Dawn of a New Era

v2 Chapter 787: The situation worsens

Chen Shouyi hung up the phone from the president.

His face was gloomy, silently digesting this bad message.


He couldn't help swearing.

The news has vanished his good mood these days.

"It seems the plan is accelerating, Tam will not give me time." Chen Shouyi silently thought, calming down quickly.

The situation has not yet reached its worst, at least a few years.

He looked up, determined in his heart.

"The government is fooling us, they are hiding everything."

The square outside the library of the University of Paris 6 is at noon. People are coming and going here, and several young people are screaming exhaustedly, and quickly distribute the leaflet.

"They control the media, they control all the public opinion, they control the entire academic community, they hide all of us in the drum ..."

"Every newspaper we read promotes the coming of peace and tells us not to believe the rumors, but in fact, they are building big ships."

The flyers were continuously distributed, and the crowd was on the lookout, and the square was gradually full of people.

"... A lot of people are aware of all this, including some of our professors, but none of them stood up and everyone remained silent."

The headed youth grabbed a document:

"This is a document written by the laboratory to the government entitled" The latest forecast report on the time when the solar system will be swallowed ", code-named Top Secret.

"Don't ask me how I got it. When we stood here, we had expected our own ending. Maybe it won't be long before we will be taken away by the military police."

"But conscience's condemnation, let us stand up."

"Let me tell you the truth, our world is about to be destroyed, and most of us will be abandoned ..."

Everyone's eyes were shocked, terrified and mixed with doubt and confusion.

During this period of time, rumors were flying, all kinds of gossips were endless, and people's hearts were turbulent, but no one had such clear evidence as this time.

The more students gathered, the more quickly the news spread.

When the police arrived, it was already dark.

"All students stay calm. Don't believe this. These are rumors of caring people ..." A police officer shouted weakly with an explosion-proof shield in one hand and an iron speaker in one hand.

Obviously it was the winter moon and the bitter cold wind, but his forehead was sweating heavily. Looking at the angry student in front of him, in addition to his fear, he was confused.

If all this is true ...

If the government really rebuilds big ships ...

As a grass-roots police officer, aside from his identity, he is also a small citizen. In the face of the coming doom, he is equally frightened and confused.

More and more police officers came, but things gradually got out of control.

Students easily broke through the weak barriers of police officers, left the campus, and began demonstrations.

"We need to understand the truth and reject black box politics!"

"The government wants to give us an explanation!"

The situation began to deteriorate rapidly.

The sea, a small island.

In a clear green grass field, a group of barbarian tribes with a total of five or six hundred people are stationed here.

The people of this tribe obviously survive well. Each of the men is well-developed and powerful, and the women are also ruddy, broad-minded, and their stomachs are basically fertile.

The hunting teams that return from time to time often bring back large and small prey. They bundle the prey on wooden guns, some of which are even the size of bison, and can be transported back. A lot of young children follow along, full of laughter.

Women also have no time to relax. Women with milk take care of young children. Others gather with some young but already working children to pick wild vegetables and fruits, or handle prey from hunting.

The well-polished stone knife easily opened the prey and broke its belly, and was skilled and skillful. After a short time, it peeled off the fur. The fur is a valuable material for the tribe and is the basis for the cold winter.

As for the meat, sprinkle with Shanghai salt and marinate.

Winter is coming, and these are foods prepared for the winter.

Everything seemed to be flourishing, with vitality.

At the center of the tribe, a rough human-shaped statue stands tall, with a faint power of faith pervading the circle for several kilometers.

This is the deity of this group of barbarian tribes.

Although the other **** has never shown up since he believed in this new god, and has never even responded to prayers, this has not affected the devotion of the tribe in any way, under the hard propaganda of the priest and chief.

All barbarians know that the good life today is due to the protection of this great existence. All the rights of the priests come from the gods. The more religious the people are, the more solid the foundation of rights is.

Of course, this is indeed the case.

There are no powerful predators on the island. This group of barbarians has no natural enemies here. In addition, after the totem was killed by the new god, there is no need to provide overwhelming worship to the tribe, and the development of the tribe is completely lifted.

In just a few years, the population of the tribe has increased by 20%. Every spring and summer, pregnant women are everywhere.

But just today, the idol that has not responded suddenly has a movement ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ With the atmosphere of depression, the idol in the middle of the tribe suddenly shakes, the dust and gravel on the body fall, the original The rough face gradually became refined and lifelike, and the gem-set eyes became shining, emitting a glorious light, and the entire idol seemed to come alive.

The barbarians of the tribe were startled by this huge movement, and when they returned to God, they immediately fell to their knees and prayed loudly.

This is God!

Many people burst into tears with excitement.

The stone statue was unheard of, it looked at the sky.

No doubt, this is the thought of Chen Shouyi.

This is after he escaped from the last death, and once again came to the world of Tam.

The wind doesn't know when it has stopped, the whole world is sending out terrible hostility, strong heart palpitations, screaming like alarm bells in the heart of crazy alarm.




"It's a terrifying existence to be murderous!" Chen Shouyi sighed.

With a strong will, he resisted the urge to escape and looked directly into fear.

Time passed every second, almost every second made him live like a year.

About three or four seconds later.

At the next moment, Chen Shouyi felt that the light of the heavens and earth was instantly stripped and turned into a dark chaos. At the same time, with a pair of fuzzy eyes, with the breath of death and destruction, he slowly opened in the chaos. Shaking.

A bang.

The stone statue collapsed and fell to the ground.

There was only a group of barbarians who looked at each other with a look of horror and confusion.

They were completely unaware of everything just now, as if only an illusion that only Chen Shouyi could see.

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