Daydream Me

Chapter 98: Extra 1 Akira Osamu (3)

After eating together that time, Gu Xia hadn't seen Fu Mingxiu for a long time.

I've never seen such a person before. I can't speak myself. People haven't disliked you yet. It's better to say that it's better when others don't speak.

Gu Xia was so angry that night that she almost turned around with her bag and left, but her good family education made her bear it, and the two of them finished the meal quietly.

Fu Mingxiu guessed that he also realized what stupid things he said, and didn't say anything more afterward, and sent her to the school gate after dinner.

Gu Xia thanked him coldly and said goodbye politely.

It's really polite, Gu Xia doesn't want to see this person anymore, he doesn't know what's going on in his mind.

Gu Xia grew up, and since junior high school, he had never seen a man who could be like this.

Normally, she shouldn't care so much. The reason for her anger is probably something else.

Fu Mingxiu watched her unfasten her seat belt, got out of the car with a stern face, and paused for a while, as if hesitating to say something, but in the end he didn't say a word and watched her go down.

Gu Xiaren went down, Fu Mingxiu sat in the car, grabbed the steering wheel, and sighed.

No matter how low his EQ, he realized that the girl was not happy because of his last words.

Normally, Master Fu's character doesn't care about this at all. Are you happy or not, what does this have to do with me? Anyway, I'll say it's cool.

But at this moment, he felt a little regret for the first time.

I really regret it.

When speaking, it should be considered in the future.

Later, Fu Mingxiu went to A University several times, intentionally or unintentionally. After all, in such a big school, it would be a bit difficult to meet them every time.

Fu Mingxiu was thinking about whether to apologize, but he didn't want to be too deliberate, as if he came here specially to apologize.

Then if you can meet it, just say a word, and forget it if you don't.

Mr. Fu has grown up so big, and he hasn't apologized to anyone yet. Originally, he thought it was over, and he didn't know why, but he was always thinking about it.

But he didn't meet him a few times, so Fu Mingxiu gave up. In addition, he just graduated and officially joined the company this year, and he was used to not doing his normal work. Suddenly, when he really started to do something serious, he was a bit overwhelmed and lacked skills.

This matter was put on hold by Fu Mingxiu. He was so busy every day that he could not wait to split an hour into two hours, and then he didn't have time to go on a day trip to A University to meet by chance.

I didn't expect to see Gu Xia again in the company.

He had a meeting that day, got up early and went to the company to prepare materials, took the financing plan into the top floor office, and was going to find Guan Xiangmei to make a report in advance.

As a result, through a glass door, Guan Xiangmei was arguing with Meng Weiguo.

The sound insulation in the office was excellent, Fu Mingxiu could hardly hear any sound, only a few faintly leaked out. The two of them quarreled fiercely. Finally, Shun Xiang Mei raised his arm and swept half of the table's documents on the ground. Meng Weiguo had his back to the door. Can't see expressions.

Fu Mingxiu leaned against the glass and watched coldly for a while. The two had not been together for two years. When they were newly married, you and I had disappeared completely. Basically, there was a small quarrel for three days and a big quarrel for five days. Because Meng Weiguo wants to have a child, Guan Xiangmei is a shrewd person, naturally it is impossible to agree.

Later, because of interests, because of the company, because of money.

Fu Mingxiu looked at it coldly every day, feeling a little mocking in his heart.

He thinks that he is really interesting to his mother and stepfather.

Early on, he felt that Meng Weiguo was no good, and even had a deep prejudice against Lin Yujing. After two years of forbearance, the man's fox tail was finally exposed.

Fu Mingxiu is now doing things more and more handy day by day, Meng Weiguo began to panic.

After all, this company still belongs to the Fu family. When Fu Mingxiu really takes over, he will go wherever he wants him to go.

He deliberately hit the glass door with the document booklet in his hand, making a crisp sound. The two people inside stopped moving as if the pause button was pressed at the same time, Guan Xiangmei looked at the door, and Meng Weiguo turned his head.

Fu Mingxiu didn't even look at it, and was not curious about the expressions of the two of them, so he turned and went downstairs.

The meeting started at 10:30 in the morning, and there was still more than an hour left. Fu Mingxiu was going to put the project back in the office, and he didn't bother to wait for the special elevator. He went straight down as soon as the elevator door opened.

