Daydream Me

Chapter 41

Although Li Lin's grades are really not very good, his language skills are still very strong. In the next ten minutes, he vividly narrated to Lin Yujing the details of the cause, the result, and the details, until he almost got into a fight. , how many times the two sides greeted each other relatives.

The average grade of the seventh class is not bad or not. It belongs to the middle and lower reaches in the science class, but it is more than enough compared to the tenth class, and it is not without reason that the seventh class sports committee can say that the winner will be determined by the ball game. There are four in their class. of a school basketball team.

In class 10, although the yang is prosperous and the yin is deteriorating, there are many boys, but the real basketball is really good, except for the sports committee Yu Pengfei and Song Zhiming, and a tall boy who Lin Yujing never said a word. The other levels are average, at least not comparable to the school team's.

"So, although we have done a good job in entertainment, we also need to divide this entertainment." Li Lin stretched out an index finger and pointed at the table angrily, "As long as the seventh class proposes not to play ball, but to use games to talk, let's A random person from Ban can kill them to the point of bloodshed."


Lin Yu was shocked the more he listened, the more sleepy he became. He was in a groggy state and had a headache. Finally, he lay down on the table and extracted the key points in his words.

Therefore, it is not only the academic performance that is not good, but also the basketball playing is actually very bad.

But there was one thing that Lin Yujing didn't quite understand: "No, the 4X100 relay race certificate, hasn't the class above been filled out yet? Just wait for which class wins the basketball game and write which class?"

Li Lin: "Is this a question of a certificate? Is this a question of winning or losing? No, this battle is about dignity. Originally, their class lost the baton, and they took the blame on our class. This is unbearable."

Li Lin looked serious: "They just want to humiliate us, you know? They don't necessarily want this certificate, but the process of us losing to their class, and then maybe tearing up the certificate in front of us. "

Na Lin Yu was shocked that Class 10 won't be able to keep the 4x100m relay medal that he finally won.

Until the morning self-study bell rang and Liu Fujiang entered the classroom, Li Lin was finally willing to shut up.

Lin Yujing's world became clean, she turned her head and continued lying on her stomach, flipping through the book, thinking about what to do in her self-study this morning, and finally took out her English book and started to memorize the text.

I just don't know why, but I really can't carry it on my back. There is no heating in the southern classroom. Lin Yu shrank his shoulders in shock, closed the English book, put his arms on it, slumped on the table, and closed his head. Eyes ready for sleep.

She felt as if she fell asleep soon, and she didn't seem to fall asleep. She was in a daze, as if she was sleeping, but she could vaguely hear the voices of her classmates in the classroom.

Suddenly, Lin Yu felt a dark shadow flicker on his eyelids, followed by a warm touch on his forehead.

like a person's hand.

She frowned, and subconsciously wanted to open her eyes, but she didn't want to. The hand stayed for two or three seconds before taking it away. Then, she heard someone calling her in her ear: "Lin Yujing?"

Lin Yu opened her eyes reluctantly. The light was a bit harsh. She squinted and saw Shen Jian approaching her and said, "You're a little hot, go to the school doctor's office?"

She frowned and buried her head in her arms: "I'm not hot, I'm a little cold."

"I know," Shen Wan whispered, "your forehead is hot."

Lin Yu raised her head in shock, her mouth was dry, she licked her lips and touched her forehead.

She couldn't figure it out by herself, but she could also feel that her spirit was not as good as usual, but the school doctor's room was on the side of the dormitory building, and she didn't want to move at all, so she lay down softly: "It's okay, I Just get some sleep."

Shen Jian stopped talking. After a while, Lin Yujing suddenly felt his body sink. A piece of clothing was covering her, with warm body temperature and the smell of clean laundry detergent.

She opened her eyes, shook her head slightly, and rubbed the tip of her nose against the collar of a black coat.

Shen Jian was looking at her, raised his hand, and patted her on the back through the two thick coats: "Go to sleep."

Lin Yujing slept for a long time this night. At first, he was dazed and always felt that he was not asleep. During the period, he was called up by Shen tired once, took a tablet of antipyretic, and climbed down to continue to sleep. Now the whole person is asleep. It sank a lot.

It was already noon when she opened her eyes again. The classroom was quiet, and Lin Yujing began to feel hot. She raised her hand to remove the coat covering her, sat up, and turned her head.

Shen Juan was sitting next to him reading a book. After Lin Yu was shocked to accept his character design, she found that Shen Juan was indeed studying, but even when he was reading, his expression and attitude were too sloppy and he didn't take the slightest bit of seriousness. His appearance caused Lin Yujing to have misunderstood him before.

Yu Guangsao saw her sitting up, Shen Lian turned his head: "Awake?"

He put down the book in his hand and reached out his hand very naturally, wanting to touch her forehead.

Lin Yu was startled and sweated a little. At this time, the clothes inside her body felt a little sticky, and her forehead was also a little sweaty. She leaned to the side subconsciously and avoided his hand.

Shen Yan's fingertips passed in front of her and stopped by his ear. He paused and didn't move: "Come here, let me touch."

The voice was low, even soft in the empty classroom.


