Death Inquisitor

Chapter 738: Yin Yang Yang Yang

Of course, among these dull people, the mood is the most complicated, and the one who wants to cry the most is Hu Zeheng.

What is it that he has surrounded the people inside.

Isn't it good enough?

And he originally wanted to secretly see if he could kill a few people.

Maybe you can get a few weapons.

As a result, the death judge now shouted, the guys on the opposite side must have been prepared.

Hu Zeheng has almost thoughts about finding a dog that is not suitable for children.

This is too pitted.

"The boss of the magistrate, the master of the magistrate, the **** of the magistrate! Can I run? This is simply to die." Hu Zeheng shouted looking at the sky without tears.

However, no voice responded to him.

Only the gloomy woods give infinite terror.

In the live room, the audience was amused by his words directly.

However, Hu Zeheng sighed.

Can only continue to walk towards the valley far away.

From him, it was possible to see the valley through the cracks in the trees.

In the valley, the patrol tigers and others have been waiting in line.

Human hands were ambushed in various hidden corners, and the muzzle of a black hole was aimed at the middle open space and the mouth of the valley.

Beside the gunmen, there are also companions holding wooden sticks or machetes.

This is because not everyone in the Patrol Tiger smuggling group has a gun.

As I said before, they only have dozens of guns, so the rest of them can only use cold weapons.

This will, in addition to the basic breathing sounds, there are those sounds made by smuggled animals.

The whole valley is quiet, and people can't help but accelerate their heartbeat. Because the quieter it is, the more nervous the Ranger and his men are.

"Brother Tiger, when do you say that the kid will come, if he comes at night, shall we wait until night?" Pioneer Leopard whispered.

That is the leopard brother in the mouth of the little boss.

Speaking of which, the nicknames of the middle- and high-level patrol group are quite interesting.

For example, in addition to this pioneer leopard, the wolf brother is called the guard mountain wolf, and the brother eagle is called the flying eagle.

All of them are full of S2 in the martial arts novels, but they feel that this nickname is very domineering.

"My mother, how do I know when the boy will come." A cold sweat appeared on the patrol tiger's face.

He really hasn't considered this issue.

"Brother Tiger, Brother Tiger! Look, there seems to be someone over there!" Fei Tianying whispered the patrol tiger, and then pointed to Taniguchi.

The Mountain Tiger squinted, as if... there really is a guy who probes his brain.

"Goodong..." Hu Zeheng swallowed. The man at the mouth of the valley was none other than him.

It's just that he is a little puzzled now. Why is there no movement at all in such a big valley?

And there was no one on guard around, it was so strange.

Going to see the valley, but worried about ambush.

By the time Gugukou wrote, he just wanted to escape and had nowhere to escape.

"No, I have to go back and think about the plan first. I can't be so rash." In the end, Hu Zeheng, who feared that he had the upper hand, decided to retreat first.

Without the inhuman power granted by the death judge, he was seriously lacking in confidence.

"Mad, it must be the kid, he's going to run!" The patrol tiger's voice suddenly grew louder: "Don't hide it anymore, the kid is going to run, all chase me!"

Seeing that there was only one person in the other party did not seem to be very patient, and the courage of the four high-level leaders suddenly grew.

This must be chased, otherwise as Pioneer Leopard said, if the other party comes back at night, will they have to wait until night?

A group of little babies ran out of their hiding place.

What is the situation today, and why does it always feel so weird? They didn't even see the enemy, where are they going?

Fortunately, they are just a little bit myself, when they don't understand, just follow the boss.

A group of people rushed out of the valley.

Hu Zeheng didn't know that he had led the ambushes in the valley out of the wrong.

This would run under a big tree, looking up and looking up, with a bit of tangle on his face.

Do you use branches to make weapons, or find a stone to make weapons? The former has a longer attack distance, but the latter is more aggressive.


However, before he wanted to understand, a gunshot suddenly sounded behind him.

At the same time a bullet hole appeared on the big tree in front of him.

Hu Zeheng shivered, and his pupils shrank!

Then he hurriedly turned around and saw that in the gap between the trees behind him, hundreds of people were chasing them.

These people either hold pistols, rifles, or chopper sticks.

But they all looked very fierce.

And there is no doubt that this is for him!

"To die, to die, help, kill!" Hu Zeheng moved like a rabbit, and burrowed into the bushes and shrubs in front of him.

The vines were turned to the sides by him, running one foot high and one foot shallow.

Loud shouting. Of course, he knew that no one would come to rescue him in such a place, but he didn’t know why, Hu Zeheng felt that it would be particularly sensational to say a few words, and his body would be more powerful.

"Poof! Actually scared away! Lying trough, rushing up to do it, what to run!"

"Yeah, isn't it a group of smugglers, Hu Zeheng, you are hanging like this, go up and do them."

Some viewers gloried in the live room.

Seeing that Hu Zeheng, who was hung up in the previous live broadcasts, suddenly counseled, they felt very interesting.

"Grandma, it was such a coward! It was looked down upon by the death judge!" Xun Shanhu's face looked ugly.

Before he lost money, he ambushed the staff carefully and waited for it. As a result, the one named Hu Zeheng was actually arrogant, and there is something more painful than this.

"Hush! Brother Tiger, be cautious! You can't talk nonsense, anyway, it's not harmful to us anyway, if it annoys the death judge to make it more difficult for us, it's not fun." Shou Shan Lang said slightly changed his face.

Just like his nickname, the guarding wolf's character is also more cautious, conservative and not radical.

This will hear the boss's mouth open, naturally frightened. ..

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