On the 14th floor, I met the personnel department leading a group of interns in.

The head of the personnel department was leading a few children. When he came in, he saw him pause in the elevator. Fu Mingxiu lowered his head and didn't see it. When he looked up again, the head of the personnel department looked at him with a smile.

This supervisor has been in the company for more than ten years. He was with the old Fu. When Fu Mingxiu was still in high school, he came to the company to write homework. If there was something wrong, this supervisor often helped him to write.

Fu Mingxiu had a good relationship with him, so he took the initiative to say hello, chatted a few times, looked at the four or five dark backs of his heads, and asked casually, "New employee?"

"Interns," the main channel, "this is not the winter vacation, and the personnel recruited a few children."

Fu Mingxiu was stunned for a while, before realizing in a trance that it was already winter vacation.

I'm so busy every day that I don't even have a sense of time.

There are four or five interns, two girls, and three boys. The threshold here is not low. Those who can come in, even if they are interns during the winter and summer vacations, should have some skills. .

If you are really good, you should leave it to others in advance, so as not to be robbed by other companies when you graduate. There are never too many elites.

Fu Mingxiu said nothing, nodded, glanced at random, and saw a dark back of the head.

During the time he was talking to the head of the personnel department, several young interns turned their heads consciously or unintentionally, and only one girl turned her face towards the elevator door with a particularly resolute attitude and did not turn her head at all.

He looks stubborn and stubborn.

Especially this back, it looks a little familiar.

The elevator door opened with a ding dong, and a few interns walked out. Fu Mingxiu was a person who liked to be on the horns. If something left a seed in his heart, he would have to figure it out.

He went out with him, followed behind the supervisor and the group of interns, walked to the entrance of the personnel department, leaned against the door, and watched the children being assigned to the department one by one.

Gu Xia stood last. She was wearing a beige shirt and dark green wide-leg trousers. She was originally tall, but when she stepped on a pair of high-heeled shoes, she was taller. Her hair was loose and curled.

There is absolutely no way to see where he looks like a freshman.

Fu Mingxiu was a little surprised when he was sure it was her. Although he also went to the company for an internship when he was in college, he was a sophomore at that time. During the first vacation of his freshman year, most children were thinking about playing and knowing how to play. He came out to find an intern in a company to do the right thing, at least he hasn't met him in his circle.

In Fu Mingxiu's circle of young masters and young ladies, there are not many people who are motivated.

Fu Mingxiu just leaned against the door and looked at her.

The part where she was standing just turned her back to him, half in profile, she was talking to the boy next to her in a low voice.

Fu Mingxiu waited, and after about five or six minutes, he began to feel impatient.

He frowned, hugged his arms, pointed his fingertips on his arms, and looked like a leader who came to inspect.

Everyone in the office fell silent, occasionally glancing at him.

Gu Xia finally felt that the atmosphere was wrong and turned around.

The eyes of the two met, Gu Xia looked at him for a few seconds, and then turned his head quietly and nonchalantly.

Fu Mingxiu: "?"

Fu Mingxiu is not particularly satisfied with her attitude. He is the kind of character who never thinks too much about anything. He directly raised his hand and pointed at her: "You."

Gu Xia turned around again.

Fu Mingxiu: "Come here."

Gu Xia: "..."

You are really domineering.

She followed him helplessly, and followed him through the company corridor to the floor-to-ceiling windows. Fu Mingxiu turned his head and looked at her: "What are you doing here?"

Gu Xia glanced at him inexplicably: "I'm an intern."

Fu Mingxiu coughed.

He didn't really mean to ask that.

What does he want to ask?

Fu Mingxiu's mind was a bit stuck. For some reason, his thinking suddenly became stagnant. He couldn't keep up with the rhythm of his mouth. Inexplicable words blurted out: "You didn't see me just now? In the elevator."

"I see." Gu Xia said.

Fu Mingxiu was not particularly satisfied: "Then it's like you haven't seen it yet?"


Gu Xia was a little speechless: "I'm just bored during the winter vacation, come to practice to learn something, and earn some pocket money by the way, not to recognize relatives, I'm an intern, aren't you the boss, how can I talk to you? "

To explain briefly, I just want to come for an internship, and I don't want to engage in those who are close friends. You'd better pretend that you don't know me.