Lin Yujing didn't know if she was thinking too dirty, the sentence "I touch" suddenly made her blush and heartbeat for no reason, and she felt uncomfortable.

Even though she knew that Shen Yan's words were extremely pure.

She cleared her throat and explained, "I'm sweating a lot..."

Shen Lian raised his eyebrows: "So what?"

Lin Yujing's voice was hoarse, his throat was burning with pain, and he didn't want to say more: "Dirty."

Shen Juan made a "hiss", leaned forward, raised his hand and hooked behind her head, and walked in front of him: "Where is so much nonsense."

Lin Yu was taken aback, and his body became weak again. He was pulled over by him at once, and his head slammed into his arms.

The tip of the nose hits the abdominal muscles, feeling the soft hardness.

She stiffened, hurriedly raised her hand to support his leg, supported her upper body and raised her head, subconsciously looking up.

Shen Wan looked down at her.

She raised her head abruptly, and the distance between the two suddenly narrowed. Lin Yu was so frightened that his hands softened, and he fell back into his arms with a slap.

She pressed her face against the boy's warm and sturdy body, felt the low tremor in his chest, and laughed out loud: "Why do you still throw yourself into your arms when you are sick?"

He said and leaned back, pulled away a little distance, and touched her forehead: "Back off."

Lin Yu was so embarrassed that his ears were hot, and he felt that the heat that he had just dropped seemed to be rising again. He lowered his head and didn't want to speak.

Shen Lian lowered her head, and her voice sounded above her head: "Isn't it enough?"


Lin Yu stood up in shock and leaned against the table to look at him.

The little girl's illness is very different from usual, she looks a little sluggish, her voice is hoarse and soft: "Shen Juan, don't take advantage of the danger, if I can't beat you when I'm sick, bully me now. "

Shen Yan was stunned.

He lowered his head and smiled, and the man leaned forward again, his voice was lazy and a little ruffian: "You really don't feel sober, Lin Yujing, do you use it when people are in danger?"

"Why can't you use it like this?" Lin Yujing took the water cup from the corner of the table and unscrewed it. The water inside was warm, she took two sips, and her throat was a little more comfortable than before, "Student Shen, watch more. Looking at the dictionary of idioms, there are many serious usages, don’t keep so many colored wastes in your mind.”

"Okay," Shen Juan leaned back against the wall, took out a small bag of medicine from the belly of the table, and put it on her table, "Go have a meal, then go back to the bedroom to sleep, I'll help you in the afternoon vacation. Please."

Lin Yu bowed his head in shock. The small translucent plastic bag contained several small rectangular pill boxes.

She raised her head and called him, "Shen Jian."

Shen Wan replied in a low voice, "Huh?"

Lin Yu looked at him in shock: "Are you..."

like me.

Halfway through this sentence, Lin Yujing flashed countless lines from romantic idol dramas in his mind. The girl cried and asked loudly, "Why are you being so nice to me!! Why are you being so nice to me!!"

The boy said excitedly: "Why am I being so good to you, don't you have any doubts in your heart!! You asked me such a question!!"

The girl whimpered: "Don't be so nice to me, I will fall in love with you if you do this, do you know that! Why do you do this..."

The boy yelled hysterically: "Isn't that why I am so **** good to you! You still ask me why! Because I love you! Because I'm in love with the **** sweet you!!"

Lin Yu was startled: "..."

Lin Yu hugged her arms in shock, trembling with disgust at the theater in her own mind.

She looked at Shen Jian and cleared her throat: "Do you want me to let you be merciful in this month's exam and let you take the first place in the grade again?"

Shen Lian: "..."

Lin Yujing was really uncomfortable, so he told Liu Fujiang and asked for a leave in the afternoon.

Shen Juan went to the cafeteria to help her buy some porridge, Lin Yujing took it back to the bedroom and forced himself to eat it, then took cold medicine and antipyretic medicine, fell on the bed and slept in the dark, when he woke up again The night was falling, and the cotton pajamas were soaking wet and sweating all over again.

Lin Yu was lying on the bed in shock, slightly dizzy, raised his hand and touched his forehead, it was cool.

The fever has subsided.

She sat up, took a shower in the bathroom, washed away the sweat and exhaustion, came out and changed into a clean set of clothes, then sat cross-legged beside the bed.

I only drank half of the white porridge at noon, and my stomach was starting to feel a little hungry. Lin Yujing opened the cabinet, took out a packet of biscuits, opened it and ate it slowly.

Her mind began to empty, a little dazed.

Lin Yujing didn't know what it was like to be liked. She grew up so much that no one liked her except her friends.

In junior high school, there were boys chasing her. She has been very good-looking since she was a child. In the few years of junior high school, everyone's consciousness began to awaken. There were quite a few boys chasing her, but it was really just Simply, chasing after her, makes people feel not at all distracted.

Lin Yujing didn't pay much attention to it. Anyway, every time this happened, Lu Jiaheng and Cheng Yi would go to someone else in a few days as if they were brothers, talk to them, and then this person would never show up to her again. within sight.

