Dawn of a New Era

v2 Chapter 802: March

In fact, at the atomic level, there is no essential difference between matter and life.

Plutonium is just a difference in the arrangement and arrangement of atoms between atoms.

In the eyes of Chen Shouyi, can supply the entire human food crop, but only in the process of building the spacecraft, the engineering amount does not even 1% of the entire spacecraft.

For Chen Shouyi, life has no mystery.

Even in himself, he is transparent in his eyes.

Even as long as he is willing, he can optimize and transform himself at any time.

From the first single-cell life born in hundreds of millions of years, it has evolved all the way to today's complex and numerous life types. This process can only be described by chaos and random stacking.

Constant trial and error, constant elimination, and continuous development.

Too much "garbage" has accumulated in the middle!

以 For human beings.

只有 In the human genome, only about 3% of genes are made up of genes that can express proteins.

The rest are control regions, DNA fossils, ancient genes that cannot be expressed, repetitive nonsense sequences, parasitic DNA of unknown origin, organisms from 98,000 viruses, evolutionary remnants of 150,000 species, and various Even Chen Shouyi didn't know what it was.

Even has a selfish gene that replicates a million of herself, accounting for 10% of the human genome. With his current understanding, there seems to be no other function besides copying.

Nature has never had any magical work, and human beings are not the products of a carefully designed existence.

From a genetic perspective, human genes are like a fragile, rusty, ancient machine that was born from a coincidence hundreds of millions of years ago, and then reluctantly maintained by adding mutations and repairs all the way.

This is a living history that records hundreds of millions of years of biological evolution.

In this billion-year history, human genes have accumulated too much redundancy and impurities and become a bloated system.

In fact, even as strong as Chen Shouyi, compared with ordinary people, the genes are not much different, even the difference is not even 0.11%, even if it is reduced by 90%, it will not affect the gene expression and The continuation of life.

If it is carefully designed and transformed, it is possible to break through the limits of the body.


I have no need.

The strength of Qiu has no influence on Chen Shouyi.

Powerful willpower is completely overriding, and even has a tendency to be detached.

I thought of life, thought of death.

Stubbornness is as powerful as divine power, and the fall is only in his thoughts.

Uh ...

For this giant spaceship that traverses space.

Throughout the New Year in February, there are many people all over the world.

The long reports of various newspapers, as long as the news about the spacecraft revealing a half-claw, can stir up the general public's excited nerves, and the social enthusiasm will last for a long time, even lasting to March.

At the same time, international conferences have been held one after another. At the conference, the heads of state have endless debates and rumblings about the distribution of spacecraft interests. Many heads of war even went to the battle ...

Ownership of Da Xia Guo ... This is not controversial, nor can it be argued.

After all, Chen Shouyi's attitude is everything.

其他 But in other respects, there is more contention.

Allocation of spaceships alone is enough to make the heads of the heads of the countries beat the brains of dogs.

Because the residential area is a circular ring spanning five kilometers, the centripetal force of the outermost outer ring area can reach 1.2G, while the innermost inner ring area is only 0.53G.

no doubt.

The best area is the outer ring zone.

There is basically no difference between this and the gravity of the earth. Even the most peripheral 1.2G, elderly people who have never practiced martial arts can easily bear it, but 0.53G has some effects. It takes a long time, the physical fitness declines, and the bones are loose.

If human interstellar wandering in the future, this effect will be far-reaching.

Uh ...

However, these outside excitement have nothing to do with Chen Shouyi.

The only thing that is relevant is that, due to this continued high heat, as of March 15th, his belief value officially broke the 500,000-point mark, with an average of nearly 10,000 belief values ​​every day.

Is simply incredible.

He didn't even think that a small spaceship would bring him such a huge gain.

He all regretted that he didn't build the spaceship earlier.

What speech?

访谈 What interview?

Even when he killed the Lord of Lightning, he did not cause an unprecedented frenzy of faith like this time.

It is no wonder that ancient Egypt liked to create wonders so much. The temples of the barbarian tribes also grew as large as possible. It is because such wonders have greatly promoted faith.

And also quite strong and durable.

There is nothing more magnificent than the "human second satellite" that hangs high in the sky.

Uh ...

"what is this?"

In the bedroom, Shell Girl stood in front of the children's picture book and taught her daughter Ah Man to recognize small animals, while Hong Xiao Bu Dian sat aside, chewing like a hamster, she was getting fatter.

"Big monkey!" Amanjiao whispered.

After spending a month together, the three little guys have become good friends, and they are more kissed than Chen Shouyi, the grandma.

Uh ...

"Big Lion!"

Uh ...

"Big Squirrel!"

Uh ...

"Da Ai is really smart ... well, a little bit stupid than a little kid, and now a little kid teaches you how to count. It's important to count. This is something that smart animals can do, and many animals don't."

Shell Girl closed the book, and learned Chen Shouyi's old-fashioned expression ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Hong Xiao's squirming mouth could not help but pause, it seemed that Shell Girl was talking about herself, but after thinking about it, she didn't think it was not, she slightly Hesitation, the vague echo of the mouth said: "Yeah, yeah!"

"I'm going to learn to count!" Aman jumped, clapping.

Shell girl stretched out a pink little finger to teach others: "This is one!"

"One!" Aman said earnestly.

Then Shell Girl extended **** again: "This is one by one."

Chen Shouyi, who was lying on the bed communicating with the mind in the air, heard that his heart was tight, and he was not calm anymore. This was simply a ditch.

"Small, don't teach her how to count. A pretty come to my father." He quickly got up from the bed.

"Why can't you teach?" Shell Woman's face was confused and innocent.

You have no points in your heart?

Chen Shouyi: "She is still young. Counting is too difficult for Aman."

"Yes, yes." The shell girl nodded her head seriously and said, "Only smart animals can count!"

Chen Shouyi looked at her stupid look, speechless in her heart, and no longer ignored her.

Aman ran up and opened his hand: "Dad, hug!"

"Baby, do you dad take you to the sky to play?" Chen Shouyi hugged her daughter.

A quite excited: "Okay, okay!"

She likes flying best.