Fu Mingxiu was stunned for a while, he really didn't expect this.

Gu Xia didn't expect that the vice president would be the chief executive of this company.

After getting to know each other a few times, Gu Xia felt that Fu Mingxiu was a bit of a two, that is, the two in the literal sense. This kind of stupid and straight personality is really not like that of a rich second-generation family in a big intrigue family. It is more like a That little upstart.

The stupid son of the landlord's family.

So she originally thought that this person might have a small company at home or something, but she didn't expect that he was really a rich second-generation person.

Gu Xia was a little curious as to why he had not been bullied to death with his IQ and personality.

The two stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows. At ten o'clock in the morning, everyone in the company corridor was in a hurry.

Gu Xia waited for a while. Seeing that Fu Mingxiu didn't speak any more, he raised his eyes and said, "Is there anything else the vice president has to do?"

"Yes." Fu Mingxiu said.

Gu Xia waited patiently.

The man didn't have time to put the folder in his hand, so he held it like that, looking a little good, not like a domineering president at all, he looked at her and opened his mouth.

After a long time, he muttered and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry."

Gu Xia was stunned for a while, but did not respond: "Huh?"

Fu Mingxiu's ears turned red, he turned his head away and cleared his throat: "I said before, you look good when you shut up, I didn't—" He coughed, "That's what you mean."

Gu Xia was completely stunned.

In fact, she had already forgotten about it, and it wasn't a big deal at all. She used to joke with male friends or something, and this kind of thing was often said.

And it's been several months, she didn't expect Fu Mingxiu to still think about it all the time.

When he came back to his senses, Fu Mingxiu had already left, and Gu Xia stood in front of the window, recalling his expression just now.

With a very unnatural expression, his ears were flushed, and his face was like "Fuck me, I'll give it up today", apologizing as if it was killing him.

Gu Xia burst out laughing out loud, thinking it's interesting that a domineering president can be so innocent-

After that day, Fu Mingxiu never spoke to Gu Xia again.

He understood the meaning of Gu Xia's words. The two occasionally met in the company, and Fu Mingxiu didn't see it at all.

Although Lin Yujing ridiculed Fu Mingxiu and kept saying that it was Mr. Fu or something, he actually started as a grassroots employee, got used to it a little bit, and worked his way up. Also on the same floor as the department staff.

Gu Xia's office is also on the same floor as him. The boy who talked to her before was probably an intern in the same department as her. As long as Fu Mingxiu saw Gu Xia, she would definitely be with the man next to her.

After all, the two entered the company for an internship together, and the work departments were also divided together. It was normal to make friends. It was understandable for Fu Mingxiu to have a meal together, chat for a day, and have afternoon tea.

understand shit.

Men look at men, and sometimes, some intentions are actually obvious.

Although Fu Mingxiu has a low EQ, he is not a fool. Every day this boy looks at Gu Xia, the pink bubbles in his eyes are about to float out.

Fu Mingxiu thinks what is this called, is it taking advantage of work to openly chase the little girl?

This behavior is the most disgusting.

Fu Mingxiu was someone who couldn't help but endured it for two weeks. One day, he finally saw Gu Xia come out of the tea room alone and stopped him.

Gu Xia was holding a cup of coffee in her hand, and the mellow aroma was overflowing in the tea room.

She looked around and made sure no one noticed, so she said, "What's the matter, Vice President?"

Fu Mingxiu felt a little unhappy seeing her distance from him, although he couldn't tell exactly why he was unhappy, he sneered, closed the door of the tea room, and looked at her with a stern face: "There is no company in the company. Let the office romance, do you know?"

Gu Xia: "..."

Is Lin Yu shocked?

Your brother doesn't know what the wind is, and he fell ill again.

Gu Xia looked at him respectfully: "Vice President, I'm not talking about an office romance."

The girl called Mr. Fu crisply and crisply, and Fu Mingxiu was upset when he heard it: "Can you not call me Mr. Fu?"

Gu Xia didn't know why: "Lin Yujing called you that."

"Lin Yu was surprised, did you eat it too?"


Gu Xia heard it, this person was really in a bad mood.

Gu Xia didn't have time to chat with the domineering president here, so he nodded and followed him: "If you don't eat, then please let me go. I still have a lot of work to do. If I can't finish it, I have to work overtime."

