Dawn of a New Era

v2 Chapter 352: Decisively

See that the monster has disappeared into the rain.

The three did not hesitate and quickly got up and left.

The rain was getting heavier, mixed with lightning and thunder, and everyone was walking forward in the rain.

Only half a kilometer away.

Suddenly, there were heavy footsteps behind him, and the ground was shaking slightly, as if it were an earthquake.

Everyone was startled and looked around.


A dazzling lightning flashed across the sky, the sky and the sky suddenly lit, and a blurry and huge figure in the rain curtain was walking towards this side, each step falling, the ground splashed with excitement.

It's the kind of monster it was before.

"Damn, they are more than one." Luo Jingwen cursed.

Fortunately, the other party only has a normal walking speed and has no intention of catching up.

The distance between the two is getting farther and farther.

A few minutes later, the three hid behind the storage tanks and watched carefully.

Three heads, four heads ... In just three hours, a total of twelve monsters returned from the ocean.

"What do you say these monsters are doing under the sea?" Zhu Xueqing looked solemnly.

"Surely it won't be catching fish!" Chen Shouyi said with a slight smile, and then he moved in his heart and looked at each other.

"Booming ..."

It was another flash of lightning.

Everyone is upright!

"Fuck, they are really looking for that nuclear submarine. Someone has become a traitor, these **** traitors." Luo Jingwen slammed his thigh and groaned.

He stood up and walked anxiously.

This time it is not comparable to the 1,000-ton-equivalent tactical nuclear bomb that was missing last time.

The reason why the 1,000-ton nuclear bomb is a tactical nuclear bomb, not a strategic nuclear bomb, is that it is weak and has a small range of destruction. Even if a cult can get it, it will be a big bomb with a relatively large number of injuries and injuries.

However, strategic nuclear submarines are mainly equipped with ballistic missiles to undertake the second nuclear strike mission. The nuclear bombs inside are not one or two, nor are they small nuclear bombs.

According to information, such a nuclear submarine is equipped with 15 intercontinental missiles, each of which has ten sub-warheads. If each sub-nuclear warhead is calculated from 100,000 to 300,000 equivalents, the total equivalent is as high as 15 million tons. To 45 million tons.

Once acquired by the cult, Daxia Kingdom will completely cast a jerk, and become passive.

There was a depressing atmosphere in the air, and everyone was silent for a moment.

The rain is getting heavier and denser, and the dense raindrops sound like a symphony of the heaven and earth concerto.

Luo Jingwen walked back and forth for more than ten seconds, and seemed to make a decision. Suddenly he stopped, turned to look at the two, and said solemnly: "Zhu Xueqing, you are now returning to Beijing immediately and reporting the situation here!"

After speaking, he looked at Chen Shouyi again: "This task was originally without you, you are still young, and the future is infinite. Maybe it won't take long for you to grow into an existence like Ye Zong. You should not sacrifice here."

Zhu Xueqing's face was resolute: "Senior Luo, do you think I am a fleeing person? I want to die together, I want to live together!"

"Stupid, a woman just has long hair and short sights. Do you think I can't bear to kill you for your brother's sake? The information here is about the safety and death of Da Xia Kingdom. Don't be **** wayward, you are a new warrior. , What can I do here except to die for nothing? "

The sky was flashing with thunder, and it was always bright.

Zhu Xueqing's eyes were red, and he stared fiercely at Luo Jingwen: "I'm going to you, I won't go, and since my brother has never returned to keep me alive, I have vowed not to leave anyone alone to escape."

At that time she had just become a warrior, and his brother was already a warrior.

At that time, she was the happiest. No one dared to offend her. Everyone regarded her as a little princess.

Even if she went too far and looked at her brother, she closed her eyes.

However, until one day, everything changed.

That day, as soon as she became a warrior, she couldn't wait to take on the task of exploring a different world. Her brother was not assured of her and went with her. The result was too deep, and she encountered a terrible beast.

