Dawn of a New Era

v2 Chapter 705: New Era (1)

The sky was torrential, and lightning flashed.

堵塞 On the muddy road, the traffic jams line up into a long dragon that can't see the head, countless wild animals, rushing out from the bush forests on both sides of the road, like a headless flies, like a catastrophe.

Many wild animals even crashed into trucks and died.

However, at this moment, no one is paying attention to it at all.

士兵 All the soldiers stared blankly at the sky, looking shocked and at a loss.

The distant sky is full of clouds, the clouds are rolling, the dark black clouds are strangely dyed into a red burning cloud, and accompanied by the loud sound of the earth, continue to come.

It seems that the thunderous thunder rolls, but it is countless times louder than the thunderous thunder. The air is violently resonating, and even the body is shaken.

The atmosphere was depressed and dignified, and everyone felt a boulder on his chest, a little breathless.

A young soldier trembled with unstoppable trembling, his face wriggling in the face of this world-like scene:

"Yes ... yes ... the Lord of Lightning!"

He finished his face pale.

God ca n’t call God ’s name directly. This is a taboo for every soldier. Especially in this somewhat evil Yanzhou continent, I do n’t know how many soldiers who have luck or negligence are dead.

Fortunately, the loud noise in the distance completely covered his voice, and no one noticed what he said.

Even the Lord of Lightning, I am afraid that he has no intention to pay attention to a ant.

The loud noise lasted for more than a full minute, and then suddenly came to a halt. The cloud of fire began to dim quickly, and everything returned to tranquility, as if nothing had happened, even the depressed atmosphere gradually dissipated.

The original quiet flow of people began to swell quickly, and the sound became louder and louder.

"What happened!?"

"what happened?"

"Did you launch a nuclear bomb !?"

"It looks like it should be."

Everyone's face was filled with nervousness, panic, anxiety, mixed with excitement, excitement and hope.

Many people couldn't help crying, and the scolding of their squad leader gradually became sobbing. Soon, the sound of military songs gradually became louder.

Uh ...


It's busy here.

The sound of the phone kept coming and going, trotting and walking.

什么 "What, Mr. Chen went to fight, playful!"

Zhang Huaihe, holding the **** dog ​​scolded by the phone, reluctantly explained: "It is Mr. Chen's own will, I ..."

He was interrupted after he finished speaking.

"Why don't you stop it, but also concealed it until now and revealed it, I think you are selfish, what do you want to do?"

Zhang Huaihe gritted his teeth, facing the pressure, and said with excitement: "Zong Gu's life is fate, isn't the life of the soldiers ... the Savage God has come, and with the current strength of our human beings, there is nothing we can do to stop it, only Chen Zonggu There is only a glimmer of hope ...

He can stop the first time, maybe he can stop the second time. If President Chen is unfortunately sacrificed, I will pay for his life. "

The opposite side was silent for a long time, breathing heavily, and after a long while, he said heavyly:

"You come to pay for your life? If President Chen had an accident, there would be no hope for human beings. Shooting you a hundred times will not be enough to atone for your sins, and you will be human sinners!"

As soon as I finished speaking, I slammed the phone.

Zhang Huaihe clutched the phone, listening to the sound of the beeping current in her ears, amused in a daze, her face stunned, and seemed to be old for a while.

在 At this moment, the office door slammed open, Zhang Huaihe's heart jumped, and a person in charge of the Information and Intelligence Office hurried in, with a look of excitement.

"Head, something happened!"

When Zhang Huaihe heard the words, he felt dizzy, and his body could not help shaking. He struck up his spirit and quickly said, "What happened?"

"Root ... According to radar, the target has disappeared!" The officer swallowed hard and continued: "Mr. Chen, who also ... fighted with him, is now unknown."

Zhang Huaihe's eyes were wide, his scalp was as numb as electricity, and his face was flushed: "What are you talking about? Are you sure!"

The military officer repeated the excitement again, and then passed the radar coordinates of the last detection.

Zhang Huaihe resisted the excitement, walked back and forth a few times, and then came back to God and said, "You go out first!"

"Yes, Chief."

The military officer saluted, went out of the door, and closed the door respectfully.

Zhang Huaihe looked at the radar coordinates on the file, his body trembled, his face became cloudy, and he quickly picked up the phone and dialed the number of the nuclear strategic force with his hand.

No one can guarantee the death of the Lightning Lord, just in case ...

In the face of this most terrifying and powerful enemy in human history, the most secure way is to use nuclear bombs to scrub the ground.

Only a savage **** who is reduced to ashes is a good savage god.

But after a long time, he did not press the last number, he hung up the phone suddenly, then picked up the microphone, and quickly dialed another number:

"Comrade Xu Chunwei, I order your ministry to immediately go to the x :, y: area, and rescue President Gu at all costs, at all costs, this is an order!"

He hung up the phone, only to find that all the back was soaked.

Uh ...

"Hahahaha ..." Chen Shouyi looked at the illusion of the gods that enveloped half of the sky, and laughed wildly, with great joy.

可怕 The terrible existence of this strange world finally came to an end, and eternity passed away between heaven and earth.

Powerful divine power is nothing more to him now.

It's a pity that there is no one here and no one pays any attention, which makes him a bit dull.

He laughed for a while ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ and stopped boring.

Chen Shouyi stood up, shrank his body, and threw the huge corpse on the ground into space.

From beginning to end, Chen Shouyi did not see what the other party looked like?

During the battle, He was covered in lightning power, but now it is a rotten flesh, completely beyond recognition.

But Chen Shouyi didn't care.

He is like why an honest man should care about the past of the goddess when he receives the order.

Why do n’t you care what the other person looks like when eating meat?

It's delicious!

He condensed a suit and flew out of the pit that he had smashed several kilometers wide. Looking down from the sky, the surrounding mountains had been leveled, and the vegetation had turned to ashes. There are potholes, and some areas even have magma flowing.

战 The scope of this war is tens of thousands of square kilometers. If it is placed in a densely populated area, more than 10 million people will be killed after the war.

Fortunately, it is far from the front line, and with the great migration of believers, everyone here has rushed to Bwezimba without causing catastrophe.

守 Chen Shouyi glanced a few times, but did not see a human body, and then the speed suddenly accelerated, leaving a sound cone cloud in place, and the body rushed to the space passage as quickly as a streamer.

This long time has passed, and the two little ones should be in a hurry.

Dawn light era p

P Dawning Age 46440dexhtlp