body was leaning backwards, a white sword light like a stream of light passed away, and after a slight pause of his body, he continued to walk forward.

After taking two steps, the two separated bodies successively fell to the ground.

The barbarian hadn't died for a while, and the black water in his mouth kept pouring, hissing and exhausting, "Human ... I curse you."

There was a hint of taunt in the corner of Chen Shouyi's mouth, and he left quickly.

He walked while looking at the properties panel.

Strength: 16.7

Dexterity: 17.6

Constitution: 16.7

Intelligence: 15.9

Perception: 14.3 + 3.1

Will: 16.0

Energy accumulation: 7.01

These days, there has been no improvement in attributes. Except that the will has increased by 0.1 point, the rest have remained motionless.

This makes Chen Shouyi, who is making rapid progress all the way in Hedong City, very unaccustomed.

He all regretted that he did not bring the blood of God with him.

Otherwise, how can you add several attributes.

He loosened the hilt of the sword, and the range of perception was instantly reduced. He felt that his brain seemed to be relieved of his burden and quickly relaxed.

Fighting down these days, he found that the sword also had advantages and disadvantages.

While increasing the perception, it also makes the burden on the brain heavier.

Perception plus the increase has reached 17.4, far more than 15.9 intelligence. When holding a sword, a large amount of complicated information within eleven or twenty meters around the body is flooded in the brain without any detail.

Although this information has been shielded and weakened to a certain extent, it is still a heavy burden and can be tolerated in a short time. However, as time goes by, you will feel dizzy and mentally dull.

Not much affected during the battle.

After all, the strength reaches the level of Chen Shouyi. Each battle takes only one or two seconds, and more than ten seconds or half a minute, which is quite short.

But if you practice, it obviously won't work.


Chen Shouyi spent fourteen days in Pingzhou before the war came to an end.

Although brutal men were still found occasionally, they were generally settled.


Safety Zone.

When Chen Shouyi got out of the helicopter, walked out of the building, and looked at the noisy and popular street, he couldn't help feeling a sense of passing away, and nearly half a month later, the safety zone seemed to have changed again.

The gasoline lamps on the street are gone.

Replaced by the bulb before mutation.

It seems that the shops on both sides have become more and more lively.

"Are you lost?" Xu Shouyi stood on the side of the road for a long time, an enthusiastic girl, blushing.

"Oh, no, I just came back from the outside. I feel the changes are a bit big. Is the electricity here?" Chen Shouyi came back to God and said with a smile.

"No wonder, the electricity was turned on here a week ago. Unfortunately, you didn't come. The curfew was released that day, and the street was lively!" The young girl said very familiarly.

"It's really good!" Chen Shouyi said happily.

"Not only that, but now the phone is connected. Of course, only street lamps and government agencies are available for the time being, but I heard from the newspaper that it won't be long before we can recover from the abnormal changes." .

In fact, no matter how fast, the optical chip can't be solved for a while.

The chips before the mutation are basically low-voltage chips. Most of the chips have a working voltage of 5v, some as low as 3v, or even 1.5v lower. The lower the voltage, the smaller the total line width in the chip. Can reduce the problem of discharge, integrate more components and circuits on the chip.

But at 1,500 volts, the only end to these chips was to burst immediately.

(If a transformer is used to reduce the voltage, the circuit interference will not work)

Wanting to restore the past is basically equivalent to rebuilding an industrial system.


Chen Shouyi hurriedly returned home and found that the house was empty.

My sister appears to be in school, and her parents are in the store.

He pulled out the key to open the bedroom door, and suddenly found that the bedroom had been touched.

He smashed the chandelier over his head and replaced it. A new chandelier was installed ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Even the broken floor was repaired. In addition, a rough benzene was added to the desk. If he didn't see the microphone on the wooden frame phone, he thought it was a wooden box.

Chen Shouyi didn't care.

Apparently he was not in this period, the city government sent someone to install it, and repaired the floor by the way.

He couldn't wait to drop his luggage, found the switch on the wall, and pressed it.

The dazzling light of the bulb lights up instantly.

Looking at this long-lost light, he was a little bit surprised, and his heart was filled with a complex emotion.

Although he had heard the news on the road, seeing it with his own eyes was another matter.

Electricity is almost the cornerstone of human civilization. Since the disappearance of electricity after the transformation, human civilization has been declining for more than 100 years overnight. The entire army of communications, electronics, and computer industries has been wiped out, and even chemical engineering and smelting have been paralyzed.

Human power has been weakened thousands of times. In just one year, human civilization has been shaken.

Fortunately, everything was supported.

Looking at the light of civilization, Chen Shouyi suddenly realized that the darkest time had passed!

It will definitely get better in the future!

He turned off the light, lay down on the bed, smelling the familiar breath, and a string that kept tightening in his heart slowly relaxed.

I have been traveling for nearly half a month, and I have been accompanied by killings and deaths every day. When I saw them, they were all corpses, not only the corpses of barbarians, but more human beings. Even his powerful will felt tired, now he can finally relax .

After lying for a full ten minutes, he finally got up and released the Shell Girl.

"Good giant, we finally came back!" She screamed in excitement, jumped off the palm of Chen Shouyi, and then jumped to bed again, bouncing.

ps: Hey, Cavan, there is only one change, and there must be two changes tomorrow.