Dawn of a New Era

v2 Chapter 516: I'm wrong

Negotiations soon ended.

Both parties are quite satisfied.

I feel like I'm making money.

This is the same thing, the value in each person's eyes is different.

In the eyes of primitive people, a piece of dog head gold is just a piece of heavier stone, which does not care at all, but among human beings, it is the general equivalent of money.

Are artifacts precious?

Of course it is extremely precious and of inestimable value.

书 The Book of Knowledge is an artifact.

陈 To Chen Shouyi, the book of knowledge is everything, a corpse with a weak divine power, not even one ten thousandth of its value.

Soul Bead is also an artifact.

It protects the soul and reduces the impact of will when fighting God. Without this thing, it may have died in the last battle in another world, and its value is far more than a **** corpse.

国家 In the eyes of the country, although the artifact has high scientific research value, by studying the artifact, you can intuitively observe the research, the composition of the artifact, the operation of the force, and understand the mysterious nature of the different world.

But the progress of this research is too slow.

For the whole 20 years, very little has been achieved.

What's more, after the change, the computer can no longer be used, many high-tech experimental equipment can't be started, and all the experimental progress is almost in stagnation.

岌岌 In today's precarious situation, it is totally acceptable for the country to pay two artifacts compared to five hundred tons of real **** flesh that can improve the power of the Daxia Kingdom immediately.

Uh ...

Dozens of heavy trucks, like a dragon, are lining up on the road, with soldiers standing on both sides of the road.

In the car in front of him, Chen Shouyi and Zhang Deqing chatted. A senior official at the deputy ministerial level had nothing to say, and Chen Shouyi spoke like a spring breeze.

"How many artifacts are there now?" Chen Shouyi asked curiously.

"Five!" Zhang Deqing accompanying him said in a good mood, saying politely: "Now in the major laboratories, two were seized 20 years ago. Unfortunately, there were three at the time, one of which was due to improper preservation , Has been eroded. When you passed, we transferred the artifact from the laboratory, you pick two. "

Chen Shouyi knows this.

At that time, the earth's original force seemed to be absent, and it could not support the extraordinary power of another world.

There are many artifacts. As long as he stays in this world, he begins to corrode and mystery fades away. When he got the book of knowledge, he was already rotten in a thousand warehouses.

But how many wild gods did the world kill 20 years ago?

Uh ...

A factory warehouse was completely emptied and the ground was cleaned.

One step at a time, full of soldiers wearing chemical protection uniforms, even blocked within one kilometer.

Chen Shouyi walked into the warehouse and said lightly: "It's big enough here, let me get away!"

The crowd behind him quickly backed away.

The next moment, the ground trembled suddenly, and a lot of real flesh exuding a golden halo appeared in the open space out of thin air.

Then there was a huge crystal skeleton like a dinosaur bone. Looking at the luxurious suit of the "God of the Sea" brand, he was reluctant.

He shook his head quickly and expelled this weird thought from his mind.

There are still more than 20 tons in the puppet space, and the most important brain also has a small half, about 100 pounds, which is enough for him to eat for several years.

The depressed atmosphere began to diffuse.

Even if everyone was wearing a lead-plated chemical protection suit, they felt their hearts sank suddenly, as if they were blocking a boulder, and their breathing began to thicken.

守 Chen Shouyi glanced back and found that everyone was staring closely at the huge pile of real **** meat, and nobody even cared how the meat came out of nowhere.

有人 Someone wakes up soon

"Everyone has it, everyone has it, look to the right, take a break!"

"I want to reiterate discipline, and you can choose to perform this task, which shows that they are all tried fighters, and the country is at stake ..."

Uh ...

Next, nothing happened to Chen Shouyi.

Xu asked Zhang Deqing for a phone call. After making an appointment to go to Beijing to pick an artifact, Chen Shouyi refused to pick up the vehicle and walked out of the house.

The spring breeze was warm in the afternoon, and there was an inexplicable floral fragrance in the air.

With a few children, chasing each other in the park next to it, full of laughter.

Everything seems so peaceful.

When Chen returned home, Chen Shouyi found that Bai Xiaoling was standing in the doorway, her eyes were red and uneasy.

"Woohoo ... Mr. Chen, I'm sorry, I failed your trust!" As soon as she saw Chen Shouyi, Bai Xiaoling couldn't stop tears.

"Oh! I didn't blame you, what did you cry, it was easy for me!" Chen Shouyi said with a sigh.

当然 Of course he knew that his offer was a bit low.

I haven't reached the bottom of my country's heart.

But at least it has exceeded his bottom line.

Why don't you take advantage of cheap.

What's more, he never expected to get more. As a member of Da Xia Kingdom, in this war era, countless young soldiers lost their lives in the war with another world.

He has seen the soldiers drive a self-exposed truck to meet the Savage God,

虽然 Although he does not have the courage to die generously, he does not want to be on these things outside of him ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Taiwan Baht must compare, there are two artifacts, which is enough.

In this age of war where life is bound to fail, strength is everything, everything else is false.

As long as he is strong, as long as he survives, as for other things, money, power and the like are only appendages that depend on strength.

Bai Xiaoling was so scared that he thought Chen Shouyi was going to fire him: "Mr. Chen, I was wrong ... wow ... would you scold me, don't drive me away."

I have never heard of such a request.

守 Chen Shouyi erected a middle finger: "Grass! Who said I want to drive you away, don't cry anymore, I'm upset crying."

Bai Xiaoling broke her tears and laughed, and quickly wiped her tears, wondering what she thought, her face flushed, and she looked at Chen Shouyi's handsome side face quietly: "Chen ... Consider, don't you blame me?"

"It's my ability to overestimate your ability, it's not as good as me!" Chen Shouyi was not good-hearted, at least he never hesitated on any occasion.

I ran away.

I lost his face.

Finally, I had to top it myself.

"Of course I can't compare to General Manager Chen!" Bai Xiaoling bowed her head in shame and said in shame.


Finally has self-knowledge.

"I still have a group of demigods to sell. This time I do n’t sell a government. They are sold to warriors. They have to be influential. At least everyone in Jiangnan knows it. It ’s best to have an auction. "

"Yes, it must be, President Chen can rest assured that you must do it this time." Bai Xiaoling hurriedly promised that she would pat her chest.

I looked at the useless Bai Xiaoling, and hurried away.

应该 It shouldn't be a moth this time.

He secretly said in his heart.