Dawn of a New Era

v2 Chapter 701: Immolate

There is no God in the world, and if you believe in more people, you will become God.

The gods come from the beliefs of sentient beings, and they are also subject to beliefs. This is a simple contract of cause and effect. At the same time that the divine power is powerful, there is no cost. What you have to pay for, otherwise you will be back bitten. Bear.

再 Even the evil gods do not dare to devour the souls of believers on a large scale. This is a taboo known to the gods. I do not know that they have fallen.

However, there are exceptions to everything. If a believer is willing to sacrifice himself for the **** of faith and sacrifice himself, he will not be backwashed at all.

主 And the Lord of Lightning, this is the idea.

He is not ready to wait.

The longer the time drags on, the more betrayed the believer becomes, and the worse it is for his situation. Instead of wasting it for nothing, it is better for the believer to sacrifice himself and restore strength in a short time.

Uh ...

When night falls.

Countless torches, lit like stars.

If you look at it from a high altitude, hundreds of millions of people converge on a land of more than 10,000 square kilometers. Under the auspices of the respective priests, prayers sound through the sky, and the air is shaking.

His plan was unable to keep up with the changes. Although Amirgar was secretly anxious in his heart, he had no choice but to follow other people's prayers.

The only thing worth consoling is that at this time Olin Dan's **** with more muscular muscles than men did not have the time to stab him and endure physical and psychological torture.

"Great Lord, you are the embodiment of lightning. You have infinite power. Today we are here. We offer our sincere prayers and wish your glory to the universe ..."

Amir Gaal was thinking over and over again with the crowd. At the beginning, he still had a string in his heart, but gradually, he was infected by the atmosphere around him, getting more and more engaged, and his expression became more and more fanatic. Began to forget me ...

The power of deep belief is pervasive in the sky and sky.

A vision gradually appeared in heaven and earth.

The original cloudless sky began to see the emergence of dark clouds, and a sound of muffled thunder sounded faintly. Everything in the sky and the earth began to change subtly under this great force.

Uh ...

When Chen Shouyi returned from space, his face was not good.


A flash of lightning erupted, making a loud thunder.

看了 He glanced dark, the sky was covered with clouds, and heavy rain was coming.

I walked back to my hotel and found Li Wenwu waiting at the door: "General Manager Chen finally came back."

"What is it?" Chen Shouyi stopped and asked.

文 Li Wenwu's face was a little lingering and said, "Commander Zhang asked me to ask you, when will you return to China?"

"Returned to China?" Chen Shouyi stunned and said, "Why return to China?"

文 Li Wenwu heard the vibration, his throat shook, and he tried to maintain his posture, but his throat still couldn't be stretched, as if floating upward, with a hint of false voice:

"This ... this is the Lord of Lightning, but it is not an ordinary wild god, are you really sure?"

"About five or five days away." Chen Shouyi thought seriously and said.

"May 5th?" Li Wenwu's throat changed completely, like a white goose with his neck pinched, his voice was sharp. Attracted many hotel waiters to wait and see here frequently.

"Maybe a little weaker, but it is not so easy for the other party to kill me." Chen Shouyi looked at Li Wenwu, who was fussed, adding.

The top-level giant transforms, and his physique and defense are comparable to the abnormal level. Chen Shouyi estimates that even armor-piercing bullets can't break him, coupled with the body's artifact of the Lord of Lightning, greatly enhanced the energy. Even if the resistance is not enough, the opponent wants to kill him, it is not a simple matter.

Li Wenwu looked dumbfounded: "But ... but!"

"Stop it, is there anything else?" Chen Shouyi was a little impatient.

"No ... no more."

"I'll go to rest then."

"Oh, okay ... okay, you are busy!" Li Wenwu hurriedly said, seeing Chen Shouyi turned and walked towards the hotel door, he suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly said: "General manager Chen, wait ...

Chen Shouyi had no choice but to stand still, his eyes motioned to Li Wenwu to have something to say.

He has been in space surveillance today, and hasn't fed two small ones yet.

"Mr. Chen, do you think something will happen tonight?" Li Wenwu carefully.

"How do I know this?" Chen Shouyi thought what the other party would ask, could not help but said, he was not a maggot on the other side's stomach, the ghost knew when he came:

不过 "But rest assured, I will know as soon as He comes."

The advent of the barbaric **** is like a sun that emits light. The power radiates arrogantly, and it cannot be hidden at all. Even a common man with a weak divine power can feel the depression obviously, only a few kilometers away, but like the Lord of Lightning. Powerful and powerful, can be felt across a hundred kilometers.

As for Chen Shouyi, as long as the other party comes, he can feel it even if it is thousands of kilometers apart.

I watched Li Wenwu leave.

Chen Shouyi shook his head. 唉, Lao Li was quite stable at ordinary times. When he encountered a major event, he became shocked.

Uh ...

Not to mention Li Wenwu, how to rush back to the headquarters to report the situation.

When Chen Shouyi returned to the room, two little ones couldn't wait to get out of the bed:

"Good giant, you are back." Shell female road.

"You two are good at home?" Chen Shouyi laughed.

"Very good!"

"I'm also good!"

Among the two little ones, Shell Girl is more able to speak and she is more attached to Chen Shouyi ~ lightnovelpub.net ~, while Hong Xiao Budian is still a little rusty, and is still in the stage of maturity, and will only follow the Shell Girl.


There was a lightning stroke outside the window, and the lighted room was suddenly m. Bright. The two little dots were frightened.

守 Chen Shouyi's brows frowned slightly. As soon as the curtains were closed, the raindrops of beans began to fall down.

Storm is coming to the mountains.

But this time, no one knows who has died.

He snorted in his heart.

After feeding the two little ones, he took a bath, and lay down in bed, regaining energy, listening to the thunderous sounds outside, but his heart was surprisingly quiet, and he should finally come.

Since the Lord who repelled Lightning last time.

He is desperately practicing martial arts every day, using the Lord of Lightning as his imaginary enemy, thinking day and night, isn't it just for this day?

He has been waiting for a long time.

Uh ...

平静 A calm night, nothing happened.

The next day, it rained even harder, and countless lightnings fell down, hitting the ground.

A scene of doom.

I sat in the hotel restaurant with few guests, Chen Shouyi ate breakfast in silence, several officers stood by the side, and several times wanted to come over to confirm the situation, but he dared not move.

I followed him out yesterday.

态度 The attitudes of all people have changed dramatically.

I became more awesome.

He respects God.

Ps: Today's thunder shower, the home power is off, I wonder if everyone believe it?