Dawn of a New Era

v2 Chapter 621: Abduction

The giant exudes a force field that can affect other people's emotions. Repression, cruelty, violentness, temptation, fear, and various negative emotions press the space around it, making the light somewhat distorted.

Ordinary people are afraid that when they touch, they will lose their minds and lose their nerves.

But for Chen Shouyi, it has no effect.

This is a world of weak meat and strong food. Weakness is original sin.

Chen Shouyi threw the twitching corpse into the distance. A dozen tons of heavy objects smashed to the ground and made a huge muffled sound.

Then he retracted his body, two little dots flew over quickly, arguing while flying.

The Shell Girl fell proudly on Chen Shouyi's shoulders, and No. 2 was a little bit small, and she never dared to come.

Chen Shouyi thought it was interesting and beckoned.

Xiao Biao No. 2 was startled and flew back a few meters. She looked at the giant in front, and looked at the abominable kind standing on the shoulders of the giant. She was not convinced in her heart, and it seemed that the giant was not Eating her little creature, her heart flew across, and she flew forward boldly, landing carefully on the other shoulder.

She was tense all over, like a kitten that would stab at any moment, and would disappear into the air if something went wrong.

The shell girl suddenly became frustrated when she saw this, and quickly exclaimed: "This is a good little giant, you can't stand!"

The good giant belongs to her, and the other party wants to rob her of the good giant, which is really intolerable.

In the face of Shell Woman's provocation, No. 2 Xiaodian couldn't help it anymore, and said loudly, "The good giant is not yours."

"It's small."

"I'm too young!"

"You're no small, I'm no small."

"I'm too small."

"you are not!"



The shell girl exploded. Why did she always learn to talk to her? She flew quickly, and the next moment, the two little guys twisted into a ball again.

Chen Shouyi was still a little worried at first, but watching the two small dots were half-capable, pecked at each other, and he didn't bother to care about them, and then walked quickly to the giant hole.

He knows that searching for a headless fly like this is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack. This area is too big, and even if there is any fetish, he probably doesn't know it.

But he knew a little bit,

He didn't know, someone must have known it.

He couldn't find it, someone must have found it.

No money can be found on the street. Money is in the pockets of others.

The whole forest became silent and quite quiet after the war.

Soon, Chen Shouyi went to the burrow, looked around, and as soon as he thought, his body flew down.

The entire burrow was more than a hundred meters deep. After entering the bottom, Chen Shouyi discovered that although the blue giant saw that it had been drilled out of the soil, it was not buried in the soil. The inside was a huge karst cave, and the upper surface soil was just camouflage. .

He couldn't help but feel cold.

The strength of this cyan giant is comparable to weak power, but still cautious, obviously, the danger here is beyond imagination.

Two small points, the fight that had stopped for a long time, separated Chen Shouyi's sides of his shoulders, his eyes narrowed, his eyes swept away with vigilance.

There are some plants in the cave, like vines without leaves and covered with spikes. As Chen Shouyi approached, the vines slightly moved, which was obviously not a bad stubble.

"Okay ... giant, these things ... it's dangerous!" No. 2 nodded, hesitated, whispered, and obviously learned the title of Shell Girl.

Chen Shouyi looked at the bold little guy.

She had burgundy hair, like a girl who had shrunk countless times, and looked cowardly and beautiful.

Noting Chen Shouyi's gaze, she was breathing shortly and her eyelashes fluttered slightly: "You ... will you eat me?"

"No." Chen Shouyi said with amusement in his heart.

She felt relieved immediately.

When the shell girl saw the two talking, she was anxious, and flew up quickly, blocking Chen Shouyi's sight: "Good giant, she is not cute at all. If you want to see, just look at it?

"Okay, little, the cutest." Chen Shouyi laughed.

This is jealous.

No. 2 Xiaobuxiao was secretly angry, but after all, she was still afraid of giants and did not dare to speak loudly.

Next, Chen Shouyi strolled around the cave. Except for the piles of hills in the old nest deep in the cave, there were stink bones, but nothing was found. It was completely poor.

If you think about it, even if there is something good, it is estimated that it was eaten on the spot, how can it be put to the present.

Chen Shouyi left the cave and continued deep into the restricted area.

The more forward the atmosphere, the more depressing the atmosphere, the violent force of the heavens and earth, and the disorder of the air-conditioning. Chen Shouyi occasionally saw the thunder and lightning hit the big tree, and occasionally there was a faint glow of satin, dancing like silk in the forest.

The two little guys became silent.

He could feel that the more forward, the more dangerous, and the depth of the forbidden ground, it is likely that some ancient and terrible existence that even the gods with powerful divine powers dread would exist.

But he had no choice but to go all the way.

Every time he walked, he buckled the marker on the big tree along the road to avoid getting lost. This is also the reason why he didn't fly. The space distortion here has become more serious. Once flying, it is estimated that he will soon lose his sense of direction.

The night gradually came.

This day is still futile.

He couldn't help feeling a little depressed, and didn't know where the original conspiracy **** found the essence of the soul, and it was estimated that it would go deeper.

When the night was completely dark, he found a cave and settled down.

"Good giant, do we sleep here today?" Shell Girl asked.

When Chen Shouyi nodded.

Shell Girl said to No. 2 Xiaobu: "I'll teach you math problems, it's very interesting, only smart little people will do it."

"Oh!" Little No. 2 nodded slightly. She was curious in her heart, and she was also a smart little girl.

When did the relationship become so good?

Wasn't it just because you didn't do it before?

Chen Shouyi was weird and didn't think much about it. When he thought about it, the numerous ants ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ underground were smashed by him, and then even the ground debris and dust were cleaned up.

He made the quilt and fed the two little ones.

With one more, the expenditure on food has doubled.

Fortunately, the two didn't eat too much, so I pulled it out from the gap between the teeth and saved it.

No. 2 sniffed the seductive atmosphere in the small saucer in front of him, surprised, and whispered: "Okay ... giant, is this for me?"

"Yes, here you go, eat it!" Chen Shouyi said with a smile.

"You are really a giant." She said, she couldn't wait to eat, and she got close to Chen Shouyi.

On the side, Sven licked the meaty shell girl and turned her head and asked, "Is it delicious?"

"It's delicious." No. 2 Xiao nodded blushingly and nodded strongly.

"There are so many good giants!" Shell Girl Road.