Death is the Beginning

v11 Chapter 7: Desert ... Babylon (Part 1)

Novi Tyrone's operation went smoothly. To be precise, the killing went smoothly. Since this way, he has been talking to more than a thousand ethnic people. This group of people has gathered people from various European countries, regions, and cities. They are The very few survivors in this mountainous area, according to them, most of their settlements have been slaughtered from the beginning, and most of the remaining talents have been captured alive. So in total, the whole mountainous area might have been There are about 15,000 to 20,000 people, but now there are only a few hundred or hundreds of them.

From the words of these people, Novi Tyrone also knew about many changes in this year and a half, such as a sudden earthquake after the ghost disaster, and then the appearance of the ancient hundreds. And human beings have lost cities, lost heat weapons, and lost troops. After losing order and civilization, human beings suddenly encountered the aliens at this most vulnerable time. Therefore, human beings really have no power to fight back against these powerful aliens.

On the other hand, Novi Tyrone also knows that the human soul has never appeared, not only the former soul, but since the cataclysm, for unknown reasons, the human physical quality has continued to strengthen, but the same Yes, after the death of the human body, the soul body can no longer appear. According to Novi Tyrone, the human body and the soul body have begun to merge. Unless the soul body is abnormally tough and solidified, it is really impossible for humans to die now. A soul body is created.

These were all information that Novi Tyrone didn't know at present. In addition, he kept talking to the elf mage, hoping to learn more from her about the ancient hundred people.

"The eight strong clan, as well as the giant clan known as the ancestor, the heaven clan, the elf clan ... By the way, the sky clan you describe is not the so-called dragon clan !?" Novy Tyrone asked as he walked.

A strange expression suddenly appeared on the face of the elf mage. After a long time, she murmured: "Why ... why do you know the ancient name of the" Dragon "?"

Novi Tyrone is also very strange, he continued to ask: "Ancient? But there are dragons in our human legend. Whether we are in the West or the East, they all have appearances ... At least dragons with similar skulls exist Why do you say it is very old? According to you, when we humans appeared, it was just a period of quaternary civilization. Such a period is not very ancient for you, the ancient people, right? "

The elven female mage still had doubts on her face, and she didn't hesitate, she said directly: "Because the predecessor of the Heavens is called the Dragons, it is also a super strong race that has existed since the First Age civilization. Giants are much more powerful, but during the Second Civilization period, the battle with the Immortals of the Second Age for the protagonist civilization failed, and they were slaughtered by the Immortals to the point of extinction, so at that time, the purest The ancient dragons are separated from the hybrid dragons. The hybrid dragons have become the new celestial clan, and the ancient dragons are almost completely destroyed. At least as far as our elves' historical documents are concerned, there are no ancient pure dragons. The hybrid dragons have already Instead of calling yourself a 'dragon', but just calling yourself a Celestial Clan, this was a bit of a pant under the sword of the Xianxia clan, but why do you know the term 'Dragon'?

Oh? Still have such ancient secrets? Novy Tyrone thought for a while. It seems that there have been legends about dragons since thousands of years of ancient human beings. But when it comes to seeing the real appearance of dragons, there doesn't seem to be any real records. , But now it is told that there is a real dragon, and it is still in the ancient times before human beings. Such a thing ... How could human beings still have relevant memory preservation?

"For the time being, there may be some insider information. I want to ask you something else now ... Do you have a very weak race among the ancient hundreds? For example, those goblins I saw before. As far as civilization is concerned, we are even better than our human beings who have lost the city. But are n’t your ancient hundreds allowed to survive differently? They have n’t completely killed them, so why are we just targeting us as humans? Just because we are Is the protagonist of the fifth century civilization? "Novi Tyrone asked again.

The elf female mage became serious, and at this moment she temporarily gave up her fear, even when she said, "Because you humans and our ancient a hundred peoples are enemies who do not share the same sky! At the end of the Fourth Age and the beginning of the Fifth Age, In order to seize the protagonist civilization status of the fifth era, your people will use the power you have received from the Three-eyed Protoss, and the great power that has not been completely lost, to wipe out the opportunities for the cultivation and restoration of life that our ancient hundred people had hardly obtained Gone, let us the ancient Hundreds now have the smallest population. This is what you humans do! Therefore, we ancient Hundreds will join hands to clean up all humans in the world. "

is it? Sure enough, such a cruel act really needs to find a reason ...