Fu Mingxiu leaned against the door as if he didn't hear it and didn't move: "Don't do it."

Gu Xia blinked: "What?"

"You like to work so much, change the department and be my secretary," Fu Mingxiu said. "What does a department want two interns to do? One is still too busy? The work efficiency of the two of you getting together and whispering every day can make a difference. Improve? You have to stick with him?"

He didn't stop when he said this, Gu Xia was stunned.

She reacted for a long time.

She is not the kind of person who has never been in love before and reacts very slowly. Gu Xia thinks that she can be regarded as half a love expert. She has been in love since kindergarten. The handsome little boy's face made people cry.

Fu Mingxiu's very obvious reaction made her dazed for a while.

She originally thought that Fu Mingxiu liked Lin Yujing, but after observing for a while, she even mentioned it to Lin Yujing euphemistically, and found out that it was not.

Fu Mingxiu is simply mentally retarded.

Now it seems that this person is not mentally retarded, he is really very special and pure.

This kind of arrogant and duplicitous reaction is not like this for elementary school students. When elementary school students are in love now, boys are all crying: "Do you love me or love him!!"

Straightforward and direct, how nice.

But Fu Mingxiu didn't, he was holding it like a second idiot. He couldn't hold it anymore, so he stopped her and told her not to fall in love in the office.

I guess I don't even know why I care so much.

Gu Xia couldn't hold back, and immediately laughed.

The more she laughed, the more angry Fu Mingxiu became. He didn't say anything, just stared at her like that.

The little girl wore a lotus root pink today, which made her little face even whiter. Her smile was bright and moving, like a bunch of lotus flowers in buds in a pond. Her lips were full, and even the arc of laughter was touching.

Staring, Fu Mingxiu blushed again.

He looked away awkwardly.

Gu Xia held back a smile, looked at him seriously and said, "Vice President, don't worry, I will definitely not engage in an office romance."

Fu Mingxiu didn't speak, and felt a sense of relief inexplicably.

Gu Xia continued: "Anyway, we are both interns, and we will only do it for half a month at most. He is in N University, and it is quite close to our school, only a few subway stops away."

Fu Mingxiu paused.

Gu Xia added: "I'm not in a hurry, and it will definitely not affect the work. Even if it is an internship, we must be worthy of the internship salary you give us, right?"

Fu Mingxiu's expression was gloomy and tense, he turned around and opened the door and left-

The relationship between Gu Xia and the boy is getting better day by day, and the pressure of President Fu is getting lower day by day. Everyone in the company has noticed it, even Guan Xiangmei. He specially called him upstairs that day to ask questions: "I heard you Recently, my temper is getting worse and worse? What's the matter, what troubles have you encountered?"

"No." Fu Mingxiu said quietly.

Guan Xiangmei didn't dare to ask any more questions. Since she remarried, she and Fu Mingxiu had been separated by a wall.

Fu Mingxiu was really a little confused.

That's how it was originally. At first, she was thinking about him because she was so fierce. Later, because she thought about where she had seen her, and later, because she felt that she should apologize to the girl.

Inexplicably, I have been thinking about it for several months, and now I have apologized, and the words have made it clear, and the girl didn't blame him, can this matter be over?

Fu Mingxiu didn't know why he felt a little troubled.

It's like being addicted to thinking about it.

Including Gu Xia's internship, throughout the winter vacation, Fu Mingxiu felt like a pervert. Wherever the girl went, he couldn't help but pay attention to it. He started to run in the company just like he kept running for A. Create encounters.

It's just that every time she encounters someone around her, she smiles and speaks with a funny personality, and she fascinates the little boys around her.

Occasionally, Fu Mingxiu also heard a girl discussing that the new intern was quite handsome.

A young male college student, with little fresh meat and youthful breath, is different from these old cucumbers in the company, slender and beautiful.

Fu Mingxiu thought that these people were blind.

Where is this handsome?

Isn't it just whiter skin and bigger eyes?

He was as thin as a hemp, and he was afraid of breaking his bones when he squeezed an elevator in the morning peak, so he was a sissy.

She...likes that too?

Fu Mingxiu felt very incomprehensible.

Seeing that the winter vacation was over, and Gu Xia's internship period was almost over, Fu Mingxiu found that she was worthy of Lin Yujing's good friend, good at handling all kinds of interpersonal relationships, in just one month, from the department head to the company cleaning, No one disliked her.

