Dawn of a New Era

v2 Chapter 387: Finding Your Way Out (2 in 1

Chen Shouyi and everyone immediately hurried to the city government building.

A large number of soldiers on the road have already flooded the streets, and the entire safe area has begun martial law.

When the vehicle hurried to the city government square.

The attackers had left, and a large number of corpses were lying on the ground.

Some were not even completely dead, and the corpse was still jerking,

In fact, when the provincial government building was attacked, there was an increased alert here, and many craters could be seen in the square, apparently at the time of the attack. Unfortunately, it is still useless.

"It's too crazy!"

Chen Shouyi carefully looked at the shallow pits on the ground, thoughtfully.

"General counsel, what did you find?" The director of public security noticed Chen Shouyi's strangeness and asked quickly.

"The opponent is very strong, otherwise he can't step out of such a big pit!" Chen Shouyi said, this is much stronger than his non-giant transformation state, and his strength attribute is at least 18 or even 19 points.

"It's better than you!" The Director of Public Security asked diligently.

This is one of the strongest warriors in Daxia Kingdom who has been in Daily News.

Chen Shouyi shook his head and said, "It's hard to say!"

Strength is only a part of strength, and you can only know it after fighting, but this is not much for ordinary people.

Chen Shouyi looked to the distance. There were many high-rise buildings nearby. It was dark. For some reason, he felt that the attacker had not left, but he gazed secretly here.

However, he didn't need to remind him at all. A large number of soldiers had gone from house to house to search nearby.


In the distance, on the top of a tall building, a majestic barbarian was quietly looking here.

He was wearing human clothes, with short hair, a beard pulling dross, a rough face with no waves, a bare upper arm, and fine muscles twisted like steel wires.

At this moment, his eyes narrowed and a flash of cold light flashed. One of the humans in the distance contrasted with the image of the **** in his head. He spit out a hard Chinese sentence: "Chen Shouyi!"

This is one of the goals of his mission.

And it is a kill target.

He hesitated, looking at more and more human soldiers, turning and jumping without hesitation, his body lightly crossed tens of meters, jumped to the roof of another building, and jumped away several times in a row, and then quickly left. , Completely disappeared into the shadows.


In the early morning, Hedong City mobilized all its available forces and searched the whole night without success.

It was getting brighter.

The next day, it was discovered that the entire safe area was completely under martial law, and helicopters were everywhere in the sky.

Everyone was notified that they could not go out temporarily, the factory was closed, and the school was closed.

Everywhere on the street, soldiers searched the whole safe area, and there was a rumbling of noise.

The provincial government building has become the headquarters. Except for important departments, most of the public officials have been on vacation. The municipal government, including the military, has also merged into the provincial government building to work together.

This kind of direct attack on government departments appeared in Jiangnan Province for the first time, and suddenly caused a strong shock.

What Chen Shouyi does not know is that just yesterday, several cities near Dongning suffered beheadings in succession, some with few injuries and others, and others were a panacea. Although the grass-roots organizations are still there, they are still inevitable Chaos and heartbreak.

He was unable to return home for a while and sat in the provincial government building to guard the security here.

This is what a powerful martial artist means to Jiangnan Province.

Human weapons are powerful, but they are far less flexible and mobile than individual forces. Once deep into the hinterland to cause damage, there is no effective response at all.

But compared to those on vigilance outside.

Chen Shouyi's treatment is much better.

He and Qin Liuyuan were sitting on the fifth-floor balcony with a coffee table in front of them and a tea cup.

Qin Liuyuan arrived only in the morning. He had just finished a mission to return, and he was hurriedly called up before he had regained consciousness. However, for the physique of the martial arts, staying a night is nothing.

Since he became a martial artist, Chen Shouyi feels a lot relaxed, and many tasks are solved by him.

"Listening to the newspaper, did you go to Beijing to receive the award?" Qin Liuyuan asked tentatively.

In recent days, the newspaper has been enthusiastic about propaganda and bragging about Chen Shouyi. He has also seen it a few times, and has even been promoted as the No. 1 warrior in the Daxia Kingdom.

For one thing, he is totally unbelieving.

Chen Shouyi is better than him. He admits that he also knows himself.

But if he is the first warrior in Jiangnan Province, he has no objection, but the first warrior in Daxia Kingdom, it is really ... I believe you a ghost.

