Dawn of a New Era

v2 Chapter 628: The State of Humanity (Part 2

"Controlling the atmosphere (advanced): 20.01%."

He vomited the air in his belly, and when he thought, the atmosphere within dozens of meters was quickly discharged, and everything became quiet.

be quiet.

Extremely quiet.

There was no sound in the ear.

The body floats under buoyancy.

The vacuum field is integrated with him. A system is equivalent to staying in a vacuum balloon with a radius of about 70 to 80 meters. It floats quickly under the buoyancy of air.

He punched a fist sharply and found that the keen skin still felt slight resistance.

However, the resistance is small, and it is almost difficult to detect without careful induction.

Obviously, this is not an absolute vacuum.

Of course, there is no absolute vacuum in this world. Even in the empty space, there is no vacuum in the strict sense. There is also a substance. The density is about 2 atoms per cubic meter.

"I wonder if I can block the lightning?"

As soon as Chen Shouyi's thoughts moved, his body began to swell, and soon he became a giant more than 60 meters tall.

The body that flew to the sky under buoyancy suddenly stagnates and falls straight.

Stepping on the ground with both feet, the rocks and rocks shattered, causing a dust.

He looked at his body. After the transformation, the arc was beating because of energy spillover. At this time, no arc appeared.

"It seems to have some effect." Chen Shouyi thought to himself: "But the lightning of the **** of lightning is obviously not the only power ..."

At this moment the sky and the earth brightened.

He looked up and looked at the distant sky, where he saw the dark clouds and lightning flashes.

"What do you really want, what come?"

He dissipated the vacuum realm, and the next moment he slammed on the ground, and the mountain top exploded instantly like an explosion. At the same time, his huge body stood up to the ground.

Every step under the foot, a fire light appeared, and the shock wave burst in the air.

It looks like a demon is coming.

After controlling the atmosphere to 20%, the force of atmospheric confinement has become more terrible. Stepping on the solidified atmosphere is like stepping on a solid solid. The huge reaction force supports his 8,000-ton mass body at supersonic speed. go ahead.

"Boom boom boom ..."

The loud noise was endless, like the sky falling apart, and the dense clouds above the head, under this terrible power, they began to interfere violently.


A flash of lightning flashed before his eyes.

The bifurcated current, like the ghost's claw of death, looks dangerous and thrilling.

Chen Shouyi's face did not change.

Perhaps because of the giant's perspective, even these lightnings are five or six meters thick, it looks like the thickness of his arms.

"Lightning is estimated to hurt me at most, but not fatal," he said secretly.

He kicked his foot hard again and greeted the dark clouds of lightning.

At this moment his hair was slightly numb, and before he responded, a flash of lightning hit his body instantly.


He was stiff, the arc of his huge body flashed, and the smoke was smoky. Fortunately, he recovered in less than 0.1 seconds, and he was not injured.

Lightning in nature generally ranges from several hundred million joules to several billion joules. Some super lightning can even reach tens of billion joules, but these numbers in billions are just looking terrible. In fact, ordinary people can understand the degree. That is dozens of degrees, a few baidus, thousands of kWh.

Many people have seen lightning strikes, and most have interrupted a tree. In fact, the energy is not as great as imagined.

And his giant transformed, the energy of one punch is quite 100,000 kilowatt-hours, one hundred tons of tnt, a mountain can be smashed.

With his current strength, conventional weapons other than nuclear bombs would at most be slightly injured.

As for dozens, several hundred Baidu electricity is poured into the body. It is not fatal or injured at all. The biggest impact is the biological electrical balance of the nervous system in the body, which causes the body to become rigid.

Within seconds, his entire body had fallen into the clouds.

Lightning struck him frequently.

"Here it is!"

He quickly expelled the air, a vacuum field quickly formed, and everything calmed down.

Lightning struck the air wall, blooming beautiful electric flowers, as if a mysterious pattern was clothed on it, gorgeous and eye-catching. In the vacuum field, except for the slight static electricity, there was not much effect.

Feeling this amazing effect, Chen Shouyi's face showed joy.


After the test, Chen Shouyi did not stop and flew all the way.

A day later he stepped out of the space channel and smelled the breath of a long absence from the earth.

A legend of a barbarian who guards the channel. When he saw Chen Shouyi, he immediately fell to the ground and said in awe: "Dear lord!"

When the rest of the barbarians were strong, they quickly fell to their knees.

"Oh, you know me." Chen Shouyi glanced at him with a calm mind.

"My lord has sent shrines and seen the images of adults. My lord has commanded that as long as the lord comes, he must treat them respectfully, such as ... He is here!" Said the barbarian legend, his body could not help but shudder.

This incredible oracle is unimaginable. This is the etiquette of treating equal or even higher beings.

Chen Shouyi nodded his head, ignored it, and stepped out of the channel.

At this time in the evening of the earth, people in the streets came and went, peaceful and quiet, and the air was filled with strong areas of faith.

Seeing that it was still three months ago, there was not much change, and he was relieved.

"Sawadika!" A young woman wearing a gold crown and wearing traditional Thai costumes, respectfully walked to Chen Shouyi, folded her hands for a little worship, and a look of joy on her demure and holy face.

"Dear Sir, you are finally back!"

Without a doubt, this is the **** of conspiracy in women's clothing.

It's getting more and more spicy, and it's becoming more "human".

Chen Shouyi didn't have the slightest surprise on his face. He turned around and forced her discomfort to look at her: "What's the situation now?"

"Since Yanzhou was occupied by the Lightning Lord two months ago, there has been no movement for the time being." The conspiracy **** frowned slightly and solemnly, "Maybe it was frightened by the European Union's super nuclear bomb."

Chen Shouyi could not help but glance at her.

The other party's information is very well-informed.

However, he didn't want to care about that much, only a weak **** with a weak power left and right, he can kill any hand now.

"How to say?" Chen Shouyi asked lightly.

"When the Lightning Lord captured Yanzhou, the European Union dropped a super hydrogen bomb to deter, and after that there was no action." The **** of conspiracy said respectfully.

Chen Shouyi thoughtfully.

The European Union and Yanzhou are only one step away. Yanzhou was captured ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ The European Union is the first to be attacked. Deterrence is also reasonable. As for the number of deaths caused by super nuclear bombs, it is really the last moment. Who cares so much? .

War has never been more crazy, not the most crazy.

Just don't know, how much effect?

Chen Shouyi didn't talk much.

As soon as my feet kicked, my body rose into the sky.

With the last lesson, the God of Conspiracy was well prepared. She quickly backed away, but was still blown up by the shock. Her clothes were torn, her head was missing and her whole body was exposed in spring.

However, she didn't care at all about these humiliations.


Also used to it.

As soon as she landed, she looked at Chen Shouyi, who had become a smaller one, looking serious:

"This terrible human has become stronger!"