Dawn of a New Era

v2 Chapter 521: loss

The black, gold-grained armor was dazzling and ornate, exuding a faint resemblance to the mighty spirit.

No one responded.

There was no sound around, and the atmosphere was extremely quiet!

Luo Chaoyuan opened his mouth, and was shocked by this divine power.

To all, Chen Shouyi was completely unaware.

At this point, he was already immersed in his personal world, and looked at the new toy with delight.

His will and armor were inextricably linked, a feeling that was astonishing, as if the entire armor was like part of his body.

Armor ironing is close to the body, and the silk is seamless.

With the exception of a pair of eyes, all other parts of him were wrapped in it, but it was barely felt.

Warmth, comfort, and a sense of security.

His skin can feel subtle changes in the outside world ... No, it becomes more acute. He can feel the subtle air flow blowing in the force field emitted by his armor, bypassing a beautiful arc, and flying behind him. To the collision of dust.

Even more amazing.

He couldn't feel the slightest weight of armor, nothing light.

It's hard to imagine that this thing totally weighed a dozen tons.

The material does not look like metal, it is more like some kind of biological tissue that can be extended at will. Chen Shouyi feels that even if the giant transforms, it should be completely usable.

In fact, now he feels a little too thick, and his chest can be as thick as a dozen centimeters.

Fortunately, there is no stagnation.

Chen Shouyi tried to lift his leg and took a step.


A black figure jumped three or four meters away like a phantom. If Chen Shouyi had not responded in time and adjusted his body quickly, he would almost be on the ground.

"Huh, fast! But it takes a lot of energy!" Chen Shouyi secretly said.

With just one action, the mind is consumed like flowing water.

Think about it too, this is an artifact.

It must consume divine power when used.

He has no divine power, and can only consume wills similar to divine power. Otherwise, how can the weight of more than ten tons make him feel light and not even feel the inertia brought by the slightest mass.

Chen Shouyi let go of the cohesive will.


next moment,

He felt a huge weight, pressing on him in unison, at the same time, the field of force on the armor and the radiating divine power also disappeared and became ordinary.

Chen Shouyi was eager to experiment for a while, but this is obviously not the time to experiment.

He lifted the armor and received space.

Until this time, the shocked crowd returned to God.

"It's incredible, how did you ... how did you do that?" Luo Chaoyuan's old body seemed to have regained his youthful vitality, walked over quickly, his face flushed with excitement.

This scene is really incredible.

This artifact, which has been silent for 20 years, actually "lives".

"This requires control of it. As long as the mind is engaged, refining artifacts will do." Chen Shouyi was in a good mood, and he did not hide.

He thought about it and went on to say, "I can practice my modified cultivation method, and I can barely refine it!"

Next, Minister Zhang opened his mouth, and stopped talking, a thought in his heart circling.


A big loss!

This artifact alone is estimated to be worth 500 tons of real God flesh.

No wonder, at first, the other party only dared to ask for one or two artifacts. It is estimated that the price in his heart was just one.

Fortunately, the meat is rotten in the pot after all, and General Manager Chen is strong, which is also good for Daxia Kingdom.

He wondered in his mind whether he suggested the above to exchange a lot of artifacts with various real **** flesh for various countries. While the value of the artifacts has not yet been realized, he should make a bottom-up copy and exchange more.

I'm afraid I won't have this opportunity in the future.


After finally getting rid of the thirst for knowledge of Academician Luo and other researchers, Chen Shouyi stepped out of this heavily guarded warehouse and breathed a long breath.

Feeling tired.

In the car.

"Artifact ... No, I will make a meal later, have dinner, and stay overnight in Beijing. I will arrange a helicopter to take you back tomorrow. What do you think?" Minister Zhang said.

"Can you arrange a helicopter now?" Chen Shouyi asked.

Why stay in Beijing?

Delay another day!

When he just got two artifacts, he felt like a worm in his heart, and he couldn't wait to try them.

It's a torture for an extra minute.

"It's okay, but it's too anxious!" Minister Zhang looked at his watch and advised: "It's eight o'clock now, and you've run so far, I haven't received dinner ..."

"I have real flesh." Chen Shouyi said.

Minister Zhang couldn't help but silence.

In the face of such a big brother who eats real meat, it is really impossible to interface.

It's simply not in a world.

All made him feel a sense of self-confidence.

"Since you are so anxious, I won't entertain you. The city government is next to it. There are helicopters there. By the way, how much real meat do you have left?" He tempted.

The transaction was completed the day before yesterday. When weighing afterwards, it was found that the true **** was not only 500 tons, but more than 520 tons.

Obviously, this casual attitude still has a lot of others.

Chen Shouyi immediately became vigilant: "It's running out!"

Only two dozen tons.

I finished it in a few years.

"Haha, I just ask casually, don't mind."

"It's okay!" Chen Shouyi said, paused, and glanced at him: "Will you give you a few pounds!"

As soon as the words fell, the driver shook his hands, the whole person was bad, the car was shaking for a while, and there was almost an accident.

Minister Zhang's face changed a few times, and then he smiled bitterly: "Don't hurt me, this is a mistake."

Chen Shouyi suddenly felt boring.

Just a few pounds.

Cut it out between the teeth and save it.


The car drove all the way to the city government.

After the arrangement by Minister Zhang, a helicopter quickly flew into the sky.

Moonlight is cold

Chen Shouyi was covered with a thin blanket, and Shell Girl crawled around like a mouse under the blanket. Under the cover of the blanket, her courage was much greater, and she was entertained and entertained inside.

Chen Shouyi didn't bother to look at her and looked out of the dark window.

Can't help feeling.

Still comfortable to fly by helicopter!


It was fast and bright.

The helicopter finally arrived safely in Hedong ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ and landed on the balcony of a building in the safety zone.

He stepped out of the building, avoiding the patrolling soldiers all the way, and quickly walked towards his home.

It was only four o'clock in the morning, and the family was not up yet.

He emptied his body, opened the window with his will, and then floated into the bedroom.

After the shell woman threw to the bed.

Seeing nothing happened, Chen Shouyi felt itchy and unbearable. He couldn't help taking the ball out of the space again, and immediately armed his body.

next moment.


The floor under his feet was instantly cracked by him.

Chen Shouyi suddenly faced an aggression and did not dare to move, for fear that the floor would be collapsed.

"I almost forgot how light this armor is!"