The official media in Jiangnan Province, in order to set a typical example, stabilize the hearts of the people, propaganda, it is too shameless.

"There is such a thing!" Chen Shouyi did not know Qin Liuyuan's thoughts and drank his tea.

"What sensation you did, even the Central Committee was shocked!" Qin Liuyuan asked curiously.

"This ..." Chen Shouyi glanced at Qin Liuyuan, wondering if he should say it?

After all, Qin Liuyuan was able to become a martial arts, or was it because of him, he felt that something was wrong.

"If it's confidential, it doesn't matter if you don't talk!" Qin Liuyuan said quickly.

Well, forget it, who calls him an honest man!

And when asked, he ca n’t help but say that, it ’s too hypocritical to do so!

"It's not a secret, you just don't have to spread it!" Chen Shouyi put down his tea cup and said, "I didn't tell you last time. I actually went to the task in Donghai Province."

"You went too, why didn't you come with us?" Qin Liuyuan wondered.

"I'll go earlier. I went with the warrior from the capital!" Chen Shouyi flashed a little embarrassed on his face, and continued, "I'm lucky, I killed a seriously injured demigod, so I caught the attention above." ? "

Qin Liuyuan picked up the tea cup and just drank half of it.

Chen Shouyi responded very quickly. Between the light and the flint, he would condense, and all the water droplets bypassed one direction and flew past him. His body was dust-free and drip-proof.

Qin Liuyuan was dumbfounded for a while. How could he care about paying attention to this alienation?

"Half ... demigod, you killed a demigod."

"It is a seriously injured demigod," Chen Shouyi humblely emphasized.

"Is that the female demigod in Qijiang, did you kill it?" Qin Liuyuan continued to ask.

"It's just a badly wounded demigod." Chen Shouyi tried hard to be modest. "In fact, it's nothing. Someone has been able to kill demigods. Ye Zong has heard of it? The strongest warrior, he has killed two. He is far worse than that. "

Qin Liuyuan: ...

He suddenly didn't want to talk anymore.

Not long ago, he obtained a large amount of demigod blood and finally became a martial artist. The ideals of many years were once realized, excited and unbearable, and he could not help but go to Chen Shouyi to drink. The consciousness gap gradually caught up and reached the same level.

Unexpectedly, not only did the gap not get closer, but the farther and farther, even the demigod was killed by Chen Shouyi.

Seeing that the atmosphere was suddenly cold, Chen Shouyi was a little embarrassed.

If I knew it, I wouldn't say it.

Fortunately, Zhang Miaomiao held a bunch of boxed lunches and walked in: "Mr. Chen, Ms. Qin, you've worked hard, and I'm bringing you food!"

"No clue yet?" Chen Shouyi looked at the time and asked, finding that it was already noon unknowingly.

Zhang Miaomiao shook her head. On this day, the entire building was in a depressed atmosphere, and the dignity made people breathless: "A lot of soldiers and people died, but by the time they arrived, they had already fled."

Chen Shouyi is silent, the city environment is complicated, and there are high-rise buildings everywhere. He really wants to hide a person. He wants to find out that he is no different from looking for a needle in a haystack.

What's more, he is still a terrible powerhouse. As long as he is careful and does not impact the army, he is free to come and go as if he were in a state of no one.

Qin Liuyuan also quickly adjusted his mentality at this time. Anyway, since he knew Chen Shouyi, the other party has been stronger than him and there is nothing psychologically unacceptable. He asked loudly: "The killer has been in the safe zone and has not left?"

"Judging from the current situation, it should be!" Zhang Miaomiao said.


In a room.

The three corpses were lying on the ground. The barbarian was calm, holding the sword in his hand, and constantly practicing in the living room. The sword crossed the air, made a slight snoring sound, and had a slight spit.

His swordsmanship has become extremely proficient. Every move and every style is like mercury pouring out of the ground. It is full of strange beauty, like a senior martial artist who has been practicing for more than ten years.

"Exotic swordsmanship, seemingly simple, but infinitely subtle, uses the power of the body to the extreme, and it is amazing in every way. Unfortunately, the body is too weak, and the **** of victory in the end of this war."

After practicing for ten minutes, I walked to the window, where I could observe the provincial government building, and a helicopter circled nearby.

