Dawn of a New Era

v2 Chapter 624: remains


Strength: 22.3

Dexterity: 22.3

Constitution: 22.3

Intelligence: 22.2

Perception: 21.5

Will: 21.3

Energy accumulation: 32.95

Belief: 450.34

In just fifteen days, his attributes have changed dramatically. In addition to the two sub-attributes of perception and will, they have generally increased by 0.7 points. The effect is amazing. At the same time, the super giant body's talent ability has also changed from the original. 12.01%, reaching 28.1%.

Unfortunately, that's not enough.

"It's only twenty-seven days away from the time of prophecy, and one and a half months on Earth Day. Time is running out!" Chen Shouyi was secretly anxious.

Twenty-seven days, naturally he couldn't put all the time into the restricted area to explore, and it took time to return. In addition to possible accidents, he decided to explore another ten days, and then he would return anyway.

He looked out at the dark world, mysterious aurora, wandering in the woods in the distance like a ribbon, with a weirdness and mystery.

Chen Shouyi looked at the time, only three o'clock.

He cleaned his body with his will, and lay down on the bed.


After just two hours of sleep, before dawn, Chen Shouyi went on with two small dots.

This time, he was completely open to killing, as long as he found a creature that was more than a weak god, he would kill it mercilessly.

In fact, for a few days, he killed three.

Creature of this level is not Chinese cabbage. Even in this mysterious and terrible forbidden area, it is not everywhere, and coupled with the limited range of exploration, it is difficult to find.

As for the harvest, there was no luck like last time.

Over time, his heart became more and more urgent, and even at night he began to hurry and completely gave up cultivation.

The strength has reached his level, the speed of cultivation progress has been getting slower and slower, even if he spends most of the day in cultivation, the remaining time, it is good to increase each attribute by 0.1 points, it is better to take a risk.

Taking a risk may not change the end of the prophecy, but not taking a risk will not change the end of the prophecy.


Seven days later.

Chen Shouyi hid behind a mountain and looked far into the distance, looking dignified.

An invisible and powerful force affects the whole sky and earth, and the atmosphere is depressed and anxious.

There is no grass in the front, and the strange stone is like a **** in the earth. A terrible monster is lying on the ground eating.

This is a terrible giant that is nearly thirty meters high, with a scary face like a skull, which is intimidating, with a blue and mysterious pattern on the body, which is like a magic pattern covering the whole body and dense.

The mist and haze circulated on it, and the air around it was chaotic. From time to time, there were large arcs flashing in the air.

"It's a terrible creature!" Chen Shouyi felt the palpitations in his heart, secretly in his heart.

This is the most powerful creature he has ever seen here. The threat to him, if it is to be compared, it is estimated that only the fire **** of medium power can compare with it.

Chen Shouyi, the two little guys, had let them hide into the distance.

He glanced across the monster, looking at a nearby building ... or the ruins.

The whole relic has a maximum height of sixty to seventy meters and covers an area of ​​one million square meters. It is covered with vines that wither like pythons. Some parts have collapsed and the surface is extremely severely weathered, but the patterns above can still be seen faintly.

This is the first time Chen Shouyi has seen such a building in this almost forbidden area.

Some of the evil things here are quite powerful and can be compared to the Savage God.

However, life habits are still in their original state, and they are no different from wild animals. Perhaps there are too few individuals and no social conditions are formed. The material requirements of these evil things are limited to food and there is no concept of architecture at all.

Most of the evil things are just a place to find a cave, and some even simply open the ground.

In contrast, the wild gods outside the forbidden area can be called civilization.

And this ruin can be called weird.

Chen Shouyi suspects that the relics may last longer than this forbidden land.

However, he is not an archeologist and has no interest in the history of another world.

Chen Shouyi looked at the horrible monster again. He reached out and tore off a corpse's thigh, and his flesh and bones were broken by sharp teeth, making a rattling sound.

He hesitated for a moment.

Taking a deep breath, he opened the properties panel.

Add 7,000 of these belief values ​​to the giant body.

Ten seconds later, it faded with the numbness of the body.

The original 28.01% giant body.

It has become 35.01%.

The monster seemed to feel something, his body was red, and his cruel and cruel eyes looked at this side.

For a moment, the world seemed to be dark.

Endless pressure poured down.

For the sake of caution, Chen Shouyi's location is more than 20 kilometers away from the opponent, but even so, it seems to have no effect. It was just that Chen Shouyi's heart had a killing intention.

In this case, he is not ready to hide.

There is nothing to be afraid of. If you can't even kill the other party, you will have to die in a month.

He has no retreat.

Fame is a double-edged sword. With propaganda, his daily belief value can now reach more than 600. This is an invisible pressure. Others can hide with peace of mind.

Life and death are bearish, just do it!

People are dead, and they are dead for thousands of years!

Chen Shouyi took out the armor from the space, quickly armed, and then his body quickly expanded.

In the blink of an eye, a giant more than sixty meters high stood in the ground,

From 12.01% of the giant's body when he first stepped into the forbidden area, to 35.01%, his progress has increased threefold. His height has also changed from more than 40 meters to more than 60 meters. The change is not large. In terms of body size, the strength seems It has increased about three times.

But in fact, it is more than that. As the energy that appears in the body increases by a factor of several times, his strength increases not by three times, but by five times.

Judging by his attributes, his strength and physique ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ has reached 38.2 points.

In concrete data, his pure dual-arm strength has reached 900,000 tons, and the energy consumed by each hit is equivalent to the energy of hundreds of tons of TNT, and 100,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity is completely a human-shaped nuclear weapon.

Lightning fluttered over him, and the wind blew around.

A lot of gravel floated off the ground.

The monster looked at a creature larger than it in the distance, suddenly dropped the food in his hand, and suddenly stood up. Like a big enemy, this behemoth made it feel a strong sense of crisis.

One big and one small, the two giants looked away.

The air became restless, and the clouds over his head passed through the gap like white horses, passing quickly and breeding out of thin air.

Within a hundred kilometers, everything is quiet, and the birds are silent.

Chen Shouyi shook his fist, the air made a loud noise, and then strode forward.