Dawn of a New Era

v2 Chapter 500: I don't want to lose face (No. 1

"This effect is much stronger than last time!" Chen Shouyi secretly said.

And obviously this has just begun. When an interview with Renren Daily comes out, it is estimated that there will be a big outbreak.

"Maybe it won't be long before the talents of the senior giants can be upgraded to 100%!" Chen Shouyi thought with joy, hard to spread faith in another world, how could this come quickly.

The huge base of the population of more than one billion people in Daxia Country, even if everyone spit, can fill a lake.

As soon as Chen Shouyi went to the bathroom and was going to take a bath, the phone rang.

He immediately walked out of the bathroom.

When Shell Girl stood in front of the phone, she saw Chen Shouyi say aloud, with a look of excitement:

"Good giant, look at it, you are crying 'bell bell bell' again, there must be bad giants in it!"

I am not deaf.

Chen Shouyi's heart was defamatory, and she ignored the stupid shell girl.

He picked up the phone: "Hey, I'm Chen Shouyi!"

"Hello General Chen, I'm Sun Xueming of the State-run Office."

"You know you, in fact, you don't need to introduce it every time!" Chen Shouyi said, "What are you looking for? Isn't it a reward!"

"Uh, yes, Mr. Chen, then I'll make a long story short." After dealing with it several times, Sun Xueming already knew Chen Shouyi's character.

How to say it, just casual, say whatever you want?

"In recognition of the selfless contribution of the Chen's cultivation method introduced to the country, the State Office decided to reward you with 500 points of merit. In addition, you killed another demigod in Shantou Province. The results have been verified. Reward 200 points for a total of 700 points of merit!

Your accumulated achievements have now reached 1,050 points. Please check them. If there are any mistakes, please inform them in time. "

"Well, that's right, it's 1050." Chen Shouyi said joyfully.

Unexpectedly, Chen's cultivation practice, so many rewards, can keep up with him several times desperately.

It was totally unexpected.

At this moment, his heart moved, and suddenly he remembered something, and said quickly: "Wait! This reward for Chen's cultivation method does not include the horizontal training method?"

"Heng Lian Fa?" Sun Xueming, who was on the other end of the phone, was completely confused. What the hell? He quickly and carefully asked, "General Manager Chen, sorry, I may not understand?"

"You haven't heard of it. It was only recently that I realized that I use it to strengthen my physical defense. It was only disclosed in the Jiangnan Budo University just in the morning." Chen Shouyi said.

The opposite side was silent for a second before digesting this amazing news: "I haven't received any news on this side ... but it should not be included. If it is verified to be effective, the country will certainly not regret rewards and honors. To reward. "

"That's good!"

At the same time that Chen Shouyi heard the sigh of relief, he couldn't help but regret it. He was too upright at first, and he introduced the thirty-six styles of refining body and refining himself.

It can be taken apart.

In this way, there will be two meritorious deeds, how can there be more than one!


Next, Chen Shouyi chose the long-awaited soul beads, spent 650 points of contribution value, and ended the call.

What a good pair!

Looking at the belief value on the property panel, it increased a bit during the call. He was happy, grabbed the stupid shell girl squatting beside the phone and overheard, and kissed several headlessly.

The face of the shell girl was drooling, her clothes were messy, as if a little girl who had been torn down by a dozen big men again, her face was aggressive.

"Small and sweet?"



Chen Shouyi took advantage of today's time to go to the bathroom to take a bath and change into a suit.

I called Jiangnan No. 1 Heavy Machinery Factory in advance and told them to visit before going out to ride a bicycle.

It's March.

The temperature has begun to warm up. As the snow and ice have gone, the grass on the roadside is tender green, dotted with colorful flowers, with a vitality.

Women who are looking for beauty can't wait to take off their heavy coats and put on light clothing.

Spring is here!

Leaders from the factory were already welcoming at the door.

He put his bicycle in the parking shed, and did not deliberately avoid the eyes of everyone, and took out the giant sword directly from the space.

Seeing this incredible scene, everyone's eyes, noses, noses and hearts are completely ignored.

What makes Chen Shouyi always feel less?

"Mr. Chen, you have already used the sword!" Director Zhao looked at the edge of the sword, and there was an obvious sign of severe impact. Fortunately, the deformation was not serious, and it was sunken about a millimeter.

"Well, once used, the power is pretty good." Chen Shouyi nodded and said: "I don't think the sword needs to be fully opened, as long as the edge is half a centimeter thick!"

The last battle explained everything very well. With the power of giant transformation, the demigod defense couldn't resist at all. Even with an iron rod in hand, it could still be killed. Under this kind of power, the edge is too sharp. , But easy to curl.

"In this case, we will be much easier." Director Zhao said with a smile.

"Then please ask Director Zhao."

The workshop was deafening, and Chen Shouyi did not wait long. After explaining the details, he left the factory.


It is a pity that this cheerful mood will end when we get home.

Father Chen and Mother Chen heard the news that he was firing bullets with the tip of a gun, and hurriedly came back, waiting for him at home long ago.

As soon as Chen Shouyi entered the door, he was scolded and ashamed.

"I'm okay, it's not risky, it won't hurt me ..." Chen Shouyi muttered quietly squatting in the corner.

Really lost face.

I think he is a legendary strong man who is in awe, even killing several demigods. His status is very important, his life has reached its peak, and he is reprimanded as a dog when he returns home.

"You dare to pout, I can't control you, right? You use bullets this time, what will you use next time, artillery shells or atomic bombs, the most dead in the river will swim." Chen mother gas panted ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Look left and right, it seems the guy who is ready to take advantage.

Then he flicked a broom.

Anyway, he is very skinny now, even the bullets are blocked, and he can't be broken!

"Mom, don't, I'm wrong!" Chen Shouyi jumped out of the situation and quickly jumped out of the house with an unusual skill.


Chen Shouyi strolled around, and when he was about to eat dinner, he came back slowly.

"Dine!" Mother Chen gave him a nasty look.

"Oh!" Chen Shouyi responded quickly.

Chen Xingyue gloated over his face and told you to die.

Chen Shouyi glanced at him, secretly kept the account in his heart, and planned to wait for the calculations later. He hurriedly ate and hurried to the room.

ps: It's a bit slow today. I'm going to pass one chapter first, and another chapter is being revised.