The defense here is getting tougher

A sneer flashed on his face.

As one of the legendary strong men who threatened to lure over to face wars.

Before coming to Hedong, he and other legendary powerhouses spent some time in Dongning.

Under the professor of human sacrifices there, he already knew quite a bit about human culture, social structure, military, and martial arts.

This is a world beyond his imagination.

Food that can't be eaten, countless skilled craftsmen, houses as large as mountains, weird social structures, and terrible weapons like divine punishment, even as strong as gods are also jealous.

It's a pity that foreign objects are ultimately foreign objects ...

At this moment, his ears moved, and a few footsteps gradually approached here.

He thought: another place to change.


Chen Shouyi and Qin Liuyuan remained in vain for a day.

The assailant was more patient than he thought, like an experienced hunter, waiting for the prey to show its flaws.

Night began to fall.

Although it is normal to get off work, no one in the whole building has left, and even if there are soldiers everywhere on the street, it will not be safer than here.

Nothing to do here for almost a day and night.

Chen Shouyi was impatient.

He was a bit worried about the safety of his parents and sister. Although the guards at the villa area are not necessary now, they must be quite tight, but without him, his heart would not rest assured.

He said to Qin Liuyuan, "You help and watch, I'll go down."

"Okay, no problem." Qin Liuyuan said.

Then Chen Shouyi propped up the fence and jumped down from the fifth floor.

As soon as he landed, he felt the gaze in the bottom.

The attacker was definitely nearby. He walked outside the square without moving his face. The other party seemed to be observing himself. Wherever he went, his eyes followed. He pretended to look around casually. Unfortunately, Everywhere in front of the window, there are people looking at it. You can't see anything at all?

He immediately turned around and returned.

"Why are you back so soon?" Qin Liuyuan said.

"He has been nearby, and if he wants to solve him, he can only lead him out." Chen Shouyi looked dignified: "I'm going to see the senior officials of the province."

Qin Liuyuan heard a stun in his heart.

After a while, Chen Shouyi knocked on No. 1 office.

"How confident are you?" The provincial executive Shen Sheng asked.

"Sixty-seven percent!" Chen Shouyi said.

The senior provincial official frowned and groaned for a moment before he said, "The risk is too great. I cannot risk everyone's life. I want to convene a standing committee!"


After half an hour.

According to the lottery, some civil servants slowly withdrew with the armed forces here, and even the patrols on the streets were withdrawn, while another part remained here, ready to hold to the end.

Senior provincial officials did not choose to draw lots and stayed here by example.

"Everyone here, it's up to you whether you can live or not!" The senior provincial official patted Chen Shouyi's arm and said in a loud voice.

Chen Shouyi, who had been eager to try because of the impending battle ~ lightnovelpub.net ~, suddenly felt a burden.

He had never felt it before.

Hundreds of people's lives are connected to themselves, and if he fails, everyone will accompany him to sacrifice.

He regretted the suggestion.

He hates this feeling.

He was silent for a while and said, "I try my best!"

"General counsel, I believe you, you can kill demigods, you must do it!" Zhang Miaomiao embraced Chen Shouyi and encouraged.

Provincial senior officials noticed this scene, seemingly thoughtful.


Time passes by every minute.

However, the attackers did not appear slowly, but the feeling of being back like a man did not disappear at all, but became stronger and stronger.

The other side was obviously quite cautious and was judging the danger here.

Qin Liuyuan was holding a bow, and his expression was tense: "This is too risky, just in case ..."

"Nothing!" Chen Shouyi said.

His strength is no longer what it used to be. In the ordinary state, he has the strength of a peak martial artist. In addition to the giant transformation and super-supernatural state, as long as he does not meet the demigod, he can confidently win.

Qin Liuyuan opened his mouth and said nothing at the end!

At this moment, Chen Shouyi said suddenly, "Here!"

A figure walked slowly from the empty street. The figure pulled out a long shadow under the street light, and looked cautiously from left to right. Before long, he walked to the square in front of the government building.

No gunshots were heard during this period.

He suddenly stood, keen ears, and didn't hear any footsteps coming over. It didn't seem to be a trap. His heart loosened, then he looked at Chen Shouyi on the fifth floor, his face flashed with contempt, and his tone was strange:

"Stupid blasphemy, do you want a fair fight, you are seeking your own way."