Dawn of a New Era

v2 Chapter 749: The Budo Saga (End)

This method is too inscrutable. Except for a few people who have hope to practice, most people can only reach beyond.

But this does not hinder everyone's heart.

In ancient times, this was a magical workbook that can become a **** and an ancestor, and the road of longevity was thus spread. At this time, it was generously made public by General Manager Chen.

It ’s just a pity, just like the same textbook, the same teacher, the same school, no matter how hard you study, you ca n’t be admitted to Qingbei, c9. Most of the sentient beings, even if they are in the way of God, are in front of them. .

Hard work, talent, and luck are all indispensable.

And this is bound to be just a few of the few.

In recent years, aside from the legends that have been absorbed from outside, the number of legends that Da Xia has grown each year is mostly zero.

Of course, again, the reason for this is also because the base number of the peak warrior in the past few years is too low.

When Chen Shouyi went to Beijing to take part in the martial arts assessment, the names of the four peak martial arts masters in Beijing were also very loud.

The peak martial arts division of the entire Great Xia Kingdom is estimated to be ten fingers.

Nowadays, I am afraid that there are more than a hundred times and there are thousands.

With such a large base, the number of legendary powerhouses is expected to grow explosively in the next few years.



Supreme Military Power Committee.

An important meeting is being held.

"As of now, the expenditure on scientific research across the country has exceeded three trillion yuan.

It is expected that by the end of this year, scientific research expenditures will exceed military expenditures and exceed 5 trillion yuan. "Minister of Finance, Shen said.

Depressed atmosphere in the conference room.

Daxia's fiscal revenue last year was about thirteen trillion yuan. Although the economy has fully recovered this year and the economy has grown strongly, it will not exceed fifteen trillion yuan.

Five hundred million is one-third of it.

Coupled with the necessary military spending, this year's fiscal deficit will be a terrible number if the currency is not oversupplied, and over-supplied currency will trigger inflation ...

The president rubbed his eyebrows with a bit of strain.

The huge space program underway is all piled up with money, and this has just begun, and it will take more than a year in the future.

"There are still too many military forces now, and the situation on the planet is now stable. The war is expected to happen very rarely in the future. Elite and quick reaction will be the mainstream of the future. It is no longer appropriate to maintain such a large army Let ’s discuss the disarmament plan. How much is appropriate? ”The president thought about it.

When everything is in doubt, disarmament.

Daxia Kingdom has been playing very well. In the sense of the existence value of General Manager Chen, in a sense, the pressure on national defense has been greatly reduced for most of the army.

And all open source throttling.

Disarmament is undoubtedly the most immediate.

In the past few years, although disarmament has been repeated many times, the national first- and second-tier troops, plus the garrisons of neighboring countries, have still maintained an astonishing size of 20 million. This is undoubtedly a huge financial expenditure.

Then the door knocked softly.

Sitting in the corner, the assistant to the president responsible for the minutes of the meeting, stood up silently, walked out the door, returned quickly, and put it in the president's ear.

"President, something is wrong with China Shipping."



The effects of miracles are greater than imagined.

Before the official explanation of the rumors, Zhonghai City and its surroundings were already disturbing.

It has been one year since the last invasion of the Lord of Lightning, and it has not been forgotten in my mind. This similar scene is unavoidable.

With the spread of rumors, many people spontaneously ran towards the air-raid shelter, and by noon, it was getting worse, and even 10,000 people were empty.

In Xingqing Town, where the Second Budo Academy is located, countless people have gathered to form a crowd of black people, and everyone is rushing towards this side, making everyone nearby look like an enemy.

Sensing this scene, Chen Shouyi had to hurry to end his speech.

Fortunately, everything has been said.

The rest is water.


Rejecting interviews by reporters from various countries, Chen Shouyi used spiritual hints to show that no one walked through the crowd to return home.

As soon as she saw Chen Shouyi, Shell Girl and Hong Xiao nodded and immediately jumped off the bed and got under his feet.

"Good giant, you are back."

"Huh!" Chen Shouyi answered, and closed the door.

This is his good manners. The days when he didn't watch cartoons, the whole became cute.

Perhaps the quality of the reflection machine itself is worrying, or it may be the grievances that it did not notice.

The projector suddenly broke down late last night.

I was going to study it today to see if I could fix it. At this time, I saw the two little clever performances and immediately gave up the idea.

It's better not to watch cartoons.

Chen Shouyi did not exclude from watching cartoons, but from watching young cartoons.

Even harder to tolerate than a young cartoon is watching a cartoon over and over again.

Perhaps it is the sequelae of watching more. Recently, Chen Shouyi's mind often flashed some strange lines and pictures inexplicably.

He felt that if he went on like this, he would be brainwashed by several piglets.

Next, he played with the two little guys for a while, and ended up crying Shell Girl.

Hong Xiao didn't cry, but she lay on the ground like a dead pig, motionless, and never cooperated with Chen Shouyi.


He stood up shyly.

Didn't it just push them down a few times?

It's so uninspiring.

He went to the bathroom to wash his face and checked the properties panel.

It is found that the faith value is already beating fast, almost every ten seconds, it can beat 01 points.

"Grow fast!"

This growth trend far exceeds previous speeches.

Of course, when compared with the killing of the Lord of Lightning, it is far from comparable.

In just one day, it has increased by more than 10,000 points, which is completely impossible.

However, if we talk about the long stream, the speech is better.

People are the easiest to forget. No matter how great influence or great achievements, they will gradually fade over time.

Just like a star, if there is no work and no exposure, it will not be long before it will be forgotten. Only occasionally will it be remembered.

Speech is, in a sense, a work.

As long as someone practices his Chen's practice, someone watches the video of his speech, and someone extolls his name, his belief value will continue.

Then the phone rang.

Chen Shouyi quickly walked out of the bathroom bedroom and picked up the phone.

"Mr. Chen, are you free now, Mr. Ye Zongye, Mr. Luo Jingwen Luo and others, want to come and visit you!" Bai Xiaoling said on the phone.

Hey, it's too rich, just come directly.

Chen Shouyi was helpless. "Let them come over."

"Okay, Mr. Chen, then I'm hung up!"

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