In order to hold the beast, her brother asked her to leave first, and then he would return immediately after he got rid of the beast.

However, this farewell is farewell, and his brother never returned from another world!

Luo Jingwen was also a little silent: "Your brother is so strong, you can definitely come back, don't be capricious!"

Chen Shouyi was silent for a while, then suddenly stood up and chuckled, "Isn't it just a few monsters, so we need to die before we die!"

"Yes!" Zhu Xueqing exclaimed.

"The newborn calf is really not afraid of tigers!" Luo Jingwen whispered to himself, his heart was heavy, a little comforting, and a little moved.

Even if you can kill one, there are eleven.

Kill two and ten.

The warrior has limited physical strength. How long can he persist?

It is okay to kill one by one. If siege is encountered, I am afraid that the entire army will be wiped out in an instant.

What's more, in addition to these monsters, there are still an unknown number of barbarians. Who knows if there is a strong one!

Knowing that there was another danger of exposure, he should bring a war bow. He couldn't help but hate his usual caution and care.

"Okay, since you are all not afraid of death, let's do it. You are not afraid of death. What else are you afraid of?" He said, gritting his teeth, trying first, and then saying, if things can't be violated, make sure they leave first Information sent.

"When will you act?" Chen Shouyi asked.

"Let's talk in the evening!" Luo Jingwen said.


It was getting dark.

The rainstorm has stopped.

An alien monster that rushed ashore against the stream was peeled and his internal organs removed.

Zhu Xueqing took out a sharp knife, and her hands danced quickly. Pieces of meat thin as cicadas and crystals were falling on the neat leaves. She smiled and said, "I'm the best at sashimi. It's a pity that there is no soy sauce or wasabi here! "

She smiled a little unnaturally, deliberately creating relaxation, and her heart was not as calm as it seemed.

During this time, the monster returned nine heads from the sea.

Twenty-one heads!

A terrible number!

In the face of the imminent danger, and even the last dinner in life, it is very likely that no one will be able to do so.

"I don't like to eat wasabi. I eat raw seafood and usually dip it in soy sauce." Chen Shouyi said.

When he was young, Chen Xingyue pranked his mustard once and made him tears and snot. He had a shadow on this stuff ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Of course, the culprit Chen Xingyue was also severely beaten pause.

When of course, in the end, he was also severely beaten by Chen's mother.

Perfect food chain.

Unfortunately, after Chen Xingyue went to junior high school, this food chain was broken. He became a man at the bottom of the food chain. Fortunately, he has now restored his original level.

"Sashimi without wasabi is completely soulless, so why not eat it?" Zhu Xueqing said.

"Soy sauce is enough." Chen Shouyi said.

"It seems that everyone in Jiangnan Province likes to eat salty soy milk!" Luo Jingwen gently picked up a piece of sashimi with his fingers, chewed it in his mouth, and said.

"Different places, my family likes salty soy milk more, of course, some people drink sweet soy milk!" Chen Shouyi said.

Zhu Xueqing looked incredible. "I really drink salty soy milk, how can I drink this dark food!"

"Don't comment before drinking, soy milk and soy sauce and spring onions, and then put some beef, it's delicious!" Chen Shouyi reluctantly retorted: "I still can't drink sweet soybean milk!"

"Boy, speak carefully, here are two sweet parties!" Luo Jingwen threatened pretending.


The crowd ate sashimi while talking and laughing as if they had forgotten the upcoming battle.

At one o'clock in the evening, when the last sashimi was picked up by Chen Shouyi and stuffed into his mouth.

The atmosphere calmed down for a while.

A full moon, passing through the thin cloud of smoke, sprinkles the bright moonlight like snow.

Luo Jingwen glanced at the moon, his heart sighed slightly, and the sky didn't help human beings. The next moment, he expelled the pessimistic thoughts from his mind, and said in a deep voice:

"It's almost time, let's go!"

ps: sorry for being late.