When he was in the first year of high school, he was very distracted in the middle school, but Lin Yujing was very straightforward. He always kept aloof from this kind of thing.

Coupled with the independence of her circle, it is difficult for other people to integrate, so there is no chance of this special situation happening.

This special situation means that in a strange environment, a strange family, a strange school, and a strange and dazed mood, she knows the person who will make her feel dependent on her involuntarily.

Because in this case, she desperately needs such a person to exist.

A person who can rely on, can vent, and can absorb all her negative emotions.

The sense of dependence is actually very unfamiliar to Lin Yujing, because her family environment has told her since she was a child that there is no one in this world that she can rely on, not even her closest parents.

Therefore, Lin Yujing was very flustered when he realized that he had developed this kind of unfamiliar dependence on Shen Juan, and even had other feelings mixed in.

She really didn't want to let herself fall in love with Shen Yan.

Regarding love, Lin Zhi and Meng Weiguo gave her the first lesson in her life.

Lin Yu was startled and sometimes wondered if Lin Zhi and Meng Weiguo first fell in love. When they got married, did they fall in love with each other.

Must be.

Even if only for a moment, they must be in love with each other, at least, Lin Zhi must be in love with Meng Weiguo.

As a result, after more than ten years, they hated each other so much, and even the crystallization of their love, their children became annoying.

The thing of love was torn apart by her parents, spread it out in front of her, let her see the cheapness and fragility inside, and then threw it at her feet, becoming worthless.

The love between adults is still like this, not to mention the sixteen or seventeen-year-old teenagers.

Is not more changeable, more unstable.

In shock, Lin Yu threw the empty cookie bag on the ground, fell into the bed, squinted at the long lights on the ceiling, and sighed.

She raised her hand and patted her face twice.

"Learning," Lin Yujing closed his eyes and muttered in a low voice, "I love learning, learning makes me happy, the two most beautiful words in my life...learning..."

It was probably because he was thinking and dreaming every day, that night, Lin Yujing dreamed of Shen Jian again.

Lin Yujing had gotten used to it, got up numbly, washed, changed into his school uniform and went downstairs, thinking about what to eat for breakfast, while walking out the door of the dormitory.

Shen Yan leaned against the pillar at the door of the dormitory building, changed into a dark gray coat, and wore headphones, the white headphone cord was bent and hung on his chest.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw someone coming out, raised his head, and saw Lin Yujing standing at the door.

Shen Juan raised his hand, holding a small plastic bag in front of her, which contained a rice ball.

"The three salted egg yolk dumplings are temporarily unavailable, but there are three salted egg yolk rice balls." He tilted his head and said lazily.

Lin Yu was stunned in place, the mental construction he had just done last night almost came to nothing.

Seeing that she didn't respond, Shen Lian's arm slowly shook: "Fever and burning stupid?"

Lin Yu was shocked, took it over, lowered his head, slowly opened the plastic wrap, and said in a low voice, "Thank you."

Shen Lian raised his eyebrows and said nothing.

The two walked towards the teaching building. No one spoke on the way. Lin Yujing kept his head down and ate quietly.

Shen Juan really added three salted egg yolks in it. The whole rice ball looked a little bigger than what she had eaten before, and the egg yolks here were not too salty, so they wouldn't feel too salty.

When she walked to the door of the teaching building, she hadn't finished eating a single rice ball. She had half of it left and was full. Lin Yujing didn't want to throw it away, so she put it back in the bag and carried it upstairs.

Liu Fujiang came early today. When he entered the classroom, others were already sitting in front of the podium. Seeing them come in, Liu Fujiang got up, patted Shen Jian's shoulder, and walked out of the classroom: "You two, come with me."

Lin Yu blinked in shock, looked sideways at Shen Jian, pointed to himself, and said silently, "Me?"

Shen Jian nodded, took the half unfinished rice ball from her hand, put it on the table, and walked out first.

Lin Yujing followed behind him, the two entered the office one after the other, Lin Yujing turned back and closed the door.

The teacher in the biology group office was not there at this time. Liu Fujiang was sitting at the desk with two forms in front of him. He glanced at it, then raised his head and stared at them both for five seconds with a smile.

Then he sincerely sighed: "I really like the two of you."

Lin Yu was startled: "..."

Shen Lian: "..."

Lin Yujing analyzed it, and this sentence should have almost the same meaning as Teacher Liu's mantra - "What a good boy!"

However, according to her experience in the past two months, generally Liu Fujiang said something like this, and there will be no good things in the next few books.

For example, the last time, what a wonderful child, the incident that followed was Shen Yan who took the first grade in the exam.

It was a disaster for her.

Liu Fujiang stopped for a while, probably waiting for the two of them to answer, but there was no one, so he waved his hand with a smile and continued: "It's okay, you don't have to be afraid, it's okay, I just called you here. Ask—" He paused and leaned forward, "Our school has a scholarship to encourage everyone to study hard, are you two interested?"

The author has something to say:

The relationship between parents will have a great impact on the child's view of love, but Master Tired is still not fierce enough! ! ! ! (?

The first sentence of every morning, first give a breath to the tired master, the tired master rush! ! !