Dawn of a New Era

v2 Chapter 427: Finger licking

"It's not that the opponent is too weak, but I'm too strong!" Chen Shouyi sighed beside the headless corpse of the barbarian.

Barbarians who used to feel terrible before are now as easy as killing chickens and sheep.

"As long as I kill another demigod, I can surpass Ye Zong, and the world is invincible!" Thinking of this, Chen Shouyi couldn't help grinning.

Master is lonely!

A cold wind blew by.

There was a goose bump on his skin.

He glanced down at the clothes soaked in blood and ragged into rags.

Immediately reached out and tore off the clothes, picked up a piece of clothes that had been frozen on the road, and shook it gently. Countless **** and sand were shaken and immediately worn on the body. After a while, the clothes began to take Steaming steam.

He then picked up the lost bow, threw the arrow that had been scattered all over the ground, put it back into the quiver, and carried it on his body.

Suddenly he turned and took an arrow to pull the bow, and a sharp arrow flew out.


A bare-bones barbarian was instantly pierced through his chest and exploded into a large hole.

He struck out an arrow again quickly and headed towards the opposite cell.

In front of a window on the fourth floor of a residential building, a middle-aged man waved excitedly to this side.

He retracted the bowstring, hesitated slightly, turned and strode away, and soon disappeared into the distance.

He's not here to save people!


More than one martial artist came over this war, plus Chen Shouyi, a total of five people.

But Chen Shouyi saw only two at dinner.

None of them are familiar with military martial arts.

One was a middle-aged man named Xu Zhangtian with a beard, and the other was a female martial artist named Lu Lingbo.

Not only are female warriors scarce, but most of them have low facial values.

Lu Lingbo is the typical one. Her physique is even stronger than that of Chen Shouyi in general.

Nearly two meters long, five big and three thick, plus a dark Chinese character face, if it is not seen that she does not have a throat knot, and her chest is more drums than an ordinary martial artist, Chen Shouyi would think that he is a man.

The faces of them were sullen, bloodshot in their eyes, and they gorged while eating.

As martial arts officers trained in the system, they are not as free as folk warriors. Whenever there is danger, they must be on top at any time, but they are slightly more free and treated better than lower-level military warriors.

After a week of continuous war, even the hard-hitting man couldn't bear it.

However, with the arrival of Chen Shouyi, the two still dragged their tired bodies to quickly stand up and greet warmly.

The martial arts circle is a small circle. It is a society of acquaintances. As long as you have a relationship with one or two people, you can know all martial arts.

With Feng Hansong tuned here, his reputation has also spread.


The place where Chen Shouyi rests at night is a run-down hotel.

He returned to the room, and as soon as the door was closed, Shell Girl emerged from the quilt and complained, "Good giant, when can we go home? Several sunrises and sunsets!"

Chen Shouyi sighed. During this time, she also suffered with her, and never had a birthday. "Be patient, you can go back in a few days!"

He didn't know how long he would stay. The war was going very hard. At least it could not be ended in a short time. He put the bow and sword in place, and felt that Shell Girl hadn't responded for a long time.

She found that she was licking the demigod that she had brought with happiness.

Chen Shouyi was speechless.

What a waste of my relationship.

She used to be a clever shell girl, but now she has become a silly licking dog.

He walked to the window, opened the curtains, and noticed that it was beginning to darken outside.

This area already belongs to the rear, but it is only five or six kilometers away from the front. From here, dense gunfire may be heard in the distance.

There was a broken Xiao Suo around, with dangerous buildings and ruins everywhere.

At this time, Chen Shouyi looked at a 34-storey building in the distance, a huge and transparent hole, and almost emptied the entire building.

The entire giant cave is more than 30 meters high and 13 or 14 meters wide.

Looking out of the hole, Chen Shouyi found that there were more than one such hole. A similar giant hole appeared in another building behind the building.

"Isn't this a cannonball?" Chen Shouyi wondered.

Nothing left and right, he opened the window and leapt down.

After half a minute, Chen Shouyi came near this dangerous building.

"this is……"

He glanced down at the ground, only to see the bottom of a radial crater with a diameter of three or four meters, and a clear footprint was striking.

Footprints are only four toes and part of the forefoot edge, but each toe is thirty centimeters long.

No doubt this is a behemoth.

Chen Shouyi jumped into the pothole, rubbed his finger on the ground, and found it was quite solid.

Obviously, the opponent is running at high speed, and the strength is violent at every step.

"Is this the God of Hunting?" He looked dignified.

He has only seen the true body of the hunting **** from afar, he has not seen it at all. He only knows the approximate image, how tall the other party is, how many toes, and there is no concept at all!

"If it is the **** of hunting ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ I feel the other party is a little bit embarrassed?" He looked at the hole in the building, thoughtfully.

"Is it dodging nuclear bombs?"

Insufficient information, what can he not judge?


He didn't stay long, and soon returned to the room.

Sitting in bed bored for a while, only feeling deserted.

There is usually a shell girl to tease, but now she is obviously very happy.

He simply stood up and prepared to practice.

This time, Chen Shouyi, a demigod, brought a lot, a hundred pounds, enough for one week.

His physical strength now has reached his physical limit. No matter how he cultivates, his strength cannot be improved, but he has no intention to give up.

Every night is still working hard, and continues to stimulate the transformation of the body.

Especially in the past two days, he had a wonderful feeling. There seemed to be a power deep in his body, which was slowly sprouting. He felt faintly, and the breakthrough was just recently.

He pulled out his sword, walked to the huge piece of demi-god, looked at the blushing shell girl who squatted beside the huge piece of meat, and licked, "Let!"

"Oh!" The shell female's calf moved a step, and continued to lick with interest.

Can you still lick it?

The blood was licked by you!

His heart was defamatory, and he simply removed the piece of meat!

The Shell Girl was licking, faint, licking into the air if she didn't feel it.

Chen Shouyi looked funny, and put his finger on the prank.

She didn't know, and licked his finger for a while, then she finally felt wrong. She spit several spits of water and put her hand on her waist fiercely:

"Bad giant, are you going to be bitten again?"

PS: A bit of Cavern, today is a chapter.