Dawn of a New Era

v2 Chapter 346: Primal Spirit

Chen Shouyi slowly stretched out his hand and exerted a little force. Numerous slender muscles on his arm, like steel wires, exploded, full of powerful power.

"It's finally 17 o'clock."

"It looks more pleasing to the eye than 16.9!" He murmured secretly.

This level of power has made the 2,000-pound war bow, which used to feel heavy, now handy and effortless.

At this moment, his mind moved slightly, and he closed his eyes and felt a smile.

On the distant island, a large-scale sacrifice is being held. Now the number of barbarians on the island is not two or three hundred, but thousands, and the number of converted believers is close to six hundred.

Although the believers have not yet broken through the four digits, they are still poor, but the power of faith generated during the fanatical sacrifice has also been considerable. When this "huge" faith power poured into the body, Chen Shouyi had a kind Pleasant sensation.

The power of faith can slowly strengthen the power of divine creatures, change the essence, and gradually bring them closer to the gods.

However, this speed is too slow. For Chen Shouyi, the most important role is to protect the soul.


at dusk.

When Chen Shouyi returned home, he found that there were guests in the house. In addition to Chen Xingyue and Bai Xiaoling, there were Luo Jingwen and a strange woman.

She looked about 20 years old, she was white and beautiful, she looked smart, and saw a little radiance in Chen Shouyi's eyes.

Chen Shouyi couldn't help wondering.

Beijing military master, what am I to do?

Chen Xingyue was boring to accompany him. When she saw her brother coming back, she couldn't wait to say, "Brother, you're here, all looking for you."

Looking at Chen Xingyue's boring face, Chen Shouyi knew that Luo Jingwen did not disclose his identity as a martial artist, otherwise his sister did not have this expression. He was slightly relaxed in his heart and said to his sister, "We have to say something, you go to cook first. "

As soon as Bai Xiaoling was about to speak, Luo Jingwen stood up and stretched out his hand with a smile.

"Brother Chen, I haven't seen you in a long time, and we won't blame us for not inviting you!"

Chen Shouyi shook hands with him politely: "Welcome, what are you looking for?"

He and these Beijing warriors knew each other when they retrieved the nuclear bomb mission. There was no friendship at all, and he didn't even say a few words to this one.

Of the five Beijing military divisions who came to perform the task, Luo Jingwen's strength belonged to the peak military division of the second echelon, second only to Ye Zong.

At that time, Chen Shouyi had just entered the martial arts shortly. Xiao Changming and Lei Ruiyang were just quasi martial arts. These people in Hedong City were very different from each other. Except for Lu Shouhu and Ye Zong, who were more approachable, there was basically little communication between them.

Bai Xiaoling was afraid that the general manager Chen would be fooled, and he could not afford to be in awe of the warrior who came from Beijing, and rushed to say. "Mr. Chen, they are here to ask for your support, and the government has agreed in principle, but whether they agree or not depends entirely on your attitude. If you find it inconvenient, you may not go."

Luo Jingwen's expression remained the same, and she still smiled, but the young woman looked a little unhappy.

"Miss Bai is right, this is indeed the case. This time the mission is to go to the East China Sea Province, and you may encounter some dangers, but it can still be safe." Luo Jingwen said with a look of confidence.

For a peak martial artist, he is still confident in this, as long as he does not encounter any extraordinary powers, he can basically guarantee the safety of the team members.

Chen Shouyi frowned slightly.

To Donghai Province!

Did something happen in Tokai Province?

"Since there is no danger, you two should be enough." Chen Shouyi said positively, with a faint rejection in his words.

The task of the province is okay. As the general counsel of the provincial security, he enjoys huge subsidies and high-ranking status. Naturally, he cannot shirk, but the provinces are still exempt.

And it's too far, it's not possible to come back in a day or two, it might be possible to go for ten and a half months.

At that time, the home will not be able to take care of it.

In case something happened in Hedong City, he could not rush back in time.

Luo Jingwen sighed and said: "To tell you the truth, the situation in Donghai is very complicated and may have fallen. We must investigate the specific situation there, and how much of our power is there. It's awkward, and if you can help, we can complete the task as quickly as possible. "

"I do n’t want to help. If you guys have come a few days ago, I am willing to define it, but it ’s unfortunate. Last night I just fought a terrible monster. Although I barely won, I was badly hurt. Do n’t look I'm fine. Actually I'm still recovering. I'm sorry, but I can't help it. "Chen Shouyi rubbed his temples, barely showing a headache expression, pretending to mess up.

There were a hundred unbelievers in Luo Jingwen's heart, how could there be such a clever thing, not to mention that the other party was so full of spirits, and his expression was too fake. It didn't look like something at first glance, but he didn't say it, saying: "I know It ’s not a mission in this province, and I do n’t say anything about the truth, nor will the local warrior Bai help, this time the reward is spiritual. ”

There are far more warriors in Beijing than in the local area, but there are more places to take care of. They are already overwhelmed, and every mission performed in Beijing can not be solved locally. None of them is not extremely dangerous. It has the right to recruit members on its own. Of course, the number can only be two at most ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ The identity also requires a locally recognized martial artist.

Chen Shouyi heard the words and wondered, "God?"

"The original spirit is from a weak-level **** killed in Jiqing Province. You should know that the main function of the spirit is to enhance intelligence, which is more precious than the blood of the god, let alone the original spirit." Luo Jingwen explained.

Chen Shouyi was surprised.

He knew the other party was right.

The original myeloid comes from the spinal cord of the **** and the brain.

Before the mutation, the warrior's intranet also provided the **** pulp, the price is equal to the **** blood, but that was already unknown in the cultivation process for how many generations of **** pulp have been degraded, and it can be extracted in large quantities.

The true **** pulp is much smaller than the **** blood.

And although the **** blood can also improve intelligence to a certain extent, it is mainly to enhance strength, agility and physical fitness. Intelligence is only incidental.

The reason why Chen Shouyi improved his intelligence last time is because his intelligence is the lowest among all his attributes, and he uses the unbroken primitive **** blood.

The spiritual essence is mainly to enhance intelligence and is therefore more precious.

This kind of east-west warrior is difficult to obtain, and it is basically provided to important scientific researchers. An Einstein-like genius has more significance to human civilization than all warriors. Like when the God of Courage fell, he never saw the trace of the spirit.

I didn't expect the rewards of the national missions to be so rampant!

Much more than the monetary rewards in the province.

Chen Shouyi had the intention to refuse again, but found that he had no resistance in his heart, tangled for a while, and then said, "When is it going?"

The young woman sitting next to her face sullenly frowned.

Aren't you mentally wounded, is there really nothing you can do?

Why not mention it now!

ps: There must be two more changes tomorrow, otherwise I will eat shit!