Novi Tyrone's expression was a little mocking. Some self-deprecating, but he did not think that this generation of human beings should pay for ancient things, not to mention, the race between races has only pure interests, what emotions are there, in order to capture the situation that there is only one race in an era, When ancient human beings possessed great power, they would naturally do everything possible to attack these ancient people. Otherwise, once human power has fallen in the future without developing sufficient scientific and technological strength, the status of humanity will be as miserable as the current goblins. This has nothing to do with good and evil. This is what ancient humans deserve. If they do n’t, then they are really not qualified to be human ancestors.

However, Novi Tyrone knows a few things again. The ancient humans seem to have terrifying strength. Actually, the ancient hundreds, including the eight strong, and the three great starters, were too scared to go out. If there is a holy land and a land without land, that is, a stable fantasy land, maybe they have been packaged by ancient humans. What are those ancient humans? The soul?

Speaking of it, the ancient mythology of mankind. Both the East and the West, and even the black tribes, have super powerful legendary memories of ancient humans, such as the Western Age about the Golden Age, the Silver Age, those humans that are enough to rival demigods, even gods, and humans who are called heroes. ...

(This is important information, but I do n’t know what kind of power those humans use. Are they also souls? The rank of the demon king? These things have arrived in Asia. However, it is necessary to talk with Gong Yeyu carefully, which seems to be What a big inside story.)

Along the way, I kept asking about Novi Tyrone and spent all the way through the slaughter. On this way, he didn't know how many aliens were killed. Except for the goblins, the flower monsters, this kind of or It ca n’t threaten human beings, so it ’s basically not a human-eating alien, or one that is truly indisputable. As long as the other aliens are stained with human blood on their hands, he will be as hard to kill as possible. .

Just kidding, the true heart of the true devil is not a joke. Would the killing make him lose his heart? Especially the true demon veterans like him, after their heart is broken, they suddenly recover miraculously, and there is no other thing that can affect it.

In this way, when Novi Tyrone led a large group of humans to the mountain where he was sleeping before, the entire team had reached more than 20,000 people, but Novi Tyrone was not worried. At first they When leaving from the Western European Soul Army Base, a large soul battleship was pulled in the deepest place, not a small spaceship comparable, almost equivalent to an aircraft carrier. Although the 20,000 people were crowded, it was good enough. .

What really worries him is the food problem. More than 20,000 people, to be precise, more than 22,000 people. The daily consumption of food and drinking water is not a small number, and at least 17,000 of them. Thousands of people were rescued from aliens, and there was no food at all. As for the remaining 5,000 people, they were almost hungry and full, which made him find such a large amount of food from where How about it?

Moreover, this large soul battleship is indeed large enough, but its speed is much slower than that of the small soul ship, and it is almost slower than the speed of the aircraft. From Northern Europe to Asia, let alone say that at least forty-eight hours is required. Moreover, after arriving in Asia, he also needs to find the location of the city formed by Gong Yeyu. In this case, food must be prepared for at least five days, drinking water It takes at least two days. After all, the water source is relatively easy to find. The warship can hover and land at any time in the sky ~ ~ This is much more convenient than an airplane.

In the end, Novi Tyrone convened some of the elderly and locals in the fever group, and gathered for another afternoon to finally decide to go to a small town in the south, where there is a logistics center, although The scale is not large, but there should be no shortage of food buried in the ground. The food consumption of 20,000 people is really nothing to the former human society.

So again, Novi Tyrone and thousands of young men who were not sick and injured went to the town to dig the ruins and clear the aliens nearby, so it took almost ten days, plus the time when they arrived The destination, plus the time to find a warship after finding food, has taken almost a month.

At the moment, the family of the elven female mage has found a large number of allies in the elven house, as well as the appearance of the ancestor of the Holy Spirit, plus the contempt of the elven human beings, etc. It was decided to send a flying squadron in advance.

This is the trump card of the elven army that will really be sent out during the racial warfare one hundred years after the ancient hundred ...

Fifty horned beasts, plus its flying legion of fifty high-level mages and fifty high-level marksmen ... (!)