Including young male college students.

When she came to the company on the last day, the male college student finally couldn't bear it anymore. The two sat in the rest area, and the male college student called her: "That, Gu Xia..."

"Huh?" Gu Xia responded.

"Nothing, I just wanted to ask you..."

Gu Xia smiled: "You ask."

"I want to ask, do you have any," the male college student looked at her and hesitated, "That's right, you see, we've been together for so long, I want to ask you..."

The boy lowered his voice, moved his head closer, Gu Xia also moved closer, the two were very close, and the male college student whispered, "It's the one I asked you about earlier, the phone number of that teacher in your department, aren't you two? A club, did he agree?"

Male college students don't like female college students anymore, they also like male college students.

This is how the friendship between Gu Xia and this colleague was established. When I heard that she was from A University, the boys’ eyes lit up. It is said that they fell in love at first sight with a certain computer department teacher in a certain debate competition. Dare to ask for contact information, but later regretted it, so I asked her to help me ask for a WeChat or mobile phone number.

Gu Xia of course agreed to help him ask questions. She was about to speak when someone grabbed her wrist and pulled her up.

This man was so strong that it hurt when he pinched her wrist. Gu Xia almost didn't cry out. He was dragged and staggered forward, and he went around two floors of stairs to the roof of the company to rest. Fu Mingxiu let go of her.

Gu Xia got angry and glared at him with a flick of his wrist: "Are you sick?"

Fu Mingxiu said with a sullen face: "What did he say to you?"

"None of your business." She said angrily.

Fu Mingxiu was on fire: "Do you think you can talk to me casually on the last day of today?"


"Like him like that?"

"Like it."

"Do you think he is handsome?"

She didn't even bother to look at him: "I think he's dead handsome."

"What about me?" Fu Mingxiu asked.

"You—" Gu Xia was about to speak, but he reacted, paused, and raised his head.

Fu Mingxiu pursed his lips, his face was full of irritability and irritability, his ears were flushed, and after holding it for a long time, he asked again, "Who do you think is more handsome between me and him?"

Gu Xia blinked and said slowly, "Vice President, does this mean the same thing as I like you?"

Fu Mingxiu looked like a cannonball that had been ignited, it exploded with a bang, and the whole person almost jumped up. This time, not only his ears, but his forehead became red.

He glared at her and said angrily, "Who said he likes you?"

"No one," Gu Xia nodded and turned to leave. "Then I will continue to accept the confession. It's so cold outside, Vice President, stay by yourself."

She took two steps forward, but the people behind her were silent.

She slowed down and took two more steps.

The sound of footsteps came from behind, Gu Xia smiled with her head lowered, and the next second, Fu Mingxiu pulled her by the arm and pulled the person over again. This time, he used two hands, holding her two wrists tightly, preventing her from moving. .

Gu Xia lowered her head and glanced at the postures of the two of them, feeling a little amused: "Dancing between the doll and the bear?"

Fu Mingxiu ignored her teasing and looked at her with a blushing face, his voice a little hoarse: "I..."

"You." Gu Xia was in a hurry.


Gu Xia raised the corners of her lips. The rooftop was cold in winter, and the tip of her nose was a little red. She was a little more naive and cute than her usual royal sister: "What about you?"

Fu Mingxiu scolded her in a low voice, turned his head down, and then as if he was going out of his way, he pulled her forward with both hands and kissed her with his head down.

Gu Xia was completely stunned, this stupid big mouth is so stupid, is he a **** actionist? ?

Their kissing position was quite awkward. Fu Mingxiu held both of her hands tightly, his palms were all sweaty, and the scorching heat wrapped her around her, which completely dissipated the cold air.

The rooftop was empty, the leaves fell on the cork platform, and the cold wind blew through. The dark green canopy surface of the bulging lounge area made a slight sound, but there was no sound at all.

After a long time, the girl's gasping and smiling voice came from the corner: "Vice President, move your tongue."


"Hey, it's not so moving, your kissing skills are so poor."


"Vice President, you won't be kissing for the first time, right? How old are you?"

"……Shut up."

The author has something to say: Fu Mingxiu finished writing the bird, this may be the most innocent son I have ever written...

In the next chapter, I will write a short story about Whale Girl and Tired Treasure.