Dawn of a New Era

v2 Chapter 698: Shield Sword Technique

Dawn of Era Chapter 68: Shield Swordsmanship Novels Listen Online

Another world snow mountain.


There was a loud noise.

When the earth shook, a mountain suddenly collapsed, and numerous boulders rolled in the air.

At the same time, a 100-meter-tall giant rushed into the sky like a rocket, and a circle like a shock wave of star rings spread "slowly" in the air.

The violent power gave him unparalleled explosive power.

With a simple jump, the instantaneous energy of the burst is as high as two or three thousand tons of tnt.

He jumped to a height of nearly 10,000 meters and stagnated for a moment.

Just under the gravity of the earth, it fell straight.

"How can we use our strengths?" Chen Shouyi thought secretly in the air.

Due to the giant's shortcomings of agility and intelligence, his enemies are destined to be flexible and high-speed assassins. As long as he is not flexible, he cannot be his opponent.

"There are only two ideas. One is to limit the flexibility of the opponent ... This easy operation is mainly to improve the ability to control the atmosphere." Chen Shouyi secretly said that now that his giant transformation has been promoted to the limit, there is nothing to rise. The point is to control the atmosphere.

"The second is to improve combat methods and skills."

As he approached the ground, he stepped on the air with one foot and landed on the mountainside in one step.

As soon as he reached out, a huge lightning sword quickly extended from his arm.

The Lightning Sword became much thicker and darker than before.

As soon as it appeared, there were meteorological changes in the sky. There was a dull thunder in the clouds and lightning rolled.

Compared with the original, the power of this artifact has been increased several times.

This is a phenomenon that Chen Shouyi found by accident.

When the artifact is integrated into the body, it can increase and decrease with the change of body shape. Normally it can reach one or two meters in diameter and 40 to 50 meters in length. As the body shrinks, its energy material will also disappear out of thin air. , Reduced to the size of a normal martial arts sword.

And if the process is reversed, it is not a giant state but a normal body or a semi-giant when integrated into the body, and then enlarges the shape, will it enhance the essence of the artifact?

The answer is yes.

The ability of giants to transform into this kind, the more Chen Shouyi understands, the more mysterious and difficult to understand.

Nowadays, the energy it takes for a giant to transform into a random blow is as high as tens of trillions of joules. This value is about one thousand tons of tnt, one or two million kilowatt-hours, and the time of this blow can only be calculated in milliseconds.

In a fierce battle, a 2 billion kWh, equivalent to one-fifth of the Three Gorges Hydropower Station's full-power operation, was enough to supply the energy he needed.

This horrible energy consumption, based on his own energy reserves, not to mention supporting the battle, it is estimated that only a little movement can squeeze him out.

However, in fact, the giant state seemed to communicate another dimension. Endless energy emerged from the body in a vacuum. Instead of being drained, he was endless in strength, never tired, and even maintained the giant state forever.


Chen Shouyi was just about to drill. At this moment, his mind moved, his mind flashed, and the color of the lightning sword quickly dimmed a lot. At the same time, a huge shield with a height of half a person appeared on his left hand.

Shield swordsmanship is rarely used by warriors.

Never even seen it.

The standard martial arts equipment of a bow and a sword, why it has become popular, has become the absolute mainstream, which of course is not because of handsome.

But there are real reasons.

At the beginning, the main purpose of human training of warriors was to explore a different world. As for the invasion of another world, there were naturally hot weapons to deal with it.

A warrior has high attack, low defense, and weak physical strength. In a different world with triple gravity, a warrior's ability to move is not as good as the most ordinary barbarians. It is naturally impossible to carry too heavy weapons. The lighter the equipment, the better and the more flexible the body. it is good.

When encountering an enemy, first use a bow. When the short soldiers hand in, they will burst out of full strength, exhaust their physical strength in a short time, and fight hard.

Don't talk about shields. Even armor, stab-resistant clothing and so on are rarely worn because they affect physical flexibility.

In addition, stabbing with a sword is faster than slashing with a knife, and it is more deadly.

Therefore, in addition to bows, lighter swords have become the absolute mainstream.

"But this method of warfare is completely unsuitable for himself, and it is not suitable for dealing with an enemy that reacts two or three times faster than him. In the face of this opponent, the first consideration should be how to defend." If there is in Chen Shouyi's heart, Thoughts.

Then he took the shield in one hand and the sword in the other, and his mind simulated the battle with the Lord of Lightning.

"Boom boom boom ..."

The surrounding mountains suddenly suffered a major disaster, the ground was shaken violently, and the mountain collapsed.

Unless Chen Shouyi responded in time and retracted his body, otherwise the mountain range within 10 kilometers would be destroyed and razed to the ground.


In the evening.

Mother Chen put one end of the dish on the table and said to Chen Dawei who was reading the newspaper on the sofa

"Well, stop reading the newspaper."

Chen Dawei put down the newspaper and said with a smile. "I read in the newspaper that last year, the birth rate of China Shipping was 378. No wonder I heard that baby supplies are now out of stock."

Chen Shouyi had a good meal, sat in a good position, and heard Yan vomit.

Can it be high?

Now not only contraceptives and the like are contraband ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ the flow of people is also completely banned.

Once the bid is won, it can only be born.

If you talk about what inventions of mankind have, the largest population reduction?

Not a firearm, let alone a nuclear weapon, but a condom, which is the ultimate demon of humanity.

How many meters Qingzi was expecting to prepare for the new life, he was finally blocked in front of the thin layer of film, and finally was thrown out of the trash bin and classified as dry garbage.

"It's a good life and a lot of children. How many people have died in these years, I think more than one-third." Mother Chen said blindly with her eyes closed.

"How could there be as much as a third." Chen Xingyue could not help but refute "there is at most one or two billion."

"Why not, look at Hedong, how many people died at that time, there were corpses everywhere on the road." Mother Chen said chanting, when talking about this, she felt a little uncomfortable, and that scene was for anyone who saw her Are like nightmares.

"It's all over, what is this to do?" Chen Dawei said.

"I just said casually, anyway, more than one-third died," Chen's mother said.

"This is an individual place." Chen Xingyue said.

"Do you understand or do I understand? Shouyi, you come to judge."

"Mom, you're right." Chen Shouyi swallowed his meal quickly.

Chen Xingyue also has a temper, and snorted, "Xing Xing Xing, you are terrific, I can't say you."

After a while, he said, "Brother just fools you, and doesn't want to see you in general."

Chen Shouyi and the pond fish almost spit out rice.

It was really good for her. She gave her a box of gems yesterday. I knew that I would lose her hair.

Seeing Chen's mother looking suspiciously, Chen Shouyi quickly said, "Mom, what a fool I've done to you, don't listen to Xingyue's nonsense."

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