Dawn of a New Era

v2 Chapter 338: Inheritance

The presence of God is too far from him.

In fact, if the earth's environment is not special, as soon as the gods enter the earth, they will be greatly restricted, and I am afraid that humans would have fallen long ago.

Chen Shouyi shook his head slightly, instead of thinking about this heavy topic.

The dark cave was silent and silent.

He bypassed a huge corpse in front and continued on.

Perhaps the environment here is sealed and dry, and it is difficult to decay. Perhaps a long time has passed here, but it still maintains the original appearance, without much damage.

The entire grotto can be barely divided into a debris area, a rest area and an activity area.

It can be seen that this ethnic group still maintains the original state of society and has no concept of private property.

The possessions of all the tribes are piled up intensively.

The piles of animal skins, a large number of spears with bowl mouth thickness, and the skeletons and scales of the monsters have all been polished and processed to form usable weapons.

Many of them radiate a faint and faint light in the darkness, apparently not ordinary.

Chen Shouyi bent down and held up a simple four-armed giant weapon.

"This ... should be an axe."

The wooden handle is a peculiar piece of wood twisted in a spiral of 2.5 meters.

It is very thick and heavy. Obviously the texture is extremely dense. Even with his strength, it can only be barely lifted, which is quite laborious, and the axe blade is an oval green scale.

This scale is covered with mysterious patterns and glows in the dark. It has two meters at its longest point and one meter at its shortest point. You can imagine the size of the original owner of this scale.

It is embedded in a wooden handle and fixed with a perforated thick rattan skin. The rigging is still not rotten. Although it is rough in workmanship, it looks quite strong and durable.

Chen Shouyi has no doubt that this weapon is terrible lethality.

Unfortunately, this weapon was useless to him.

He threw it on the ground, and immediately made a loud sound of "bang", and the smoke was diffused.

He clapped his hands and walked forward.

In one of the corners, he saw a large number of dried corpses.

Most of them are barbarians, piled up like a corpse mountain, magnificent and shocking. The total number of barbarians killed by him is less than one tenth, and the number is estimated to be tens of thousands.

These barbarians were apparently the food of a four-armed giant.

It echoes the content of the murals you saw earlier.

However, there are only a few brutal people painted in murals, which are only artistic expressions. I didn't expect that there would be so many.

"I'm afraid an entire tribe has been slaughtered by a four-armed giant!" He was shocked.

Turning around a stone pillar, Chen Shouyi was suddenly surprised, and his heart jumped suddenly.

The shell woman on her shoulder was also scared to hold his ear tightly.

After seeing it clearly, Chen Shouyi was relieved.

This is a standing four-armed giant with a height of six meters and a strong sense of oppression.

His eyes had been dehydrated and withered, he was sunken inward, and his face was full of scales. He looked sullen, but Chen Shouyi could still see the angry expression on his face.

He appears stronger and stronger than the average four-armed giant. Although his body has been dehydrated and atrophied, he is still quite burly, exuding a sense of depression.

Chen Shouyi's eyes glanced over him, and his eyes fell on the spear he was holding. This was a light silver transparent spear, and occasional arcs of light flowed on it, looking quite amazing.

"This is ... the patriarch of the four-armed giant!" He was startled.

Chen Shouyi repeatedly saw this spear in the murals, but the characters he held were different.

Obviously, this weapon is the heritage of the tribal patriarchs.

He picked up a large rock and threw it suddenly.

With a muffled sound, the stone hit the head of the four-armed giant and immediately shattered. The huge body could no longer stand still. The bang fell and the spear fell from his hand.

Chen Shouyi pressed the hilt of the sword and walked forward.

Fortunately, the other party had already disappeared, no accident happened.

He didn't dare to touch it with his hands. As a precaution, he pulled out his sword and prepared to touch the spear with the tip of the sword first.

However, as soon as he made contact, he felt a great shock in his mind. A fierce four-armed giant roared loudly at him. Between the flashes of light, he retracted his sword like a lightning, and his body shook and sat on the ground.

"Good giant, are you okay?" Shell Girl flew off Chen Shouyi's shoulder again and asked worriedly.

"It's all right!" Chen Shouyi muffled air.

Damn, that's it!

His head was still a little dizzy, and he sat for a few seconds before he stood up.

This spiritual shock was more powerful and horrifying than the last time when the blood of God was used. Fortunately, he responded very quickly, and it only stopped for a short while.

He looked at the spear, unable to calm down in his heart: "What is the origin of this spear, how could there be such a terrible spiritual shock."

His will of 16.0 is not strong, but even so ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ almost broke at the touch of a touch. This is indirect contact. I wonder how the four-armed giant controls it?

There should be special methods.

Chen Shouyi did not try again.

He was only curious about the inheritance weapon of the four-armed giant, and even controlling the terrible spear was useless to him.

The entire spear is more than six meters long and thicker than his calf.

In other words, the giant transformed, barely usable.

On the earth, his giant turned three meters in height and could be used as a spear, while in another world he was fifteen or six meters tall and could be used as a dagger.

Of course this can only be thought about.

The transformation can only last for a few minutes. Most of the time, he is in a normal state. He can't drag this huge spear every day. The key to drag is still a problem.

Next, Chen Shouyi continued to stroll for a few minutes, then walked out of the cave.

The sand storm outside has stopped.

The sky became blue and washed, looking at the endless desert, his original dull and depressed mood became relaxed.

He found that it was not that there were no living things.

As the dust storm stopped, several giant spider-like and crustacean-like creatures emerged from the sand pile.

In addition, a horned lizard emerged from the bushes at the foot of the mountain and quickly crawled on the sand.

It saw Chen Shouyi, Xu felt threatened, stopped, raised his stubborn head, and made a sharp hoarse like a warning.

"Good giant, it's good or bad." Shell Girl, pale and frightened, stood on Chen Shouyi's shoulder and complained loudly.


Ten minutes later, this ten-pound heavy lizard was skinned by Chen Shouyi, his head and internal organs were removed, a wooden stick was inserted, and it was grilled on a flame.

ps: Chapter two, put it to night.