Death Inquisitor

Chapter 1285: toothpick

The person who shot the gun spit out two words coldly: "Do something!"

Soon the five big men dispersed, and then slowly disappeared in front of them.

He Li burst into tears as if she had encountered something terrible. In fact, her appearance can already be regarded as tragic. Not to mention how many blisters there are, the gunshot wound on this leg alone is not enough for a woman.

Wang Daliang and Jiang Fan saw that they disappeared, and then they were relieved. The five people didn’t look like they would save their lives. If they weren’t in a hurry, they might just be on the subway now. The next three corpses.

Wang Daliang said: "We have to go down quickly. This subway is really too unsafe. I suspect that this subway is specially selected for us by death judges. Otherwise, there will be so many of them on the subway. Things come."

Jiang Fan nodded his head as he thought: "We have to get down from here as quickly as possible, but we don't know how long it will take to reach the next stop."

He Li cried while wrapping up the wound on her leg. The pain made her voice a little louder, and Jiang Fan was so confused that she couldn’t help but yelled at her: “You can’t close your mouth, cry, cry, cry, what time is this, when are you, Feel the use of crying!"

With such a roar by Jiang Fan, He Li can only grievously stop her tears. The woman feels that she is in a weak position most of the time in front of the man.

"It's true to say that." Wang Dayang continued: "But we don't know when the subway will stop. This is all in the arrangement of the death judge. If we haven't suffered enough, he will not Let's go down here."

"Jumping is tantamount to death... what should I do?" Jiang Fan seemed to be asking the other two people, and he seemed to be talking to himself, unable to hear what kind of tone he was.

They hadn't figured it out yet. A man who looked younger than them didn't know what was in his hand and ran towards them.

"You bastards! I want you to die! I want you to die!"

"Be careful! Avoid!" Wang Daliang reminded subconsciously: "The bottle is filled with sulfuric acid!" This is also thanks to the fact that he used this thing to scare people and even splashed on other people's faces. This is how familiar this thing is.

Hearing the word sulfuric acid, even He Li couldn't care about the pain in her leg. She stood up on one foot and pulled on one foot with a ring.

Fortunately, the person closest to sulfuric acid is not her, but Jiang Fan. Even though he was running at full strength, he still had no time to avoid sulfuric acid.

When the sulfuric acid in the bottle pounced on him, he could only hold his head to prevent his head without a hair from being splashed by sulfuric acid.

It is a pity that he only came to block his head, but his back, neck, and back of his hands were all covered with sulfuric acid. His skin was corroded by this, and the pain made him scream.

There were only three of them left in the workshop. Jiang Fan's scream was even louder than He Li's just now. He fell directly to the ground, the flesh on his back melted little by little, and blood ran out of the wound.

At this moment, how ugly he looks, almost he is almost gone. Except for the pants, he didn't wear any other clothes anymore. The body was covered with small blisters. Now, with the injury caused by the sulfuric acid on the back, people look sick.

Wang Daliang watched him become like this, took two steps back, don't go too far, don't want to see Jiang Fan's miserable appearance. This is also considered a tragic death of the rabbit, and now the three of them are grasshoppers on a rope, and no one can be better than the other.

Wang Daliang hadn't responded yet. Suddenly he felt a tingling sensation in his lower back. When he looked back, he only saw a greasy smile, and the figure disappeared completely.

Wang Dayang looked down and put a small dagger on his waist. He gritted his teeth and pulled it out. The dagger was not long, so he didn't hurt his internal organs, but even just that, the blood could not stop flowing.

This dagger has small bleeding channels, and it is precisely because of these bleeding channels that Wang Wang's wounds are not large, but there is a lot of blood.

Wang Daliang's body was really only pants, and the other two had no extra cloth to wrap him up. In desperation, he had to show his ugly things to everyone's eyes.

"Haha, I didn't take it seriously before, but now I realize that it's really small."

"One toothpick, the identification is complete!"

"It's disgusting, he was naked, I... I don't even want to watch it."

"Are you a sister upstairs? Calmly, that's just a black toothpick. Your mind should be pure, don't think about it in a crooked place."


After Wang Daliang also bandaged his wounds, the subway finally stopped. Although they don’t know exactly where they were at the station, they rushed out as quickly as possible when the subway opened.

Of course, their so-called fastest speed is almost the same as ordinary people, and the injuries on these three people have tortured them crazy.

No matter what the action is, the pain will always accompany them.

Watching the subway continue to chase to the next station, the three of them almost stood naked and crumbling.

Wang Daliang glanced up, and the site here is coincidentally, exactly where they need to go.

"This is the station. Let's go up. There is a large freezer next to the subway exit. Where is the place used to freeze seafood, it will definitely be there!"

Wang Daliang's words are very certain, but in fact, he does not have any bottom in his heart. The reason why he said this is only because he wants to provide himself with some confidence in this way.

In fact, whether there will be that freezer, only luck. They also want to stay in this subway station, but now the temperature inside you has become very amazing! They are almost dehydrated...

Jiang Fan said: "Let... let's go..." Because of the pain, his body was still trembling and shaking involuntarily at this moment, almost fainting, but he knew clearly that if he was in a coma, these two people would definitely not take it I am still dragged down by this drag. ..

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